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Calm down

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Its about time for us to seriously get a grip and settle down and calm down concerning MFS2020.

I have noticed that most peoples expectancy levels (mine included) are way up to the roof pertaining the upcoming sim and partly thats understandable.  But lets take a moment and analyse some facts.

So far we have been getting short glimpses and insights from development videos and trailers that the MS team has been posting and most of us are completely awed and blown away by what we have seen so far.  But think about that for a second…lets use a bit of common sense here.

What we have been seeing so far is nothing more then exactly what Microsoft and Asobo wants us to see…its called marketing.  Every development trailer is a sales pitch with the purpose to gather as much as an audience as possible that they can for their upcoming product.  This is not a new strategy in business and its also a clever and necessary strategy if you want to promote your product for potential sales in the future…but there is danger thats secretly lurking behind this:



We are shown beautiful breathtaking scenery landscapes and stunning water from different parts and cities and it all looks very convincing and incredibly well put together…and we keep hearing the reassuring phrase that virtually the entire planet is going to be covered and that you can therefore also be able to fly over your own house…wherever that might be.  That might very well be the case…but…you might want to take into consideration that if your particular house happens to be located in an unfortunate part of the world that Bing maps has very little or no coverage over that big disappointment sits to await you!…after you have finished paid top dollar for your new sim.  But you were one of the first customers who rushed to the online store to cash in  after you waited impatiently for months…just to sit behind your desk fire up your brand new Msf2020 rush and fly over your area with great expectancy to see your house…but low and behold…its nowhere to be found!…all you see in its place are blurred rectangular boxes!…and then you scream and shout and throw temper tantrums and curse Microsoft and Asobo for selling you lies!…but they were not selling you lies…they were marketing their product and with todays advanced digital technology in the hands of a global company like Asobo…well…you do the math.   

I mean dont get me wrong…there will be without a doubt parts of the world where if your lucky enaugh that Bing has good coverage that you will see your house…but then again those parts of the world are areas in which Asobo and Microsoft agree that it will be marketable enaugh to give special attention and that has exactly been one of the key problems with the Flight simulator franchise since its beginnings…only select areas of the world are chosen to give special attention to…which as a result has given birth to the add-on market and its developers to compensate for the lack of quality scenery in the default simulator…which apparently has made a total 360 degree turn in the new upcoming simulator…from what we have seen so far from the short trailers.  And if and only if its all going to look as good as it seems by default…well…who needs to pay extra bucks for addons right?…well…at this point its yes and no and maybe.   None of us know for sure yet…what Microsoft and Asobo has been showing us so far is what they want us to see and needless to say it’s still a work in progress.

But guys please try and maintain your sanity stay calm and for now take it all with a pinch of salt in order to avoid major disappointments later.


Remember years ago when FSX was about to be released?…every one thought it was going to be the next best thing after hot bread and people could not wait for its release…until finally it got released and people started to test it out and play…and what followed next was a global wave of complaints and disappointments about this and that because things were not as expected from what was being shown in the promos before its release!…which in its turn convinced thousands to rush to the add-on market.

At this point every one is super hyped and anxious because of what we have seen from the development trailers…but I have a strange feeling in my gut that fast forward months into the near future when people finally own the sim and are experiencing it first hand that many tears and curse will flow…and I don’t want to sound all gloom and doom…but all I’m saying is lets try and stay calm and collected for now (easier said then done I know)

And use our common sense…and dont forget the key word here:



Truth be told though…whatever the final outcome will be of the new sim one thing is for sure…it will be light years ahead of its predecessors in the past!…that I can guarantee.


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1 hour ago, Captain747 said:

Truth be told though…whatever the final outcome will be of the new sim one thing is for sure…it will be light years ahead of its predecessors in the past!…that I can guarantee.

That could have been the whole post honestly.

Let’s let anyone feel however they want about the news and updates.

Nobody needs to “calm down”

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2 hours ago, Captain747 said:

Truth be told though…whatever the final outcome will be of the new sim one thing is for sure…it will be light years ahead of its predecessors in the past!…that I can guarantee.

Outside the cockpit, sure.

You've seen all the flight models of different aircraft types so you can guarantee that? I sure haven't. 😉

X-Plane and Microsoft Flight Simulator on Windows 10 
i7 6700 4.0 GHz, 32 GB RAM, GTX 1660 ti, 1920x1200 monitor

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I think many of us out here may just sit and wait a spell till all the reviews and critiques start rolling-in after "2020" is finally released:   There are still so many unknown variables about this next big thing in flight simulation that don't need rehashing by me... And, a little reminder:  Microsoft FSX was the next big thing back in 2006 in spite of all the little bugs and blemishes.  No other sim could match it back then.  Surely not the case in today's world - that's  exactly why I'm so darn optimistic, and not calm at all right now!

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There is every reason to expect that what you see is what you're going to get with Microsoft's upgrade to Flight Simulator.  If you've been involved from the beginning since the sugLOGIC days you would know that every piece of the puzzle they have put together has been out there in the community for a while.  But what was needed was for an organization like Microsoft to put it together.  I had great hope that Lockheed Martin would be the puzzle solver, but they let me down, as I thought the 64bit version would solve the microstutter that was killing the joy I thought I would have in my $5k investment in hardware.  But I realized that only Microsoft has access to that depth in coding talent and PC resources.  Everything we see in the demos, streaming photo-realistic scenery, trees and houses generated by map aware algorithms, real time volumetric weather and lighting, road traffic according to traffic reports, realistic water, high resolution meshes, I don't even have time to finish this list, but Everything has been experimental or produced at one time in the FS community.  If you were to hire a team of forensic investigators for what happened to FS, it's this community you would would gather all your evidence from, and then probably be amazed at what was done with a ragtag swarm of aviation groupies.  But rest assured, everything has been done before, only a few details only discussed, and those in great detail.  It's everything you, or anyone else, would want for a virtual world where the best way to get around is through the air.  There's every reason to trust and believe it's real.

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Bloody hell its like the sims already been on life support. It isn't even out yet and people are acting like they have discovered a time machine and found out that Asobo was lying the whole time and France burst into riots.

We have insider builds with well, insiders so its not just 'marketing' they are showing since they are literally giving an unfinished build of the game to try. Which is pretty word not allowed rare when it comes to game development.

Also they straight up told you the expectations! During the World Feature Showcase the best case scenario for all buildings is having photogrammetry data as well as accurate height and satellite information, around 400 cities have the photogrammetry data and most others will have good height and satellite information. And thats not assuming AI can clean things up. Yes AI isn't magical but it can have a pretty good guess on good training data.

If you are able to somehow collect 2PB worth of drives, connect them all to eachother, download all the scenery on the planet, mark every tree on the planet setup every river accurately on the planet, setup every mountain and terrain levelling accurately on the planet, have photogrammetry of over 400 cities. Then let me know.

They genuinely seem very passionate about this project and I'm sure even if it doesn't meet all of our expectations it will still be lightyears ahead of the current offering.

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4 hours ago, Captain747 said:

But guys please try and maintain your sanity stay calm and for now take it all with a pinch of salt in order to avoid major disappointments later.

I don't think I'm alone in being able to remain both sane and calm while also being excited about a hobby that I crave.

There has been far more than just marketing. Yes it is controlled by Microsoft (and why would you expect at this stage for that to be any different?) .If your post was made 6 months ago then it might have some merit, but given the amount of information that has been released, and feedback from people that are NOT Microsoft and are likely much less biased, your post telling us how we should act and feel is a tad condescending.

If I'm disappointed when the product is finally released then I will be the first to apologise to you.

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I think its going to be a complete flop. Even worse than MS Flight and DoveTail's Flight Sim World.

I predict that the Achilles heal will be that on medium setting on cutting edge high performance hardware

the target frame rate will be 30fps with clear skies. You'll have to use 1/2 refresh

rate with Nvidia Inspector to smooth out the long frame stutters.

I beat Asobo made all those videos at a simulation rate of 1/4 and

speed the video up by 4 to make it look like 60fps. Everyone will stick with P3D V5 when its relased

because although it will look exactly the same as P3D V4 LM will have optimized the code so much

that even modest hardware will run at 90fps in VR with all the setting maxed out.


It will be remember as the great Microsoft Flight Simulator catastrophe of 2020. Gen Z'ers will

tell their grand children the story with tears in their eye's. That's the one's who survive.

My grave stone will read: Here lies Avidean 'they shot the messenger'.


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3 minutes ago, Avidean said:

I think its going to be a complete flop. Even worse than MS Flight and DoveTail's Flight Sim World.

Without a smiley it's difficult to tell if your post was serious or a joke. I assume the latter.

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Just now, FDEdev said:

Without a smiley it's difficult to tell if your post was serious or a joke. I assume the latter.

Was definitely the latter, and rather funny.

If not I'll eat your hat. Can't believe he wrote vr though... must have been referring to rotation speed.

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2 minutes ago, b737800 said:

Was definitely the latter, and rather funny.

Or msparks has hacked the account, posts as Avidean and it was meant to be serious.🤣

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2 minutes ago, FDEdev said:

Or msparks has hacked the account, posts as Avidean and it was meant to be serious.🤣

You make a good point. Didn't think of that. Every time I feel a twinge of excitement or anticipation I read one of his posts to bring me back down to earth.

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As far as I'm concerned I am very calm, so calm that I returned to XP11 which I had left long ao ( months ) and am finally enjoying one of the best add-ons I ever bought for it - Toliss A319 - and sometimes thinking: "what else do I need ? "...

They can take their time, I'll wait and see. Yess the looks are great, but a flightsim is far from being *only* the looks, and all hints about weather and FDM are just that - hints !

I'll be interested in finding out the result when released, until then, a lot to play with what I have in IL.2, PSX and XP11...

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Preferred addons: TOLISS A32N, TOGA MU-2, VSkylabs DC-3 and R66, LES DC-3, AWX DC-3

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4 hours ago, Paraffin said:

Outside the cockpit, sure.

You've seen all the flight models of different aircraft types so you can guarantee that? I sure haven't. 😉


We can assume that the flight modeling is well done.

First, there have been some trustworthy real world pilots and Youtubers that have confirmed that the planes fly comparably to X-Plane.

Second, you could see the flight model at work in the feature discovery episode about aerodynamics. It looks very similar to X-Planes. Indeed there were even more forces calculated! Most notably for the rudder, elevator as well as several forces on the fuselage.


So the foundation is layed. All we need is someone who creates a proper model of an aircraft. If the default aircraft cannot compete, I am almost certain there will be high quality third party addons!

All in all, I am not scared a bit in that regard.

Happy with MSFS 🙂
home simming evolved

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