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Everything posted by Boomer

  1. Option for the mouse wheel is missing I only see Cockpit Decrease Interaction =
  2. Is there a hard core Airbus A340 for MS2020?
  3. paramount chnl blows: they SPINELESSLY dumped the Cops tv show.
  4. 5.4 crashes immediately when switching to Oculus VR, same ol same ol.
  5. VR crashes P3D 5.4 right away when switching to it.
  6. Sorry dude what does EA enabled mean?
  7. Please advise what settings cause I don't see the smoke haze from cyyz.
  8. Very cool will check that out...mind you not so cool when you're in it....
  9. Fine but what does this have to do with my question?
  10. Now that developers have abandoned P3D, any free ones about please and thanks.
  11. So, is there a v6 coming? If so, what can we anticipate it will bring? Still enjoying my PMDG Queen in this sim.
  12. Hmm, still no word on a P3dv6, but if so, if coming, what changes might we expect?
  13. Any good free ones for P3Dv5.3? Thanks.
  14. Need to fix the landing gear wont go up issue.
  15. This would be far better if blue tooth soas to get rid of cabling to the chair.
  16. You missed my point entirely about the design and philosophy differences between Boeing and Airbus.
  17. Yaaaaaawwwwnnnnn...an Airbus: they fly YOU.
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