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Really? Nobody plays this or is enthusiastic enough to post?

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And I would love to see what A2A would do in DCS with their warbirds given what you say.


With the DCS Mustang I wonder if it ground loops too readily as it seems to want to if you look at it funny with one squinted eye, but with both I love the feeling you get of the aircraft changing on takeoff and landing with different speeds, RPM etc

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And I would love to see what A2A would do in DCS with their warbirds given what you say.


With the DCS Mustang I wonder if it ground loops too readily as it seems to want to if you look at it funny with one squinted eye, but with both I love the feeling you get of the aircraft changing on takeoff and landing with different speeds, RPM etc


Yep, I'd love to see A2A accepting the DCS Challenge, but they also have BoB, and just released un update... BoB was my first A2A product... When later they started developing for fs9 I bought a few of their aircraft which were already by that time - 2005 - far superior to most add-on offers...


A2A + DCS World would be a "perfect" combination :-)


For those with FSX, A2A add-ons are all a MUST have, specially the newlly released AccuFeel 2.0. I wonder what their upcoming prop aircraft ( civil ) will be, after the F-109 :-)

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020 ! Hands down (all summed up) Best sim ever!!!

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A few of us have raised it on the A2A forums before but not positive - it doesn't seem to make business sense and there's not enough that can be shared between the sims I think was the response.


Another developer didn't like the contracts or the management, so there is some resistance at this stage. I sure hope this changes though.


FSX is still stronger than DCS for now, for example Avsim (primarily an FS forum) has 800 people viewing at a single time but I haven't seen the same numbers on the DCS forum.


I really like DCS and own the whole suite but I'd like to see it fill out with more content and mature some more. Especially the limited available theatre of war.


DCS Mustang I wonder if it ground loops too readily as it seems to want to if you look at it funny with one squinted eye, but with both I love the feeling you get of the aircraft changing on takeoff and landing with different speeds, RPM etc


Are you flying with full fuel tanks? As simmers we often land with full tanks but in real life it would be extremely unusual. Aerobatic capable planes like the P-51 rarely take full fuel except if required for extended duration missions. Also a full payload makes it more difficult. Taking care with weigh and balance in a realistic manner makes a real difference in this sim.


Also just check you're locking/unlocking the tail wheel correctly with aft stick, and crossing the threshold at the correct speed, and never ever with a tailwind. Lots to consider..



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I don't know what takes the lions share of development, the research, algorithms and building up the base of knowledge or the code and modelling, with A2A I would think the actual IT spend wouldn't be the lions share of the project, but this is just a guess based on commercial projects I work on.


FSX is strong but doesn't have a future, personally I suspect the next version of P3D or X-Plane will create a gap that no amount of FSX add-ons will fix. Agree DCS needs filling out and by its nature is not the 'living' world that FSX conveys.


My statement was based on flying both the A2A Mustang and DCS Mustang, it just seems the DCS Mustang wants to ground loop easily, the only people to really know are P51 pilots. For takeoffs I follow Dudley Henriques excellent guide which I found to be more applicable to the DCS Mustang, probably because of the more detailed modelling as outlined by jcomm.

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DCS world is great, the P-51 was a departure i bought it, but, well it doesn't fit, it's kind of boring.


The A-10 is an excellent simulation.


My personal favourite is still be KA-50 i bought it mail order from Russia, with the authentic Russian sounds.


A2A and VRS should definitely move over into DCS World. Not sure why PMDG would move over, not much reason to simulate a 777 flight from Sochi to Tbilisi. Considering the length of time the Nevada area has taken to develop simulating the world would take until the cold death of the Universe.

Ian R Tyldesley

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the P-51 was a departure i bought it, but, well it doesn't fit, it's kind of boring.

Well, for me it was the reason for me to give DCS a try :-) because I really wanted to see how the flight dynamics were, specially for such a powerful ww2 prop aircraft. As you may already know, other will follow (probably an FW-190), so, I really like to have it, as well as the other modules, because what is more important for me is really the quality of the models and the immersions / sensation of being so close to the real thing (I believe ... )

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020 ! Hands down (all summed up) Best sim ever!!!

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I can't set this platform down. I originally purchased the A-10C. Tried it out, was overwhelmed, Saitek X52 just wasn't cutting it and it the game went dormant. I decided to pick it up again and got fed up with trying to map all the controls required to pilot the A-10C and said hell with it, bought the Thrustmaster Hotas. What a difference that made and I've been flying it ever since. I also bought the P-51, A-10A and Huey. All great modules. 

Is it done yet? When will it be released? Will it be freeware or payware? How much will it cost? Any updates on the progress? Will it work for Xbox? Can I be a beta tester? How's the performance in VR?

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I'm a DCS convert now too. A10C, Huey et al. The big draw is it supports OCULUS RIFT. I have never felt so immersed as this. I have the Cougar MFD, HOTAS WARTHOG and a seat and table to hold them all in place and I'm just gone when I'm on it.....Unbelievable. My stomach turns with the helicopters and it's just amazing all round. Complex, hell yes. 


I haven't even installed FSX onto my new PC yet. Just X-Plane for the 737-200 and DCS. When the CV1 comes out in September hopefully, I urge you all to start saving for not only this but a rig that can give you the 75fps in 4K that it will demand!  The DK2 is not good enough to rear HUD text yet, but close. I'm in heaven. bye....

Mark Harris.

Aged 54. 

P3D,  & DCS mostly. DofReality P6 platform partially customised and waiting for parts. Brunner CLS-E Yoke and Pedals. Winwing HOTAS and Cougar MFDS.

Scan 3XS Laptop i9-9900K 3.6ghz, 64GB DDR4, RTX2080.

B737NG Pilot. Ex Q400, BAe146, ATP and Flying Instructor in the dim and distant past! SEP renewed and back at the coal face flying folk on the much deserved holidays!

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For me, DCS, il2-BOS and Rise of Flight are actually the only sims I use right now.


I have X-Plane 10 installed mainly to serve as a visual platform for PSX. Yes I also try to find time to play my Aerowinx PSX from time to time, but the K4 and p51d, and all of the fighters in il-2 BOS and now in RoF too just keep me too busy...


For me, going back to the flight Dynamics of FSX is out of question...

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020 ! Hands down (all summed up) Best sim ever!!!

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Where do I even begin with the A-10? I used it several years ago, long enough to be able to fire a Maverick before being shot down, and I 've forgotten most, but now I remember why I quit it. My goodness. I do have the Warthog HOTAS joystick but this is making my fingers get confused! I guess I'll keep at it.

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Where do I even begin with the A-10? I used it several years ago, long enough to be able to fire a Maverick before being shot down, and I 've forgotten most, but now I remember why I quit it. My goodness. I do have the Warthog HOTAS joystick but this is making my fingers get confused! I guess I'll keep at it.

It's certainly not an aircraft you can walk away from. It helps to keep current every once and a while. Watch Bunyap Sims youtube channel. He is very good with explaining the A-10 systems as well as other DCS aircraft.



I have also printed this image so I have it on my desk nearby. If I lose memory of what switch does what it only takes a quick glance. http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/5517/hotasqg4.png

Is it done yet? When will it be released? Will it be freeware or payware? How much will it cost? Any updates on the progress? Will it work for Xbox? Can I be a beta tester? How's the performance in VR?

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Thanks for that PWJT8D. I reintroduced myself to the DCS World system by flying the P-51 and the Huey, and even messed around with the Mig 21. I had really forgotten how complex the A-10 was, by comparison, and I certainly never became even close to competent with it to begin with. DMS, and TAD, and Schmad, and TGP, and the whole lot. I'm one of those guys who like PMDG in FSX, and I figure the DCS A-10 to be about twice as complex as anything there--maybe even the pinnacle of flight simulation to date!

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I love the A-10C sim.  Absolutely the most labor-intensive cockpit around, very rewarding.  Took about a week with the Thrustmaster Warthog to get everything down pat, and it's all muscle memory now.


You want a real challenge?  Create a bad wx scenario where you are going to hump it about an hour away to strike a long range guided missile SAM target.  Set it up near the mountains and use the topography as your cover.  Pop up at maximum range and acquire the target - ~15nm or so.  The shooter can take you out at 20nm.  Maverick has a range in-game of about 6nm, so you need to get down in the weeds to avoid being taken out.  Use the cover, pop up to acquire as needed, and get back in the dirt before you get waxed.  Do a final pop up, pickle off the Mav, and drop back down while the target is destroyed.


Very satisfying.  The guys that do this for a living must need a wheelbarrow to carry their jumblies about.

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I definitely look forward to the time when I can use the systems intuitively enough that DCS can become about tactics rather than just figuring out what sensor mode I'm in and which finger does what. Fortunately, the basics of flying the airplane itself offer no difficulties-a really pilot friendly airplane in that regard.

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Hey Kattz, if you like the A-10, and DCS, I am going to highly recommend the Buttkicker system. In FSX, it is great to feel a little vibration from the spoilers going out, or to feel the bump of the landing gear going down, but it really comes into it's own in DCS. In the A-10, you get to feel that 30 mm cannon going off, zipping through your body, and I can't even explain how much that adds to the sense of it all. In the past, the A-10 has seemed a little bit sterile in some ways to me, but with the Buttkicker it comes alive. I was reluctant to invest in such a novelty item, but once I did, flight simulation would never be the same without it. So many things in Flight Simulation are simply not worth the money that is being asked. The Warthog Joystick is one of those that is, as you know, and I'm going to also add the Buttkicker to that list.

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