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Pmdg update 09 October 2022

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On a side note, I think what shows the update is a bit sparse in terms of new information is that the main talking point here is date formats rather than flight simming. :biggrin:

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35 minutes ago, threegreen said:

On a side note, I think what shows the update is a bit sparse in terms of new information is that the main talking point here is date formats rather than flight simming. :biggrin:

Next there will be 5 pages on the punctuation. 


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020  PMDG 777    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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29 minutes ago, threegreen said:

On a side note, I think what shows the update is a bit sparse in terms of new information is that the main talking point here is date formats rather than flight simming. :biggrin:

It is, but I'll admit I do like to hear what is going on, even if a lot of it is "coming soon". Better than deafening silence anyway.

Glad there's an Autothrottle patch coming (even if the issue isn't of their making), noticed the issue on my last couple of flights...



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Gary Davies aka "Gazzareth"

Simming since 747 on the Acorn Electron


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1 hour ago, abrams_tank said:

Nah.  I think the 737 MAX code is probably done or close to done for PMDG.  The only reason Randazzo won't release it is because Randazzo said in the radio interview that the MSFS market is "fatigued" with the 737 lately.

If iFly are about to release their 737 MAX for MSFS though, you can bet PMDG will release their 737 MAX before iFly.  I expect the 737 MAX from PMDG to release between the end of this year, to sometime next year, and most importantly, it will release before the iFly 737 MAX for MSFS.

The 777 and 747 from PMDG can probably be pushed back a little, because there isn't any competition from PMDG at the moment (well, Just Flight is making the older 747 variant so that may influence PMDG a bit). But for the 737 MAX, I expect PMDG will release their 737 MAX before iFly does, and most likely, Randazzo will pick a time when he feels the MSFS market is not so "fatigued" by the 737.


I don’t think that’s accurate.  Wasn’t Ifly releasing the Max for P3D first?  If true, that aircraft is more a year or two from entering the MSFS market as the base code between P3D and MSFS is massive. Also, with the exception of Bredok and PMDG, what other 737s are available?  I’d say there’s FAR more A320 saturation than 737.  

Edited by kingm56

Matt King

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1 hour ago, abrams_tank said:

Nah.  I think the 737 MAX code is probably done or close to done for PMDG.  The only reason Randazzo won't release it is because Randazzo said in the radio interview that the MSFS market is "fatigued" with the 737 lately.

40 minutes ago, kingm56 said:

I don’t think that’s accurate.  Wasn’t Ifly releasing the Max for P3D first?  If true, that aircraft is more a year or two from entering the MSFS market as the base code between P3D and MSFS is massive. Also, with the exception of Bredok and PMDG, what other 737s are available?  I’d say there’s FAR more A320 saturation than 737.  

  I think what RSR means is there isn't enough hype he can generate at the moment to obtain the highest number of sales possible.

The vast majority of people who have bought PMDG's NG seem to be content with it. Only die-hard simmers will be willing to jump into another 737 variation now, when the current one is still relatively new.
Plus, a MAX variant release will very likely kill-off the steady drip-drip purchases of 737NGs that PMDG are likely picking up at the moment, solely because there's no real alternative 737 product—a good sales technique to wring every drop from their current 737NG offering.


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AMD Ryzen 5800X3D; MSI RTX 3080 Ti VENTUS 3X; 32GB Corsair 3200 MHz; ASUS VG35VQ 35" (3440 x 1440)
Fulcrum One yoke; Thrustmaster TCA Captain Pack Airbus edition; MFG Crosswind rudder pedals; CPFlight MCP 737; Logitech FIP x3; TrackIR

MSFS; Fenix A320; A2A PA-24; HPG H145; PMDG 737-600; AIG; RealTraffic; PSXTraffic; FSiPanel; REX AccuSeason Adv; FSDT GSX Pro; FS2Crew RAAS Pro; FS-ATC Chatter

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I see that nobody in here is signing their names at the bottom of their posts. You obviously don't consider yourself real PMDG pilots.

Captain Ben Dover. 

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At least we're talking about them even though there's nothing to talk about, so in that regard the "update" worked quite well.

Best regards

Dick Cockburn




Laminar Research customer -- Asobo/MS customer -- not an X-Aviation customer - or am I? 😉

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1 hour ago, F737MAX said:

  I think what RSR means is there isn't enough hype he can generate at the moment to obtain the highest number of sales possible.

Correct. What RSR identifies as "737 fatigue" is actually their strategy of selling the same aircraft over and over again backfiring. The NG's have 99.9% of the systems shared across the 600, 700, 800, 900 so only "hard core" simmers are going to keep paying for the same aircraft just so they can accurately fly a route with the exact model as in real life. Heck, I'm one of those hardcore simmers and I spent weeks going back and forth whether I should buy the 737-800 since I already have the Fenix. I eventually did buy the 800 but now find myself searching for A320 routes or even substituting the 800 for the A320 since I've come to absolutely love that aircraft. If Fenix had released an A321 then I would not even consider buying the 900.

IMHO, the smartest simmers were those who only paid for the 600 at $35.00 and stopped there. If you can look past its unpopularity IRL, you can slap a logo of the airline of your choice on it and pretend (and it's ALL pretend anyway), then you have no reason to spend over $200 for all 4 models of the same aircraft. Especially if you've purchased the SAME aircraft for FSX and twice for Prepar3d - once for the NGX and again for the NGXu.

So yes RSR is right, there IS 737 fatigue, but that is a condition they caused themselves. 

Edited by Mike T
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But what would be a good time to release the MAX to MAXimize sales? If he waits till after the 777 and 747, then he's competing with his own product line. After the 757, during the long lul while they strategize what their 6th product for MSFS will be?

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4 hours ago, tweekz said:

Interesting, didn't know that. Germany / Austria is dd mm yy as well... just for info. 😄

The entire civilised world uses that format. It's only the U.S. who goes against the grain. 😉

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14 minutes ago, Farlis said:

The entire civilised world uses that format. It's only the U.S. who goes against the grain. 😉

We going to casually ignore the ~1.7 billion people living in the Far East who use the yyyy-mm-dd format?

Edited by F737MAX
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AMD Ryzen 5800X3D; MSI RTX 3080 Ti VENTUS 3X; 32GB Corsair 3200 MHz; ASUS VG35VQ 35" (3440 x 1440)
Fulcrum One yoke; Thrustmaster TCA Captain Pack Airbus edition; MFG Crosswind rudder pedals; CPFlight MCP 737; Logitech FIP x3; TrackIR

MSFS; Fenix A320; A2A PA-24; HPG H145; PMDG 737-600; AIG; RealTraffic; PSXTraffic; FSiPanel; REX AccuSeason Adv; FSDT GSX Pro; FS2Crew RAAS Pro; FS-ATC Chatter

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I like RSR's chatty style, even when there isn't much news to tell. Still haven't decided on which of the 737s I'd like to buy - every time I settle on one particular variant, a little voice whispers "Yes...but what about one of the others ? ".  Looking forward to more news of the 777 too.

Edited by Paul K

Surely not everybody was kung fu fighting.


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Finally someone else saying the new turbulence/gust model is completely wrong. Wait, RSR is a real world pilot, how does he dare? 

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What an absolute waste of time reading the last four pages of complaining, running down, criticizing, sniveling and arrogant pontificating. I've not seen a larger bunch of over privileged snowflakes gathered in one spot, ever I think you guys should get together, risk you futures and your capital and build your own software development company. I read his remarks as actually rounding the corner and seeing a fairly clear path ahead. Wow, what has this place has become.

Edited by Radial9
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