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Tom Allensworth

Words I need to share with our Community

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This comes in two parts; my health and the future of AVSIM to the community and our team of members, forum owners, etc.


First, my health… To state it directly; I am dying. I am dying from a carcinoma that started as a tumor in my stomach cavity that enwraps my stomach feeder vessels, kidneys, liver, the major blood vessels of the area and which are so embedded and wrapped around the maze of blood vessels and nerves that there is no cure except that of delay. The carcinoma has spread to most of my major organs. I have been given a pessimistic short 90 days of survival up to a lifetime number of 365 days.


Second, and most importantly, the future of AVSIM… The staff and I with others in the community are looking at the alternatives that will keep AVSIM alive and prospering for years to come despite / in spite of my missing good looks and glowing positive daily participation.


We will be expanding information on the future of AVSIM in the coming days.

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I am very sorry to here that. You are and amazing man to think of avisim at a time like this..


Best Regards Ted Kiser

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I am very sorry, Tom.  You have made a tremendous contribution to this hobby, and we will all be very sad to see you go.


AVSIM is not a priority right now, enjoy every moment in company of your loved ones.


Take care, Tom.


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Take care, Tom, and never give up!

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Tom, I am so very sorry to hear this.


Don't be worrying about Avsim, focus only on yourself and loved ones.

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I am so very sorry to hear about your health and all I wish for you and your family is that you have an opportunity to spend as much quality time together so that your final days are filled with great memories and it's a celebration of your life.


You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers until the bitter end.



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Tom, I am awfully sorry to hear this, my heart hit the floor when I read it. I think you're much much more important than the AVSIM forums are, I wish you all the best, I pray to God you'll be healed. 

Ron Hamilton


"95% is half the truth, but most of it is lies, but if you read half of what is written, you'll be okay." __ Honey Boo Boo's Mom

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Tom, I am deeply saddened to read this announcement. I will of course keep you and your family in my daily prayers, and will do as much as I am able to see that AVSIM will remain strong, and serve as your legacy to the flight simulation community.

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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Don''t worry, Tom. The AVSIM crew seems more than competent and capable enough of carrying on and keeping AVSIM at the top of the simming world.


Peace be with you, my friend.





James D. Edwards

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Guest JSkorna

Prayers going up.

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WOW! Tom, I am so sorry!


Beta tester for SIMStarter 

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My greatest fear ... I can't provide words of understanding ... I can only thank you for the work you've put into this site and the dedication you've provided to keep it going.  You've provided a communication outlet that has touched many.


Thank you.



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Guest ~Craig~

This is such a shock to read.  We sadly read often about members of the wider FS community who face life threatening illnesses, terminal conditions, and those who have already passed away.     But to an extent, bedrock people, those that have been foundational pillars of the community - people like Tom - somehow seem immune to such possibilities.  It seems hard to grasp that someone like Tom; someone who has been 'there' at every release of a new sim, of a new contentious licencing debate, or the hottest (and coldest) of topics and discussions, could not be part of our daily lives on AVSIM.


I am so sorry Tom but from what little I know of you, I know that pity is not something that you would ever entertain.   You're a strong-willed man; sometimes frustratingly so! .... but always consistantly.   The fact that you hold AVSIM dear enough to your heart to think about it at a time like this, gives a measure of the man that is Tom Allensworth.


I pray that the remainder of your life is as happy, rewarding, and as long as is humanly possible.


They say a man's legacy is that which is guaranteed to become his 'afterlife' - in your case, you can rest knowing that you have given the provision for enjoyment to literally hundreds of thousands of fans of his hobby. 200,000 AVSIM members; millions of discusson threads and help posts.


If there were a universal special recognition award relevent to the flight sim community, I do not think anyone would disagree that you would be the most obvious candidate for receiving it.


Thank you for the blue skies, Tom, and here's to many more.

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This is shocking news and all I can offer is my sympathy.

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You have contributed something that means a lot to so many people. Thank you, and take care!




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