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Captain Spoon

Is there a release date?

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I do think the mods have a place in maintaining order, but there's a sharp distinction between quelling incendiary debates and demonizing anyone who has an opinion. Just take a look at what they did to Word Not Allowed when his FSX setup guide presented itself as an alternative approach to the "Official" AVSIM guide written by Paul J. Word Not Allowed learned the hard way that AVSIM won't stand idly by when a forum user has the audacity to contradict NickN on the topic of anisotropic filtering settings in FSX. Word Not Allowed's thread at http://forum.avsim.n...-guide-for-fsx/ USED to contain a link to his guide and the guide by Paul J. People flocked to the thread and Word Not Allowed acquired quite the following, with people posting comments about his guide and how it had helped them achieve better performance. If you look at the thread now, AVSIM has removed the link to Word Not Allowed's guide but left all of the positive comments in place, making it appear as though people were referring instead to the Official AVSIM guide--which has a complete different approach. When I posted in that thread (which is when I found the link to Word Not Allowed's guide, I asked for a comparison of the approaches because I was curious about the differences between AF, bufferpools and the like. The very next day someone asked a question of Word Not Allowed, and someone else replied that Word Not Allowed had been banned. Shortly thereafter, those posts, my post, and several other posts were gone--together with the link to Word Not Allowed's guide.


Now tell me what separates that from communism. It starts subtly enough with scare tactics like "special surveillance," and before you know it they've gone and made someone (and his opinions) completely disappear.

None of what you are complaining about has happened in this thread. The thread is being actively moderated to keep the peace, that's all. Talk of communism is just silly.


You seem to have an issue with AVSIM policy in general, but this isn't the place to grind that particular axe.


So someone hasn't added their name to their signature... So what!?!? Does this really affect you on a personal level? Are you going to lose your job, your home over this?


The Forum Police Syndrome is real and it's not just here, it's everywhere!

Absolutely agree with you.


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None of what you are complaining about has happened in this thread. The thread is being actively moderated to keep the peace, that's all. Talk of communism is just silly.



I was referring to the "Special Surveillance." You don't have to beat someone over the head with a club to be repressive. In fact, passive control is just as much a part of communist policing. Whether someone in control of a channel of communication chooses to censor, admonish, banish or assault, the intent and the effect are the same: to intimidate people and preclude the divergence of opinion.

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Conspiracy theories and stories of an oppressive tyrannical power all from a post asking about a Flight Sim addon. This is why I love AVSIM.

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I was referring to the "Special Surveillance." You don't have to beat someone over the head with a club to be repressive. In fact, passive control is just as much a part of communist policing. Whether someone in control of a channel of communication chooses to censor, admonish, banish or assault, the intent and the effect are the same: to intimidate people and preclude the divergence of opinion.

Seriously, you need to get a sense of perspective. No one here is oppressing anyone. Just applying the forum rules we all agreed to abide by.


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This post ended up under "special surveillance" because the conversation headed south very quickly. Noting to do with repression, expressed or implied. It's a warning - settle down and play nice or you're all going to have to be separatred... Like BimmerCop, my skin is pretty darn thick due to all of the abuse I've taken over the years. My first post on AVSIM, I was a jack---. After taking a step back and looking on how I came across, I was deserving of a bash over the head. But I was also an adult enough to say "You're right, I was wrong, and I apologize."


On the aviation forums, people are quick to judge, and harshly at that. So, can we please stop beating people over the head because "you don't have a sig", or "that question's been asked before", or "you need to use the search engine", or just flat out saying "you're a troll". Bollocks. In the time it takes to vent one's spleen on a user because you can, why don't you take the time to just politely answer the question. This is our community. If you want to play here and represent, so to speak, then play nice. I'm not a forum vigilante, BTW, I just get tired of seeing people beaten over the head just for asking a question. However, the OP could have phrased his or her question a little differently. "Patience, young Jedi..."

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Nice views in the morning departing out of OMDB! ^_^



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4 pages of posts when it could have been answered with a simple search. WOW!

Richie Walsh


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I still don't undertand why developers can't give an estimated release date. Its kind of crazy that Boeing and Airbus can both give release dates on new models like the 787 and A350 but PMDG and Flight Sim Labs cannot. Now admittedly Boeing and Airbus missed their dates by quite a bit on the A380 and 787 but they at least gave a date and then modified it when the situation changed.

Mark   CYYZ      


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Hey what happened to the OP??? Cap Spoon you created quite a stir here!!! Haha :Applause:

John Pipilas

Win 10 ​- i7 2600k CPU - AMD Radeon R9 Fury X GPU 


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I still don't undertand why developers can't give an estimated release date.


Imagine all the angry responses and complaints on the forums they get when they can't reach the sceduled release date. I'll guess it's to avoid making promises they can't fullfill, problems that can occur before release they need to fix and that could extend the release dates.


Hey what happened to the OP??? Cap Spoon you created quite a stir here!!! Haha :Applause:


LOL, yeah he sure stepped into a minefield :lol:

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Seriously, you need to get a sense of perspective. No one here is oppressing anyone. Just applying the forum rules we all agreed to abide by.


I think perspective is exactly what I have. I'm looking at the use of "special surveillance" and AVSIM's general moderation practices in the broader context of what's happening in this forum and the treatment of longtime contributors. I think that you yourself have much to gain in the way of perspective. If you take a moment to look beyond this thread and stop pretending that everything in life happens in isolation, you'll find that I'm not spewing rhetoric, but highlighting a troubling trend.

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I think perspective is exactly what I have. I'm looking at the use of "special surveillance" and AVSIM's general moderation practices in the broader context of what's happening in this forum and the treatment of longtime contributors. I think that you yourself have much to gain in the way of perspective. If you take a moment to look beyond this thread and stop pretending that everything in life happens in isolation, you'll find that I'm not spewing rhetoric, but highlighting a troubling trend.

"Special surveillance" is just active moderation by another name. A moderator is reading every post, rather than wait for people to report posts. No special rules are in place. Note that your comments accusing avsim about what happened in another thread are still there. There's nothing sinister going on. Free speech is alive and well here.


One basic rule of internet forums is stick to the subject. You jumped in here determined to stir things up over the threat you see presumably based on the usage of the word surveillance. There is no big brother threat here. It's a flight sim forum not a political forum or a conspiracy to shut people up.


You're the one who needs to get perspective because you are too wrapped up in perceived threats. You sound like a conspiracy theorist.


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A copy of this has been sent to Trevor (Lawyer+Pilot):


We apologize in advance to PMDG for this distraction and diversion from being pestered about the release date for the 777.


"Topic Under Special Surveillance


Be advised that this topic is under special surveillance and it can be locked at any time, if any kind of flaming is detected!"


Seriously? Stalin had subtler methods of repression.


If there are instances of people being rude or biligerent, by all means warn the culprit--and ban them if necessary. (They'll probably ban me in fact just for challenging the regime.) ...I wasn't kidding when I compared their tactics to a communist dictator. History teaches us that such repression of ideas degenerates the fabric of society and polarizes people--all for the sake of preserving the regime.


I especially liked the use of the word "special." I wonder who the special surveillance operative is. Perhaps a member of the KGB Spetsgruppa A.


Now tell me what separates that from communism. It starts subtly enough with scare tactics like "special surveillance," and before you know it they've gone and made someone (and his opinions) completely disappear.


I think perspective is exactly what I have. I'm looking at the use of "special surveillance" and AVSIM's general moderation practices in the broader context of what's happening in this forum and the treatment of longtime contributors. I think that you yourself have much to gain in the way of perspective. If you take a moment to look beyond this thread and stop pretending that everything in life happens in isolation, you'll find that I'm not spewing rhetoric, but highlighting a troubling trend.


This rhetoric is nothing new. Here is from a year ago:


Before you know it, we'll have admins patrolling our threads in gestapo-like fashion on our behalf and censoring everyone who says something negative. I digress...


Well said, sir. If you've lost interest in being condemned for your love of the hobby, head over to the PMDG forum. You'll find good company there. Tom Allensworth et al. will no doubt appreciate it, though I'm sure they will miss having posts to delete, threads to rename and users to shun.


Your appeal is presently being considered.http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/13242/2010/04/340x_mr.show-hitlerinengland.jpg






This is getting so tiresome and over-the-top we are not going to take it anymore. AVSIM isn't some clandestine shadow organization out to take over and dominate the world, the FS community, or your corner of it. Yes, we have read all the nasty innuendo posted here and there and your attempts to stir up muck. Yes, we get it, you don't like us.


What I don't know is what is wrong with you, and why you think you can display such contempt for Tom and I, and the rest of the AVSIM team and continue to get away with it. This is our house and you are out of order counselor. If we were a fraction as arbitrary and dictatorial as you suggest, you would have been shown the door long ago.


You're still here because I admired a different side of you when you were helpful to others, particularly PMDG customers. But enough is enough. Exactly one year ago today you belligerently posted that picture mocking Tom at the bottom of your post. It's been a long time coming, but this is the very last yard.


We have had a senior staff discussion about your conduct and obvious campaign against this organization and have made a decision. The next post where you continue this vendetta whatsoever will be your last at AVSIM. You can no longer further derail this particular thread by posting within it.


Trevor, I suggest you take a deep breath and think long and hard before you make your next post, or your last post in AVSIM, whichever it turns out to be. Whatever you decide to do, it will be your choice, not ours. In any case, I sincerely wish you the very best in your future (other than trashing us) endeavours.


Kind regards,

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