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Funnily enough, i was actually hunting through the A2A forum looking for the post that Scott made referring to the breakers being in development...


Thanks for the insight and information Scott!



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  • Commercial Member

Has anyone else not been able to start the side mounted GPS? Went on one flight and it worked fine.. loaded a different 172 and when I hit the power button I got a flashing red empty battery symbol on the display.





Hello Damien,


The handheld unit will run out of battery after extended use. To charge simply open the maint hanger and it will be charged.




Lewis - A2A Simulations


Coupla things I noticed..


1). If you mouse over the passenger door handle, and click to open it - the pilot's door opens..

2). It can be a sod to start from cold, but it clears ok: mag drops are very realistic.

3). It works quite perfectly in DX10! Yes - the lights, too!


Filesize is 224MB.

Very good to hear! If RXP integrates, this will be a legendary add on.




I don't really much care, if the circuit breakers are functional. Just to fully simulate the electrical workings of even a GA plane, could be a sim within itself. The breakers and "main" fuses, are there to protect the wire. Components such as radios, etc, can have their own internal fuses. These days, there may be fuse busses, which can't be accessed in flight, and just a limited amount of resettable breakers, that can be. As Scott mentioned, the load on the gear motor, is certainly a reason to pop the breaker. But once, that gear problem is fixed, then we'd expect the system to run for years, with no farther problem. And since it could run years.........is it worth simulating?



For flight simulation, I know that some like to see periodic random failures, to make the sim more interesting. I don't! I've gone through great pains, with real life aircraft maintenance, to make sure that problems don't just pop up, as a normal everyday flying event. When we're traveling hundreds of miles, thousands of feet above ground, we need some mental assurance, that we won't be experiencing life threatening difficulties, as being a common aircraft feature. I don't want a simulated plane, that frequently breaks down. And I don't want to simulate all of those hours, of ground maintenance, before I can fly the simulated plane.



In real life, I've seen many failures. But they're spread out over many years. It would seem unreal to me, if the failure cycles were all condensed into a short time frame, to make them all worth simulating. I know that my thoughts won't make some agree with me, but I also don't want a simulated plane that frequently experiences problems.


edit: too many uses of the words --break downs... I don't want them...


Great plane some minor stuff I noted


GNS530W displays as NAV2/COMM2.... but is still tied to NAV1/COMM1 


RXP backlighting seems to be always on....  not a huge issue but would be cool if it could be tied to the rest of the avionics stack backlighting.


The clock isn't lighted (sometimes these are orange backlit irl, sometimes not)


AP doesn't engage with button in VC, but will disengage with that....  


Small issues for an excellent plane... was able to start but with mixture rich (thought it should be leaned for this type maybe not ) - anyway nice panel lighting options, solid handling (I of course went right to the speed mods lol need more POWER!)


@Damien by 295 turns on and off okay.

| Windows 11 | MSI Z690 Tomahawk | 12700K 4.7GHz | MSI RTX 4080 | 64GB 6000 MHz DDR5 | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD | 2x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | EVGA 850W Gold | Corsair 5000X | HP G2 (VR) / LG 27" 1440p |



  • Commercial Member

Great plane some minor stuff I noted


GNS530W displays as NAV2/COMM2 - doesn't have any effect on the CDI needles on NAV2 instrument.  It needs to be NAV1/COMM1 since it's on top of other radios.  Maybe an rxp.ini setting could work here.  GNS430W displays properly as NAV1/COMM1.


The clock isn't lighted (sometimes these are orange backlit irl, sometimes not)


AP doesn't engage with button in VC, but will disengage with that....  


Small issues for an excellent plane... was able to start but with mixture rich (thought it should be leaned for this type maybe not ) - anyway nice panel lighting options, solid handling (I of course went right to the speed mods lol need more POWER!)


@Damien by 295 turns on and off okay.


Hello Ryan,


I cannot help you with the RXP stuff, though please do post on our support forums. For the easy bits;


- For the clock light, ours simulates the non backlit one ;)


- For the autopilot, please refer to the auto pilot manual for correct operation re: on and arm buttons. We knew the autopilot would catch alot of people out but all we can do is refer to the manuals asit is simulated as the real one;






Lewis - A2A Simulations


AP doesn't engage with button in VC, but will disengage with that....  


You need to press and hold a bit for it to engage. 0,25 seconds according to the manual.

  • Commercial Member

Great plane some minor stuff I noted


GNS530W displays as NAV2/COMM2.... but is still tied to NAV1/COMM1

This should be fixable by changing options in the RXPGNS.ini using configuration software provided by RealityXP.


The clock isn't lighted (sometimes these are orange backlit irl, sometimes not)

On the aircraft we tested it wasn't backlit.


AP doesn't engage with button in VC, but will disengage with that....

Well, it does, but you have to hold the button for at least 250ms. It's not a bug, it's a feature  ^_^

Mike Krawczyk

A2A Simulations


You need to press and hold a bit for it to engage. 0,25 seconds according to the manual.

Ok thanks

| Windows 11 | MSI Z690 Tomahawk | 12700K 4.7GHz | MSI RTX 4080 | 64GB 6000 MHz DDR5 | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD | 2x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | EVGA 850W Gold | Corsair 5000X | HP G2 (VR) / LG 27" 1440p |




Bought it yesterday evening, but got wound up in minor issues and haven't much more than barely got it in the air.  Interesting problems - it doesn't seem to want to recognize the configured mixture control on my TQ.  Throttle is fine.  My hardware flap switch (Saitek) is inop.  Brakes don't seem to hold very well - starts to move with full brakes and the throttle cracked just a bit, though parking brake holds fine.  As Ryan mentions, integrating the 530 was a button push, but there do seem to be some crossed configurations between the remaining NAV/COM and the 530.


That's about as far as I've gotten.  Got to get the control issues figured out before I can really evaluate flying - the RXP stuff can come later; I tried the 530 just for grins and giggles, but it isn't critical for now.  This is my first A2A product, so I'll admit my expectations are pretty high and the early roadblocks a bit surprising.  Unfortunately, my work schedule is now going to preclude much tinkering until the weekend.


BTW, for those who've only seen the screenshots and might have said "hey, the panel looks like the default 172", well yeah it does in a superficial way.  It's actually much, much nicer than the screenshots and vids indicate in reality.



  • Moderator

First time A2A customer here, and this is the first time I've used an accu-simmed plane. After only an hour with it, I'm really impressed. It feels alive, and unlike any other plane in FSX.


For example, you can hear and almost feel the engine, and the walk round mode is great. I did a circuit and managed to mess up my spark plugs because of a too-low RPM. Also, it intergrates nicely with the RXP unit.


Performance is great, and I'm happy with it. Also, the manual is one of the best I've ever seen or read for an aircraft in FSX.


Does anybody know how A2A normally handle updates? Do they send you an email? or do you need to check the website forums periodically.


Does anybody know how A2A normally handle updates? Do they send you an email? or do you need to check the website forums periodically.


I don't imagine it'll be a problem finding out, I have a feeling the 172 has sold to pretty much everyone, and no matter which forum you use, you're going to hear about an update when one happens.

Guest Q_flyer

Ha ha, well I fell for the Autopilot engage thing as well ....... was about to report my AP as unserviceable, then remembered the bit in the manual about having to hold it down for a little (safety feature added mid-life).


I can unfortunately confirm the ground handling problem on non paved runways (and I think someone said it was maybe linked to Orbx fields?)..... I have just landed at OG39 (Orbx Longview Ranch) and came to a complete stop at the end of the runway.   When I came to move off again, to turn and backtrack, I requied full power to get moving and was only just able to start rolling!


Hopefully Scott and the other genii at A2A can get that fixed up is a SP.  :smile:

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