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B747-8 Beta PIREP


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53 minutes ago, downscc said:

This isn't even in the FCOM... according to Wikipedia the MMO for the -8 is the same at 0.90 Mach.  I don't think anybody is flying these because they are fast... it's the economy that matters and I assume most operators are flying with a CI 80 or less, that equates to cruise around 0.84 Mach.  The different in flight time between 0.84 and 0.90 is not much but the cost difference is significant.

I understood Dan. I asked, because saw B748 flying a M.88 and check Flight plan by Lufthansa once time and they can fly with CI 200 or 350 depends situation. Thanks Dan for answer.

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13 hours ago, Fabiano.S said:


 Do you know MMO about B747-8? Did you test about this? Because i know the MMO for B747-400 is Mach.90, but i don't know MMO for B747-8. It's the same speed?

Best Regards.


Straight from the Type Certificate- M 0.90




Carl Avari-Cooper


On our way into Portland this morning, we just briefed the descent and arrival and looked up- the view from the front office was beautiful-


...and a bit later...






Carl Avari-Cooper

49 minutes ago, cavaricooper said:

On our way into Portland this morning, we just briefed the descent and arrival and looked up- the view from the front office was beautiful-


Thanks for taking the time to post these shots. On the second shot, what is the magenta line that's going parallel to the speedtape? Looks new to me. 

Alex Pugh

  • Commercial Member
12 minutes ago, Chapstick said:

Thanks for taking the time to post these shots. On the second shot, what is the magenta line that's going parallel to the speedtape? Looks new to me. 

Alex Pugh

From the FCOM


 VNAV Speed Band. Indicates acceptable airspeed range for VNAV path (VNAV PTH ) pitch mode. Available with Flaps UP

Chris Makris


You can find us at http://forum.pmdg.com


8 hours ago, cavaricooper said:


Straight from the Type Certificate- M 0.90




 Thanks so much for help and like your screens and posts about PMDG 747-8. Thanks for share and please post more screens and information about PMDG 747-8.

Have a nice weekend.


Hi Carl,

I just wanted to say thanks for your pictures and description of the 747-8F.  Your eloquence in describing

the plane does a lot to help with the anticipation factor.


I somehow miss the pictures of the JS41... but who cares ^^ I still hope they delay it because it's depending on another release, like Rainmaker/bugsmasher/birdstriker coming out with the 748 or GFO or secret AreaPMDG Project... or.. whatever... 



For all those wondering about performance in the 747-8 expansion- I am NOT a numbers guy, rather pre-occupied with flight feel and sum of experience.  For all things P3D related, I rely on advice and guidance from @SteveW Steve Waite- the genius behind CodeLegend.  Based on his input (and appropriate for MY TYPE of P3D use) I do have my frames locked at 24, and use an Affinity Mask whilst running one 4k screen.  That said, I have posted numerous photos in this and a couple of other threads- so you are seeing what I am seeing.

The flight fluidity and feel is at least as good as the current 744.  There is no issue with taxying, in fact, I have gotten to relish this part of the flight experience.  There is residual thrust/motion from the idling engines, and despite the notorious issues with ground friction modeling, there does seems to be a certain amount of "push".  While the aeroplane does not continue to accelerate, as it would IRL at light weights, there is a relatable relationship between throttle movement, thrust modeling and GS response; enough so that this bit has been noticeably more satisfying.

In 90 degree turns on the ground (my visual performance nemesis) there is sufficient fluidity and bulk, to allow for a willing suspension of disbelief.

In the air, rotation and in flight performance are as good as, or better than the rest of PMDG's offerings.  The occasional long frame/ 2-3 second pause still plagues me during late arrival and approach- but that is not something isolated to the 747-8 and something that I hope will fade away as P3D continues to evolve.

All in all- if you can run the 747 comfortably on your system, there should be no reason you aren't happy with the performance of the -8 Expansion.

HTH for now, I'm sure there will be videos showing all this off, soon :)



Carl Avari-Cooper


Homeward bound, on a wing (and a prayer)... Seattle Sound ahead...



When's the last time you daydreamed about heating filaments in Perspex?




Carl Avari-Cooper


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