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Calm down

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4 minutes ago, shivers9 said:

You Sir are in Violation of you NDA with LM and I am going to report you. Now everyone has the info and performance spec's on the  Prepar3d V5,0. and it is not even scheduled to be released until late next week. 


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17 hours ago, Avidean said:

Everyone will stick with P3D V5 when its relased

because although it will look exactly the same as P3D V4 LM will have optimized the code so much

that even modest hardware will run at 90fps in VR with all the setting maxed out.

P3D at 90FPS, that will be the day 🤣

If P3D had performance that good I'd be more than happy to keep both sims going. P3D still works well for IFR.

P3Dv4 + XP11


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Here's a nice video from airboyd, who was one of the journalists invited to the original Microsoft preview event, in September last year.

He's a real world pilot, and he visited several places around the world in the sim, and said - yes all these places he visited looks just as good as the B - Roll footage people who attended that event were given.

Its in nice sharp 4k as well, so that makes it well worth watching again.

Also - I have Project Cars 2 on my PC, and I have an Intel i7 Processor, with a Nvidia GTX 1060, and that runs just fine, with 24 cars racing, with all the PBR rendering stuff with that....have everything nearly maxed out.....and it runs really well.

I think MSFS will run ok, there's supposed to be loads of levels you can run it on anyway.



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9 hours ago, edpatino said:

1. Minimum hardware requirements. According to what was informed during the public presentations done in Seattle and in London I believe, the PC's were equipped with the very latest CPU (and cooling I suppose) and 64GB RAM. The graphics card used were all Nvidia GTX 2080Ti. So, maybe it will require a certain investment on our existing hardware to make use of all the advantages of the new sim.

Those systems were running the sim (and keep in mind a pre-alpha, unoptimized version of it) at 4K resolution, and (from what people at the Seattle event said), a reasonably stable 60 frames per second, at highest possible detail settings.

If you go from 4K to, say, a standard 1080p computer monitor, you've already cut the number of pixels being rendered every frame by 75%.  If you are okay with a steady 30fps, you've cut that framerate in half.

Pre-release PC games are typically demoed on high-end hardware, to ensure they are being shown at their absolute best, and to try and eliminate even the chance of performance problems colouring the perceptions of the media or public who are viewing it.  Even in-progress console games are often demoed on PC hardware, for the same reason.

In addition, we have anecdotal evidence from alleged testers posting on Reddit and elsewhere, of people getting good performance at high detail settings on video cards like the Geforce 1060 and 1070.  The common emerging denominator, as has been discussed on this forum, seems to be the need for 32GB of RAM - or at least a heavy preference in who they select for testing, suggesting it's a performance bottleneck at the moment.

Asobo themselves have mentioned a few times that people will be surprised by the performance of the sim, because they read the same posts we do, about people expecting nothing less than a HAL 9000 being required to get it to boot.

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Hello to you all,


Truth be told though…whatever the final outcome will be of the new sim one thing is for sure…it will be light years ahead of its predecessors in the past!…that I can guarantee"

I would guess that many comments can be made from this statement alone in the OPs topic.


This topic is very much a part of an incredible publicity machine that has been created by us (the community). In my opinion, it is totally unnecessary and now verging on annoying.

MSFS, I believe is going to succeed on its own merits.  Microsoft and Asobo must be grinning from ear to ear with what is happening on this forum. I think Marketing=publicity=sales=success, and, given some of the fairly pointless topics created in this forum, The MSFS team are almost guaranteed sales in an order of magnitude never seen before. 

As Irrics has said, the Truth be told line could have been the whole post and in reality does not really merit any further comment other than the statement from Parrafin "You've seen all the flight models of different aircraft types so you can guarantee that? I sure haven't. 😉"

Whilst a "guaranttee" in this statement is almost nonsensical in literal terms, I am fairly certain, that even the earliest eventual release is going to be better than what we have in the Flight Sim World at the moment.  I would stress, also, "at the moment"  We currently have no idea what XPlane has on the horizon (other than Vulkan) and P3Dv5 (on the horizon also) remains a mystery. So a guarantee certainly requires qualification.

As for "staying calm",  well ... best said is Hmmmmmm?

regards to all



Tony Chilcott.


My System. Motherboard. ASRock Taichi X570 CPU Ryzen 9 3900x (not yet overclocked). RAM 32gb Corsair Vengeance (2x16) 3200mhz. 1 x Gigabyte Aorus GTX1080ti Extreme and a 1200watt PSU.

1 x 1tb SSD 3 x 240BG SSD and 4 x 2TB HDD

OS Win 10 Pro 64bit. Simulators ... FS2004/P3Dv4.5/Xplane.DCS/Aeroflyfs2...MSFS to come for sure.

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I will not calm down.

Is it done yet? When will it be released? Will it be freeware or payware? How much will it cost? Any updates on the progress? Will it work for Xbox? Can I be a beta tester? How's the performance in VR?

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I just had a "moment" and needed to come in here for 5 minutes.

All good now though so ... seeya.

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9 hours ago, tweekz said:

The worst that really can happen, is that some people who didn't think about trying out a flight sim, actually find it appealing and stick with it. Well that and maybe mSparks nightmare scenarios.

The massive marketing & budget MSFT is throwing at MSFS2020 is going to have and is already having a huge positive impact on the flight sim market that will last for years even if MSFS2020 does end up with Crew 2, Forza Street or Flight like reviews once its released.

And on the off chance it bucks the trend and actually delivers, all the better.

what do you mean by "nightmare scenario"? That all sounds fine and dandy to me.

AutoATC Developer

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8 hours ago, seamaster55 said:

Here's a nice video from airboyd, who was one of the journalists invited to the original Microsoft preview event, in September last year.

He's a real world pilot, and he visited several places around the world in the sim, and said - yes all these places he visited looks just as good as the B - Roll footage people who attended that event were given.





There's something similar from FlightChops. Also real world pilot. Pretty much the same outline. Good flight dynamics, great scenery.

If people manage to accept some reasonable flaws in the beginning, there is not much to be concerned about. I really think MS did a great job by giving it to ASOBO. They seem very capable - both technically as well as socially.


Happy with MSFS 🙂
home simming evolved

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Nothing new here, apart from rewinding & repeating what happened in September, that we ALL have seen many times..


"Onward & Upward" ...
To the Stars, & Beyond... 

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20 hours ago, jcomm said:

Problem is, what to do with it...

Some platforms that follow a similar approach strive to find acceptable outcomes of their FDMs for ages, some fine tune them continually, some simply offer a compromise.

I've moved this quote here, as it's not really so much about X-Plane.

I think it is possible for a determined software developer, to get this flight model done quite nicely. They have technological infrastructure and personell at their disposal to work very effectively on large scale projects.

For the flight dynamics, we also have numerous reports from the guys that have been at the Seatlle event (see videos above), who confirm that it flies very realistic.

The weather simulation or implementation of AI to recreate the whole world probably weren't easy to achieve as well, yet they've done it - which we can pretty much assume with the latter at least.

To me, that rounds out a picture to be quite confident about them doing a great job. Not without flaws of course. That would not be realistic to expect. But nothing that can't be fixed in a timely fashion.

Happy with MSFS 🙂
home simming evolved

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2 hours ago, tweekz said:


flight modelling is a hyper complex, multi facetted math problem.

Throwing more people at a math problem doesn't solve it faster.

We know what the msfs2020 flight model will look like, they posted a video on it.

should look more like


AutoATC Developer

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In the DCS video the narrator tells me at 1:04 that 'a stall is when one or both wings stop producing lift'. That's not true ofcourse. During a stall there is still a certain amount of lift. Putting that aside, I have faith in the accuracy of stall modelling in MSFS and refuse to view upon the videolink you posted as evidence to the contrary; this is as you very well know a very old teaser.

2 hours ago, mSparks said:

flight modelling is a hyper complex, multi facetted math problem.

Throwing more people at a math problem doesn't solve it faster.

I don't think so. The more the merrier. Besides, Tweekz never suggested that more than one person was working on the MSFS FDE, so why this argument?

Cheers, Bert

AMD Ryzen 5900X, 32 GB RAM, RTX 3080 Ti, Windows 11 Home 64 bit, MSFS

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1 hour ago, Rimshot said:

refuse to view upon the videolink you posted as evidence to the contrary; this is as you very well know a very old teaser.

calm down. It is what it is.

As far as I know they do not have any further revisions to the fde on the roadmap. 

Its a game you can play on PC or the new xbox. Doesnt claim to be anything more (Asobo themselves have said they have no interest in FAA certification)

Ive never seen so much drama over a game before, wth are you lot so touchy?

AutoATC Developer

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29 minutes ago, mSparks said:

wth are you lot so touchy?

Perhaps some people are touchy with you because, by your own admission previously, many of your posts are worded and intended to cause controversy and/or confrontation. That says a lot more about you than it does them.

At any and every point where there is any uncertainty about a situation, you assert the one that puts the new sim in a bad light.

Take this gem:

"We know what the msfs2020 flight model will look like, they posted a video on it."

We know nothing of the sort. We know what it was like at a point in time and some of us know what it is like right now. NONE of us know what it will be like on release, or even when release is.

If you really gave a monkey's why people may or may not be touchy with you... wind your neck in, stop posting the BS and maybe grow up a little? Some of your posts are very well thought out and people can gain knowledge from you. It's a shame you don'r use that more to your advantage.

By the way, I'm not touchy at all. Just saying it as I see it )

Have a nice day.

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