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Everything posted by CJ1045

  1. I see one of the folders updated is Cockpit Instruments CJ4 - that mod is going to be effected. CJ
  2. Not much in the release notes. Sadly they do not say the 787 has now been made perfect. CJ
  3. Downloading now 600meg from the store - will see what size the game wants in a few mins
  4. I will upload a video in the next 24 hours of what I am doing - after the patch drops, maybe delayed a little if it breaks the Flybywire mod again. I will fly Madrid to Malaga as I know Malaga is fine for landing as I just landed there yesterday and can record the whole flight. I will upload to Youtube. CJ
  5. I use exclusively the Flybywire A320 and have not hit LOC once. I autopilot the plane the whole flight except takeoff. I have FD on all the time. I turn on IL about 30nm out. I am normally on 2nd level flaps before turning onto approach with the gear down and autobrake medium. Auto throttle on and Speed on auto. I then turn on Approach mode. I am usually at fixed altitude of about 3000ft and when the plane intercepts the glide scope the plane automatically flies down the glide slope and lands either itself or I land it from about 150ft. CJ
  6. Personally I am hitting refresh on my MS Store check for updates button quite often! CJ
  7. I am finding that there may be a problem with some airports. I tried landing at Edinburgh and was drifting to the left even though I had the correct wind conditions, pretty light anyway, in the approach computer. I find I have perfect landings a Malaga, Heathrow and Orlando. Madeira was also dodgy with a skewed approach.
  8. Thanks for the reminder on the Community Folder. Suspect the update will make all planes study level so we won't need Flybywire etc after the update. CJ
  9. Really guys.. how many of you use a yoke with aircraft that have joysticks? A320 for instance. CJ
  10. Unless your peripheral has an Xbox security chip inside then it won't work on any Xbox. Any addon that is released via the Marketplace will work on Xbox. Xbox Series X has far more horsepower than my current PC that I am running on High Graphic setting and it runs beautifully. I detect an undercurrent of resentment/jealousy on this forum that you will be able to pay £449 for a console that will run MSFS 2020 just as well and possibly better than their very expensive PC. There will be a lot of people that buy the Xbox Series X just for MSFS.
  11. No moving quickly like Flybywire though
  12. Sim Rate Bandit simply uses the in game sim speed increase but makes it better. Firstly at each change of sim rate it speaks to tell you what it has done, e.g 'sim rate 2'. This is very handy as there is no way of knowing in the base sim what the current sim rate is once you have changed it, you have to count key presses. Secondly it tops out at sim rate 4. If you manually try more than this you will find the plane will go into altitude oscillation. Thirdly it slows down the sim rate to real time to pass through waypoints to ensure they are processed correctly by the autopilot. I have been one of the ones that reported that the travel to feature is bugged. Not only are most of the planes controls in the wrong position when it reappears but also the plane will continue to behave incorrectly once you stabalise them,e.g. Ignore waypoints, ignore ils, porpoise down glide path if it does pick up ils
  13. I have the exact same hotas 4 and it works fine. Only thing I did extra was to set it to 7\8 axis in the Thrustmaster app rather than 5\6 as this then split the rudder from the trim controls. But that would not effect your lack of throttle control.
  14. Yep it is is - just export the simbrief flight plan in MSFS2020 format. It is one of the options in Simbrief
  15. It happens everywhere. I just turn off ATC voice and only use them for final approach QNH and Wind Direction/Speed which I feed in to the PERF page on final appraoch. I follow the flight plan for altitudes and turn on the constraint view (in purple) on the display. One major fix outstanding on the ATC. CJ
  16. No, the items on the dev update list are assigned to the update specified on the list. So AP is for update 9 in your example. What I am saying is that Asobo will have there own list of items that they assign to specific updates as well as the ones that users have voted for.An example in the last update was Daher TBM 930: fixed fuel tank incorrect tooltip which I don't think was user raised or at least did not become a voted for item. Asobo was aware of this problem and fixed it outside of tbe upvote process. So there are two streams of fixes and Asobo merge the two into one rollout schedule but they have not published this list. Perhaps one reason is that the internal list will include confidential stuff e.g. Helicopter dlc pack
  17. So Asobo have taken the list of upvoted requests and in some cases have assigned them to a patch that they are going to release in the future - this is the list shown in the devlopment update. However, Asobo also have a whole series of fixes/updates that they themselves have been working on that do not match one for one with a user voted request. Therefore, there are a load of other items that will be going into each patch that are not on the user voted list. If you look at the release notes for the last pitch you can see this. CJ
  18. I would try the two start buttons instead. Sorry, just had to type this.
  19. Think people have misinterpreted the list in the Development update big time. That is not the patch list it is just the list of voted on requests. Suggest waiting for the pztch notes before moaning.
  20. Looks awful. Seems like a bad Google import of a limited number of tower blocks.
  21. I have found that the 'Travel To' to a later flight segment function on the toolbar e.g. Cruise, Descent, Approach etc really messes up the waypoints and autopilot system. I was able to test and retest this several times using the Schipol to London route. If I flew the whole route either in real time or using the change sim speed feature then the whole flight would work perfectly and the plane would use ILS and fly down the glide scope perfectly. If on the same flight plan I 'Travel to' the Descent phase then the plane would sort of pick up the ILS but start overcorrecting as it came down the glide scope - >3000 ft descent speed, fly past the purple triangle level and then >3000ft ascent speed. I also had similar issues flying to Entebbe where the plane would ignore half the waypoints and fly straight to the one just before landing. When I change to not using 'Travel to' then all operated absoloutely perfectly, This was using the A320 Flybywire. 'Travel To' also had the nasty feature of setting the plane in a mode way out of line with what it would be in at the point you had 'Travel To' in the flight. e.g. 'Travel To' Descent and the plane is at about 1/3 throttle not in autopilot, auto throttle off, flying at 170 but with the altitude knob at 5000ft. So it was normally a mad dash to get the plane stable at 170 before continuing the descent. This element did not seem to effect the complete mess it made of final approach. I tried both ways of speeding up the flight a few times and the 'Travel To' option always messed up the subsequent phases and the 'Increase sim speed; temporarily always worked perfectly. My advice is to keep away from 'Travel To'. CJ
  22. Travel To it is called in English version, just checked. The icon looks like a fat exclamation mark on the menu bar - possibly supposed to be a Waypoint marker. CJ
  23. It is not just prediction based weather but also weather station reports. Not seen any evidence for it being wrong since the weather fix went in the last release. Even then the UK/Europe seemed fine. It certainly gets UK weather spot on consistently.
  24. What is your benchmark for this that you believe correct and Asobo weather wrong?
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