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[25APR18] New Product Reveal at FlightSim Expo'18 - Las Vegas 09JUN18

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I see many people angry commenting the stream. Whining when they didn't get a new plane. Seems that none of those people read Robert's original announcement that this is something we have never seen in the simulator world before.

I think it's a breathtaking feature.

Joona Väisänen


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I was hoping for integration to H/W manufactures like Flight Deck Solutions.


Beta tester for SIMStarter 

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Such a lovely thing coming from the beloved company. Thank you PMDG. Thank you @rsrandazzo . Give me an ice cream for watching you on stream ( I couldn't fly there honestly, had to sell my laptop to get there lol )

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Ha I was not far off a product to support there products.


Raymond Fry.


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20 minutes ago, joona_ said:

I see many people angry commenting the stream. Whining when they didn't get a new plane. Seems that none of those people read Robert's original announcement that this is something we have never seen in the simulator world before.

I think it's a breathtaking feature.

if you like that is great in our world as i have heard here it will be customer talks ...

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I was hoping for something different as well and was slightly disappointed by the news. But that is only because I fly airliners for a living, and I don’t want to get home and have software tell me when I can fly the plane and whereto.  BUT that is only me. It seems from what I have seen that if you really want an airline environment, PMDG have gone out of their way to create a true to life environment. 

Congrats to PMDG for the effort, and I hope users get a feel of true life operations.



Xander Koote

All round aviation geek

1st Officer Boeing 777

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I wasn't surprise, it was definitely all about the 747-8 plus a whole lot of features. Instead of just making airplane, RSR added additional real life operations. This makes it more interesting to fly. 

I think its great IMHO


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why there isnt any -8F previews?? isnt the freighter in the expansion pack?

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4 minutes ago, pracines said:

Essentially an advanced FS Economy which has been around since 2005


Nope, not at all. FS Economy only works for one person. What PMDG is doing allows the ability for one person to do a flight, and then have another person do the next leg, as well as many many more features.

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I wasn't expecting this and now I'm looking forward to it! I can't wait to see what kind of damage you guys have done to the plane...that's of course if you all decided not to hit the 'reset' button 🤪

Chris Ferguson

PC Specs(Rebuilt 1/11/19): i7-9700K - Non-OC'd, EVGA RTX 2080ti, G.Skillz 16GB Ram 3000mhz, EVGA SuperNOVA 1000w PSU, Cooler Master ML360R, ASRock Phantom Gaming 4 MoBo, 2x 2TB HDD, 1x 1TB Samsung EVO SSD, 1x 220GB WD SSD

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4 minutes ago, Chris F. said:

I wasn't expecting this and now I'm looking forward to it! I can't wait to see what kind of damage you guys have done to the plane...that's of course if you all decided not to hit the 'reset' button 🤪

I have one 744 at EGFF with toast brakes and couple of tires blown. Still haven't told Robert. I am waiting to see who is going to take it after me 🙂

Chris Makris


You can find us at http://forum.pmdg.com


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10 minutes ago, HighFlier said:

What PMDG is doing allows the ability for one person to do a flight, and then have another person do the next leg, as well as many many more features

A similar system was available to users of the original Aerowinx 747 back in the '90's.

David Porrett

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21 minutes ago, DavidP said:

A similar system was available to users of the original Aerowinx 747 back in the '90's.

Didn’t know that, I wonder how complex it was.

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