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  1. This 2700k CPU are really awesome! I found this about new maximum safe Vcore for everyday use: http://forums.guru3d...ad.php?t=353463 quote: "According to a well known computer hardware retailer, who were also the original source of the previous max safe vcore for sandybridge chips of 1.38v, technical documents from Intel state a max vcore of 1.425v is absolutely safe and the retailer now recommends a max 24/7 vcore of upto 1.45v. However, according to them, this only applies to i7-2600k and i7-2700k chips as they have not upgraded i5-2500k chips from their previous figure of 1.38v max safe vcore voltage." In Word Not Allowed's "Software & Hardware Guide for FSX" the usual accepted numbers are up to 1.4 Vcore on the 2500k/2600k/2700k. So, this is something different about upgraded 2600k and 2700k and it comes from intel. I managed to reach 4.8GHz with Vcore 1.36(looks quite good for me), and today 4.9GHZ with Vcore 1.4. My temps are fine. In my opinion high Vcore for everyday usage is more dangerous for CPU than temperatures, and bearing in mind that every 100MHZ increase in CPU frequency means at least 3fps in FSX for me(and i still need more fps for some addon airports to be at locked 30fps on ground), should i go for more? What is your opinion, advice, experiences about that?
  2. I have a question; how come when i start recording with fraps the frames drop significantly with 1920x1080x32? They also drop with 720 but not as much. The default resolution(i forgot what it was) has no frame drop with fraps. What is it about 720 and 1080 that make fraps want to eat fps? I also tried bandicam and same thing! can't put my finger around it and i searched for an answer and can't figure it out.
  3. Hello, First and formost, I love flight simulation and FSX. I consider it my favorite hobby and even 7 years after this old software came out its still enjoyable today as it was in 2006! I also consider this post to be a cry for help in bettering my sim quality! I appreciate everyone who wants to help and gladly apreciate it if you do. If your a negative person with a poor attitude and plan on giving non-productive advice than do me a favor and please quit reading this and continue what you were doing before you stumbled upon this topic! If you can relate or have had similar issues I would love to hear about those as well! Sorry for the length of this thread but i felt it was the best way to explain what ive tried and what hasn't been done for the reader to better assist in a solution or fix. Im having issues with of course; the main problem with FSX- "Frame Rates" Ive had my system now for about a year and I use it strictly for flight sim so i dont know how it would act towards other software but I can't seem to figure out why it just doesn't like FSX! My main hardware is listed below: CPU: i7 2700k @ 4.5 MOBO: ASUS sabertooth z77 RAM: corsair vengeance 16gb @ 1866 GPU: EVGA GTX 680 PSU: corsair AX1200 COOLER: corsair h100 Also I will note that I am running FSX acceleration on Windows 7 64bit basic home premium and all updates installed and I use nvidia inspector. I have an SSD for FSX itself, an SSD for the OS, and a 1tb WD harddrive for other programs and where I keep the scenery files for FSX. I figured with these components i should be getting fairly good frame rates out of FSX...shouldn't i? but i don't! first i will start by saying that what I consider "good" frame rates is 20-30 at all times. Im getting an average of 10-14 FPS in the captain sim 777 with aerosofts chicago with alot of the sliders to the left with GEX, REX, scenery-tech, accu-feel, and ENB series. Ive configured my ENB to where it has no performance hit and ive tested regular "raw" FSX with no addons except the captain sim 777 and i get around around 18-20 with the default chicago and 24 fps with the PMDG 737. Also im using FRAPS to record and fraps loves to bite off half of the fps with 1080p. So if i wanted to record i would be left with usually 7 to 8 fps to work with! Why it does this I don't know, maybe you do?!? So after countless fresh FSX installations, a couple of OS re-installs, a million new cfgs and tweaks(useless), TONS of trial and error, Money wasted on parts, and sleepless nights ive come to think that maybe I simply have bad luck! Ive pondered buying a 3970x or 3960x processor thinking that one of those would help but after researching i think that would be a waste of a perfectly good $1000 seeing that those processor's only pros over the 2600/2700k is that they have a bigger cache, and more cores(which are useless for fsx). Not too mention I would probley cry after handing over $1000 dollars to intel for a processor that would only give me slightly better performance in the sim. That being said, i didn't spend this much money to keep spending money looking for a solution to one sim. I really love simming and all the addons and i can't even imagine not doing it, but the performance issues really take the excitement out of it and I spend 95% of the time testing and tweaking rather than flying! I don't want to give up FSX even after 7 years but even tell this day there is no way to enjoy the game with my beautiful addons! I test the captain sim 777 at aerosoft chicago like i stated earlier in windowed mode with task manager showing performance and even with affinity mask set at 14 its still running in all cores. Also changing anything in my cfg does not do anything to the sim! I can change any number or setting in my cfg and ill always get the same results except if you change the physical things like resolution or frame rate limit which I keep at 30 by the way! Also, in task manager it shows FSX is using 100% of my cpu, i know its a cpu dependent game so i figure thats normal, but i wonder if anyone doesn't get that with huge addons? I have also tried different downloads of the aircraft and addons to ensure there is not a corrupt installation. When it comes to the overclocking side of things ive tried different clocks and tested each one with NO DIFFERENCE to the sim! Overclocking for me did nothing, maybe 1 or 2 fps at the most, and ive managed to get my processor as high as 5.0! my cpu doesnt seem any faster and there is no way to tell because i get the same scores on benchmarks as i would with the base clock! These scores are usually lower than average too so its frustrating. FSX depends alot on processor speed and even today the 2700k/2600k get the best overclock over anything and the best temps for that overclock so when it comes to buying a new processor there really isn't anything significantly better thats worth the money! So what im thinking is...Is it possible since ive seen other users get great performance with this processor and the 2600k could maybe mine be a lemon? The 2600k/2700k are the first processors that pop up when you think FSX so why am i not getting exceptional performance like ive seen in other users? I would like to know would it be worth maybe buying a new 2600k or 2700k to see if the performance is different with another one or could there just be a bottleneck in my system somewhere preventing my processor of using all of its potential? I am desperate now and I can't see putting the sim away even after 7 years but this is a frustrating problem not worth investing tons of money and time in to achieve the same results! You can't tell me ALL of these users who have these nice lifelike youtube videos with no stutters and no lag and maxed out settings really get only 10-15 fps in this aircraft and have FANTASTIC video editing skills!! Is there anyway of knowing if my processor is bogging down? Also just a thought but ive noticed alot of people still use the outdated i7 920 and see great fsx results with that even though the highest speed you can achieve with one of those is 4.2, and thats only with the most special cherry picked 920s in the batch! I wonder what the population's thoughts are on these processors even today? I've also been curious about Haswell. Ive heard mixed reviews about the 4770k. Some people say yay, some nay. Some say performance couldnt get any better and the frame rates are amazing with fsx and others say its nothing special and has crappy overclocking ability and worst than ivy-bridge temperatures when overclocked! Does anyone have an honest opinion on that one? My last thought was maybe i should wait tell tax season and purchase the mysterious 4970x that "should" be out this september! its rumored to have 10% better performance than the 3970 which isnt much but its gotta be better than the performance im getting! If so, there goes 1000 of my hard earned tax dollars all over again.
  4. FIrst post - I was drawn to this forum when looking at building a new PC, mainly for running FSX. The FSXMark11 and Pictures of our FSX Computers are both interesting and informative in this respect.So, for a while now I have been wanting to upgrade my old 2004 PC (AMD Athlon64 3700+ I think) to a new one, which should be able to provide a much improved experience with FSX.I had my mind set on the i7 2700k, but after reading this post which suggests that the 3930k runs circles around the 2700k, I am confused.So now I basically have 2 options regarding the core:Option1:CPU: i7-2700k (4 cores, socket 1155)Mobo: ASUS Maximus IV Extreme-ZRAM: no idea - please adviseOption2:CPU: i7-3930k (6 cores, socket 2011)Mobo: ASUS Rampage IV Extreme (BF3 ed.)RAM: not a clue - please adviseThe following hardware would apply to both socket types:GPU: eVGA GTX580 DS Superclocked (1.5Gb)HDD 1: OCZ Vertex 3 Max IOPS 120Gb (OS)HDD 2: OCZ Vertex 3 Max IOPS 120Gb (FSX, and other games)PSU: Corsair HX750Case: Fractal Design Define XL USB 3.0 Black PearlCooling (Air): Scythe Mugen 2 rev BOS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 UKMonitor: For now, keep current 2x Samsung 223BW's for now (22"; 1680x1050).My budget is flexible within reason (which means additional expenses must be justifiable, if only to myself), and the budget is growing as time passes. I'll be blowing my Christmas bonus on this rig. Have the wife's blessing, so everything's aaaalright!With the 2700k, I'm currently at about €1859 (approx. $2425) (total, ex OS, ex Monitors).QUESTIONS:Regarding CPU: The 3930k would mean an cost increase of 50% (+€300/$390) on CPU + Mobo alone - is this worth it? Can the performance difference be quantified? (Does it perform at least 50% better?)Also, is the 2011 socket a 'keeper'? I'd like to be able to upgrade CPU and perhaps mem in one or two years, as prices drop. (Previously had a P4 socket 478, with RIMM memory -- all obsolete and no longer sold within 1 or 2 years... left me up the creek!)Regarding Motherboard: Are these good picks? Is the Z68 chipset better than the P67?Regarding RAM: With the 2700k, the Motherboard is capable of running 2133MHz DDR3, but most people seem to use CL7 1600MHz modules?Regarding GPU: I might add a 2nd of the same type for SLI in the future, when prices drop. Would this in SLI have a large positive effect on FSX? How about on First-Person Shooters?Regarding Monitor: In future, I might upgrade to 2x or 3x 1920x1080.Corey Meeks advises here to take the 2500k instead of the 2600k (the performance increase does not justify the added cost). Would this apply to the 2700k also?The games I play:Note I am not (yet) running any add-ons. Just stock FSX. I will probably install PMDG-B737 in due time though. (And MS Flight ofc).I also enjoy playing FPS (GTA IV finally, BF2, BF3, Call of Duty etc) and MMORPG's from time to time (EVE online mostly), in case this matters.Sorry for the long post. Thanks for reading (or for skipping ahead). Looking forward to your thoughts and ideas!- Martin
  5. I am new to AVSIM, thought i would post to see if anyone is having the same performance issues as i am or possibly a solution to my (hair pulling :mad:) problem. My Frame rates are fluctuating from 7-30 FPS at any airport(addon scenery and default) any aircraft(addon aircraft or default) and do not go any higher than my record 31 fps :lol: . My average is about 21 FPS in the air and 11 FPS on the ground. I have FSX gold which comes with Acceleration so both service packs are installed. My setup goes as follows: HERES THE KICKER- I7 2700K CPU OVERCLOCKED TO 4.8GHZ(SCRATCHING MY HEAD) ASUS P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3 MOBO 1200W PSU 8GB VENGEANCE RAM @2133MHZ EVGA NVIDIA GTX 680 VIDEO CARD WITH 2GBS OF V MEMORY OCZ AGILITY 3 480GB SSD(ONLY FSX INSTALLED ON THIS) I am getting the same performance on fsx now as i did when my processor was not overclocked!!! In fact I recently restored default settings in my bios and for some wierd reason FSX loaded textures quicker without the overclock!! same frames though. what ive already tried: Ive already tried the ******* tweak! -after this i had crazy stutters, horrible FPS, and slow texture loading in the default 747! Ive already tried setting frames unlimited- no difference Ive already tried an External frame limiter- set at high 60 fps or above w/ the FSX limiter at 40 gives best results(31fps not locked goes down to 18 in some areas) also lots of shimmering and tearing when moving camera angles. Ive already tried changing things around in Nvidia Inspector- yeilds alright FPS but who wants to fly a plane that looks like FS 2000? Besides i have sufficient hardware that should handle it fine. The best results ive had and that is 30 FPS LOCKED with no stutters or shimmering was with Word Not Allowed's Hardware and Tuning guide. I would stick to these settings but with Antialiasing turned off i might as well have saved a few hundred bucks and not have built such an expensive machine, or spent all the money on addons to have the same look as freeware! I get frustrated when i hear that people are getting smooth 60fps and higher in their sims with alright hardware and im barely pulling 28 on a good day with high end components! there has to be something not right to have such a high overclock and no better performance. I even tried it at 5.0ghz and still no difference! Im sure there is a setting missing somewhere.
  6. Hi, all. First of all Big Thank You to "Paul J", and "westman" for their advice. and one more thx to Word Not Allowed for his Hardware Guide So I'm going to buy 1) Intel i7-2700K with Corsair H80i 2) Asus Sabertooth z77 3) Samsung 840 SSD 250GB 4) Graphic Im going to buy in next months and im still considering EVGA GeForce GTX 660i or 670? 5) RAM 2x4GB But I have some last question... I was going to buy 2x4 GB Ram G.Skill [TridentX] F3-2400C9D-8GTXD (2400mhz, cl9) but my supplier don't have them and he offer me Corsair Dominator Platinum (2133mhz, cl9) What do you think about my specyfication? Should I take Corsair (in addition, they will be even more expensive about 20$ than my first choice G.Skill from another supplier ) Which card 660i or 670? Best to all Maciek
  7. I just upgraded my system, and I have now i7 2700K which run's a little bit above 4GHz by default, stock speed(I set max performance in BIOS and verified with z-cpu, it's stay above 4GHz on idle). Fsx run smoothly at max settings, I have some stutters only arround big payware airports. I was wondering, should i overclock my cpu and what will be the real benefits from OC to 4.8GHz for example vs my 4GHz right now? Can I eliminate stutters maybe, or get more smoothly fsx? My system: mainboard - ASUS P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3 CPU - Intel Core i7-2700K CPU Cooler - Noctua NH-D14 GPU - MSI N560GTX-TI TWIN FROZR II 2GD5/OC, 2GB GDDR5, PCI-Express Memory - 8GB-Kit G.Skill Ares PC3-12800U CL8-8-8-24 Power Supply - Corsair Professional Series Gold AX1200 I have 2 SSD at 600 MBps, one for windows, and second for FSX. I think it would be shame not to do some overclock, but I was surprized how good is 2700K at stock speed, and I don't want to do OC without any real benefits from that. I didn't have good PC until now, and I want just to verify before OC. Thanks
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