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Everything posted by Vitold69

  1. Did my last flight as a passenger on 154 in the beginning of 2000's hopefully.
  2. Get this error in proportion 20 to 1. Don't bother at all. Just hit OK.
  3. The easiest way to transfer MSFS (Store) to a new bigger SSD for me is clone disk with program like EasyUS Partition Master. Then change disk letter and that's it.
  4. Cruse winds can be loaded on FMC LEG page. For descent it's a DES -> Forecast page. How to load climb winds??
  5. But it's a great luck for MS "jump off the palm" programmers.
  6. Looks like it's 78X from Asobo then. Kuro and HS are based on it. I don't think they both can change something so deeply into FMC. Need to check 78X and WT Discord channel.
  7. Did the same flight and back. The actual FL for that route is 280-340. Check on FR24. I had a strange behavior of autoflight though. During VNAV Path descent at altitude around FL180-200 FMC speed abruptly jumped to 141. It's my Vref+5. The same happened on return flight 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. I'm not do lucky. Still losing ATC. Started to hate that Ghost Lady Controller voice. 😀 So it's just matter of time when you guys will lose ATC.
  9. Low visibility bubbles around airports are still there. Looks terrible and unrealistic then you see dozens of them from high altitude. And there is absolutely clear space between them. 👎🏻
  10. Without that fellow Asobo never guess how to change colors to close to reality. Mr. Biology himself worth more than the whole Asobo team.
  11. I believe the most of his city sceneries are for Asian cities aren't they?
  12. Absolutely! And btw FBW had a contract with Asobo/MS for this plane. This means plane as intellectual property fully belongs to Asobo/MS. It's not FBW ..... business anymore. The more Jorg and his gang is trying to hide the real reasons the more it smells fishy. There is one good point though. It means Xbox users will not slow down future projects as many believe here. For what on Earth Xbox users need complex planes? They have to enjoy Reno races. 🤪
  13. Interesting 🤔 In "my Sim" )) ini A310 and FBW A320 are available through content manager. WU and City updates from marketplace yes.
  14. Exactly! I can't understand it too. If you still want to fly it just copy from Official folder and paste in Community one. Name of the folder is "microsoft-aircraft-a320neo"
  15. I have an idea to fly in a window mode to see is there any information submitting online during this circle rotation. I suspect the Sim sends some information to MS and that French-Scandi gang.
  16. Every flight must be boring and uneventful. We are sled dogs. Should be happy arriving at gate in time.
  17. I don't have any stutter during circle rotation. Not a single frame. Not in Fenix nor in PMDG 🤷🏻‍♂️
  18. There is will be one week delay for official SU14 at least beleive me. Have little hope the settings reset bug will be cured. But we all be forced to install this mandatory update. So for the next 2-3 months don't forget to switch off online services each time you leaving the Sim. BTW. Has anybody tried to grab ini A320 from Official folder then revert to stable and put that A320 folder in to Community one?
  19. They never been v1 I believe. Nobody knows their current status. Nobody outside of the Fenix I mean. There is another food for thought. They have taken some processes out of the Sim for better crc protection not to have additional functions Asobo can't provide. Tell me what Fenix can do PMDG 737 can't? The PMDG works inside Sim fully. So it was a risky decision and it's time for payback.
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