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Aerosoft Airbus X +(Extended) (module version 2.4)


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Here you can download the LINDA aircraft module for the Aerosoft Airbus X (+Extended) module v2.4.


For users with the new Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 you need the latest version 4.2.

Installation notes:

  • Download and unzip it and place the two folders into: */Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Modules
  • Say "yes" if he'd like to overwrite anything

We will update this files from time to time and will make a little note in this thread about the changes.
Users, who also made changes to this codes could post it in this thread or drop me a PM and we will update the module.
If you have created a complete new module (also for other addons) please PM us.


if you want a MCP Combo II preset, rename the *.default files to *.lua which could be found here after installing
Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Modules/linda-cfg/aircrafts/Aerosoft Airbus X

Note: I haven't tested, but this module should work with the old version of the Airbus, too
(except the functions who are especially for the new one of course)

v2.0 --> v2.1
ND functions enhanced thanks to Capt. PERO!
fixed vs level/pull bug, also thanks to Capt. PERO!

v2.1 --> v2.2
- Important Bugfixes regarding Autopilot
- Ground Services Added
- Advanced Display functions for MCP1 Users :O)

v2.2 --> v2.3
added ND Mode single functions
added ND Range single functions


v.2.3 --> v2.4
added OVHD int lights
XPDR bugfix

Guenter Steiner

Betatester for: A2A, LORBY, FSR-Pillow Tester

  • Replies 79
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I found the MCP2 pretty much worked fine without any update with the original Airbus X Linda module, but this new module is very much appreciated, thanks.

Cheers, Andy.


Many thanks for this.


There seem to be less options for opening / closing the various doors. Is this deliberate? Although they can be manipulated within the VC, I prefer to use my TT Panel.




Thanks a lot for the new profile!


Some minor issues I have found:

  • "Autopilot VS level" doesn't work. It triggers "ALT set" instead.
  • The VS knob pull functionality is missing.


  • In HDG managed (LNAV) mode the asterisk in the lower display row (---*) is continuously blinking.
  • Same blinking occurs with a "0" in ALT managed (---0).
  • During a OP CLB/DES the display shows the current V/S in the lower display row. Although this might be a feature, I think it shouldn't be displayed because the FCU doesn't show it either.

Would be great if you look into these issues.

Thank you!




Robert Budde
Visit FSXWX for a free and immersive weather engine!


I think we need another option as well, VS Level is the pull function which tells the aircraft to level off. The push function which enables VS mode needs to be added as its not currently in LINDA and looking in the linda tracer I think the L:Var for that is called L:AB_AP_VSenb. If I get time later I'll add a new function and try it.

Cheers, Andy.


I wont be trying it as I have no clue how to get that function working, earlier I was looking at the older version of this lua which was created for the original Airbus X which seemed a lot more straight forward. I'll have to let Guenter deal with this.

Cheers, Andy.


Whats the deal with the ECAMCRSE message blinking on my v2 MCCombo ?


Also - is it me or does the HDG knob not work ? Nevermind - fixed those myself. Still curious about this flashing message.


The same is for me, rotary knob HDG not work. Any ideas?. Sorry for my english.


Check if you use the specific Aerosoft Airbus X HDG functions "AP Rotaties" --> "AB HDG plus / plusfast / minus / minusfast".


On my side, the HDG knob was initially assigned to the standard or old (?) functions that do not work.

Robert Budde
Visit FSXWX for a free and immersive weather engine!


Yesss!, Thanks Robert. It's exactly what were saying,. I used to also correct the VS knob and going finer than before.



  • 2 weeks later...
  • Commercial Member

Hi Andy,


any news regarding push and pull VS-Knob?

I missed the approach in Geneva and found out, that this function is missing... ;O)


Thanks a lot for this nice profile...




: : : aviation.pero-online.de
Developer of SIMstarter NG P3D & Homecockpit Builder



Hi Peter,


Sorry no news from me, like I mentioned earlier in the thread I don't know how to program this facility, hopefully Guenter is reading this and can fix it at some point.

Cheers, Andy.


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