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Does anyone test the new patches at ASOBO ?!

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Seriously the new patch made the sim worse for me. It was working perfectly before with nice fps on my two year old rig. My favourite plane the TBM930 was flying perfectly without problems. I was doing a round the world with the TBM930 with 1/2 done and 100 hours logged.

Then comes the latest patch... broke my TBM930 with the doplhing dance wobble on autopilot, making it thus unflyable. Got two CTD's when I clicked the VFR map, that was working fine before. More stutters and random fps drops on todays test flight, before the patch I had a very smooth ride with no fps drops on high settings.

I have used my microsoft store for two months and I am not going to buy the complete game if ASOBO keeps breaking her every other patch.

I wish I could revert back to the previous patch but it seems impossible so I am not touching the sim until the next patch.

THANK YOU ASOBO FOR YOUR INCOMPETENCE IN "PATCHING" FS2020 ! Does anyone test the new patches at ASOBO at all ??

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The crowd will be jumping on you soon, so put on a hard hat ASAP.

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David Porrett

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1 minute ago, DavidP said:

The crowd will be jumping on you soon, so put on a hard hat ASAP.

I have a kevlar west... the FS2020 word not allowed don't bother me.

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5 minutes ago, DavidP said:

The crowd will be jumping on you soon, so put on a hard hat ASAP.

LOL yep... You know on one side i will understand them on the other side i can understand the OP. I can assume he launched the sim, prepared some flight, happily loaded it up and then encouterd some moderate to severe issues and came here to explode on Asobo. I get it. 

I also exploded on MSFS forum not long ago after 4 flights in a row, on totally different places had lighting and thunders with barely no clouds.

Edited by roi1862
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Roi Ben

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Let me make this clear. People are perfectly entitled to voice their frustration about any product providing they provide evidence. This post has been reported but there's no way I will be locking it. For those of you frustrated by these type of posts just move along.

I've already given one person a holiday for antagonistic comments towards someone frustrated by the patches breaking things. Make helpful suggestions or stay away. And just a tip, telling someone to delete or uninstall is not helpful.

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Ray (Cheshire, England).
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I think Asobo and MS were too ambitious with the proclaimed functionality. Live weather and live planes would have been lovely but they should have stuck to the basics first and then incrementally develop these additional features. As it stands right now there aren’t many planes that are fully functional so the end product just feels half-baked and leads to wide frustration to the end user. 

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Got to be honest here — I can understand the OP's frustration.  

I've been pretty tolerant so far. I knew, given its earlier-than-expected release, MSFS was likely to be the equivalent of an "early access" product, and didn’t mind that.  I was fully expecting that it would take some months and a number of updates/patches before it was truly at a completed status. 

What I was not expecting was that it would go backwards, that every patch would break more previously-working features than fixing broken ones. An exaggeration? Maybe, but not by much.  Frankly, as a former programmer, I have to wonder at Asobo's code-design skills.  A properly-designed application should be compartmentalized enough that revising one section of the code shouldn’t affect other parts of the program but, with MSFS, it seems that fixing one part of the program breaks something completely different. Fixed sluggish performance?  Now, the A320 engines shut off.  Fix that? Great, but now the LOD is drastically reduced.  Is this just totally what we used to call "spaghetti code," where modifying one place changes all sorts of unrelated behavior?

Add to that their release schedule. Look, I wouldn’t be clamoring for one big patch per month, as long as Asobo put out regular hotfixes for things that had been working but got broken. I would be happy with getting "new feature" patches only quarterly or half-yearly if that were the case. But it’s frustrating beyond belief to be forced to install a new patch while wondering what previously-working features will now be broken, and knowing that, whatever they may be, we'll have to live with them another month until the next patch, at which time we'll learn what new things have been broken…lather, rinse, repeat. 

Putting it as simply as possible: I don’t mind slow progress, as long as we're not moving backwards...but, frankly, that’s what it's starting to feel like. 

Edited by JDWalley
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James David Walley

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34 minutes ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

Let me make this clear. People are perfectly entitled to voice their frustration about any product providing they provide evidence. This post has been reported but there's no way I will be locking it. For those of you frustrated by these type of posts just move along.

I've already given one person a holiday for antagonistic comments towards someone frustrated by the patches breaking things. Make helpful suggestions or stay away. And just a tip, telling someone to delete or uninstall is not helpful.

THANK YOU, Ray...people should not feel that the REPORT button is their personal,  censure/muzzle button. I already suggested that if people's angst is raised merely by the title of the post...don't click on it....simple. Move on down the topic line.  Don't click on it...what is so hard to understand about that?  Really!

Again I thank you for not, as a Moderator, caving to that pressure by some.

Edited by Sesquashtoo
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1 hour ago, Concorde79 said:

Does anyone test the new patches at ASOBO at all ??

If you care to listen to the latest Dev Q&A, available on both Youtube & Twitch, then you'll hear the head honcho admitting that they rushed the initial patches. The head of Asobo stated that they put so many "fixes" in that they didn't have time to fully test each patch within the two week timescale.

So the answer to your question is that they were only partially tested due to time constraints. They are now increasing the time between major patches and will almost certainly put in fewer "fixes" at a time in order to prevent a reoccurrence. It's really worth having a listen to the Q&A.

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Give people power to really test their personality.

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Well done Ray.

It does seem like some topics may have been intended to stir controversy, but the aggressive reactions, by a relatively small group of people, to genuine issues, have made the forum unpleasant.

We see the same people posting their insults, and backing up others doing the same, against anyone who posts anything less than positive about MSFS. These individuals often claim their MSFS installation runs perfectly and therefore others have no right to be critical.  Considering how much time they must spend monitoring posts on this forum, I wonder if they use MSFS enough to observe the issues others try to report.


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John B

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I don’t think anyone has a problem with venting. We’ve all been there (or will at some point lol). But when venting turns to hating i draw the line. Obviously the OP isn’t doing that. 

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I think if you watch Dev Q&A, it may calm you down and answer some of your question:


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AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D, 64GB DDR5 6000MHZ RAM, RTX 2080Super 

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7 minutes ago, SamYeager said:

If you care to listen to the latest Dev Q&A, available on both Youtube & Twitch, then you'll hear the head honcho admitting that they rushed the initial patches. The head of Asobo stated that they put so many "fixes" in that they didn't have time to fully test each patch within the two week timescale.

So the answer to your question is that they were only partially tested due to time constraints. They are now increasing the time between major patches and will almost certainly put in fewer "fixes" at a time in order to prevent a reoccurrence. It's really worth having a listen to the Q&A.

While watching the entire session, I just kept hoping i wasn't watching a PR put-out-the-fire drill. I hope the next patch won't be as regressive, as the last three.  THAT would have my present opinion, advance forward. That for sure. Here's hoping!

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Yes there a lot of skilled alpha and beta testers but Asobo ignores 99% of their reports. This has been reported many many times by testers.

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I am frustrated that the new patch has broken things that worked fine with me before the patch and people go nuts and report the post, seriously ????

I am not hating Asobo. I am just not going to pay the full price of the alpha sim they keep on breaking every second patch.

I thought we had a mature audience here in avsim.


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