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Active Sky coming to MSFS

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Posted (edited)

it's not bad at all...

Flying in the wrong weather because you don't have historical weather is "not bad at all...". Like me only being able to fly at night and only having night temperatures because the "simulator" doesn't offer (or don't allow/allow to show) more than that 😐

"it's not bad at all..." [facepalm]

Edited by Juliett Alfa Romeo
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12400F - 32GB DDR4 - RTX4070 - 1440p G-Sync UltraWide - Sennheiser GSX 1000 - O11 Air Mini - 1TB NVMe + 2TB SSD - Windows 11 Pro - MSFS

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3 hours ago, RALF9636 said:

In previous sims I've spent most of my time trying to keep all the addons compatible with the sim and foremost with each other. They kept breaking each other and fiddling around with settings and files was my daily fare.

None of that has ever been necessary with MSFS and all its addons. I run dozens of addons that make MSFS so much better and never had any major issues with them.

I'd actually forgotten about all that! I've always had tons of addon stuff and yes, I remember much juggling in P3D and similar. My addons linker total now shows something approaching 5000 items (although that includes all the repaints, it still represents probably 1500-2000 genuine separate items) and I can only ever recall one instance of a clash. And even then it didn't stop the sim starting and running ok.

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Ryzen 9 7900X, Corsair H150 AIO cooler, 64 Gb DDR5, Asus X670E Hero m/b, 3090ti, 13Tb NVMe, 8Tb SSD, 16Tb HD, 55" Philips 4k HDR monitor, EVGA 1600w ps, all in Corsair 7000D airflow case.

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Posted (edited)
On 4/14/2024 at 6:49 AM, Claudius_ said:

No more miriad apps running in background for me, I like the default weather system, it's not perfect but it works well.

100% this.  I love the global weather model in the default MSFS. I know it isn't perfect, bujt unless ASFS adds anything additional (I'm not interested in historcial weather) to the accuracy of weather depiction, I am also not keen on running addtional apps.  No doubt they will be charging a small fortune for the app too as there are a number of people desperately wanting historical weather.

Edited by ErichB
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Looking forward to others experiences.

The Preset method like REX has is not my kind of thing, But perhaps they have a superior version of it that will blow my mind away.

We’ll see.

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13900 8 cores @ 5.5-5.8 GHz / 8 cores @ 4.3 GHz (hyperthreading on) - Asus ROG Strix Gaming D4 - GSkill Ripjaws 2x 16 Gb 4266 mhz @ 3200 mhz / cas 13 -  Inno3D RTX4090 X3 iCHILL 24 Gb - 1x SSD M2 2800/1800 2TB - 1x SSD M2 2800/1800 1Tb - Sata 600 SSD 500 Mb - Thermaltake Level 10 GT case - EKWB Extreme 240 liquid cooling set push/pull - 2x 55’ Sony 4K tv's as front view and right view.

13600  6 cores @ 5.1 GHz / 8 cores @ 4.0 GHz (hypterthreading on) - Asus ROG Strix Gaming D - GSkill Trident 4x Gb 3200 MHz cas 15 - Asus TUF RTX 4080 16 Gb  - 1x SSD M2 2800/1800 2TB - 2x  Sata 600 SSD 500 Mb - Corsair D4000 Airflow case - NXT Krajen Z63 AIO liquide cooling - 1x 65” Sony 4K tv as left view.

FOV : 190 degrees

My flightsim vids :  https://www.youtube.com/user/fswidesim/videos?shelf_id=0&sort=dd&view=0


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Posted (edited)


6 hours ago, fluffyflops said:

Agreed.  When they said a couple of weeks ago they'd not made profit for 2 years I felt really bad for them.  You know this community is shafted when captainsin and aerosoft are making money and hifi are not.

Captain Sim and Aerosoft are making money because they have had products for MSFS for 2+ years while HiFi don't have any. That's logical and not because of the community.

Edited by threexgreen

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1 hour ago, Keirtt said:

I think this pretty much puts to bed the answer on the weather radar for PMDG. spacer.png

This makes no sense.  Firstly, it's 'him', one of the most negative,rude, and deceptive people I have ever come across. Why RR gave him a job I will never understand - I don't know what he ever adds to a project.

Secondly, it is possible to 'depict rain on a display where it actually is in the sim'.  Even Carenado have been doing this in MSFS for years.  And yes, I mean precipitation not clouds. 
It works.  It is a common and often repeated myth that you can't.  Asobo implemented this about a year into MSFS2020.

I don't know why anybody would listen to MK.  He has been proven as a spreader of false information for years.

Remember when he said you can't have an animated trim wheel in the Twin Otter (when people complained), because the animation would be too expensive and affect frame rate!  Laughable!
By the way MK!  Where is the Twin Otter.  After being withdrawn you said it would be back in a few weeks.  It's been over a year now hasn't it?  Why anybody would want to listen to this guy I really don't know.  :rolleyes:

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Rob (but call me Bob or Rob, I don't mind).

I like to trick airline passengers into thinking I have my own swimming pool in my back yard by painting a large blue rectangle on my patio.

Intel 14900K in a Z790 motherboard with water cooling, RTX 4080, 32 GB 6000 CL30 DDR5 RAM, W11 and MSFS on Samsung 980 Pro NVME SSD's.  Core Isolation Off, Game Mode Off.

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, DD_Arthur said:

No, it projects a cone of detection ahead of the aircraft so it’s not ‘useless’.

It still can't be tilted though, so it's only showing what's ahead of the aircraft's nose, not what's where it's actually going. Aircraft attitude and flight path vector aren't the same; for example, the aircraft's nose will point downwards at a certain angle, but its flight path is actually steeper than that. So the WX radar would only show the weather ahead of the nose that you're not going to actually descent into unless you're descending at a very shallow angle. The auto-tilt function in a radar will automatically tilt the radar so that it's scanning the area the aircraft will actually go through, or you can of course manually tilt.

If you enlarge the cone to capture weather below the aircraft's nose angle it'll end up showing weather below and above the aircraft simultaneously which also doesn't make a whole lot of sense. In both cases, you'll see weather irrelevant to your flight, or even miss weather that's relevant. I understand it's better than nothing to many, but it's still not all that useful and certainly doesn't work like the real unit. I can see why high fidelity developers aren't convinced.

Edited by threexgreen

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31 minutes ago, bobcat999 said:

This makes no sense. 

I’m the context of the question Mathjis is quite correct.

What AS will bring to MSFS really has nothing to do with WXR.

Hopefully, with the release of the 777 PDMG will have bitten the bullet and used the Asobo WXR api to give us a working weather radar just as Maddog, Inibuilds, Carenado, etc. have done.

Will it be perfect? No but it will be infinitely better than ‘Inop’.

From reading their forums and the replies to questions about WXR over the last few months, I honestly believe they were unaware that this had been possible for a couple of years….

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8 minutes ago, threexgreen said:

It still can't be tilted though, 

Indeed. It won’t give predictive wind sheer or show lightning either. 
It won’t be like a ‘real’ WXR, it will be a ‘simulation’ of a WXR in the same way we have windscreen wipers that don’t wipe away rain.

Has anyone binned their MD80 or A300 or 787 because of the limitations of the WXR in these aircraft.

Last time I flew the 787, on approach I descended through a storm front that was displayed beautifully on the WXR. I must admit, my reaction was not “what a pos” but “wow, how cool was that!”

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50 minutes ago, bobcat999 said:

This makes no sense.  Firstly, it's 'him', one of the most negative,rude, and deceptive people I have ever come across. Why RR gave him a job I will never understand - I don't know what he ever adds to a project.

Secondly, it is possible to 'depict rain on a display where it actually is in the sim'.  Even Carenado have been doing this in MSFS for years.  And yes, I mean precipitation not clouds. 
It works.  It is a common and often repeated myth that you can't.  Asobo implemented this about a year into MSFS2020.

I don't know why anybody would listen to MK.  He has been proven as a spreader of false information for years.

Remember when he said you can't have an animated trim wheel in the Twin Otter (when people complained), because the animation would be too expensive and affect frame rate!  Laughable!
By the way MK!  Where is the Twin Otter.  After being withdrawn you said it would be back in a few weeks.  It's been over a year now hasn't it?  Why anybody would want to listen to this guy I really don't know.  :rolleyes:

Lol, his signature says it all, "Criticize Ideas" - he's good at that. I agree Bob, I have seen him at many shows and I never went out of my way to say hello to him after I introduced myself at the AVSIM conference in 2007. He would to sit at the Aerosoft booth reading the paper. Maybe he is a good admin person, but that's about it.


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\Robert Hamlich/


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1 hour ago, threexgreen said:


Captain Sim and Aerosoft are making money because they have had products for MSFS for 2+ years while HiFi don't have any. That's logical and not because of the community.

The truth is also, however, that CaptainSim are making 20x (!) the net profit of Fenix. Source: Aamir himself.

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34 minutes ago, threexgreen said:

so it's only showing what's ahead of the aircraft's nose

No, from what I‘ve understood it‘s quite the opposite: It shows *everything* ahead of the aircraft, from from ground to FL400. That‘s just as useless. Aircraft don‘t divert in real life because there‘s a thunderstorm 20000 feet below them.

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12 hours ago, UAL4life said:

Yeah one of my most favorite memories of MSFS before it was downgraded to oblivion was when I was sitting on the ramp in the Bahamas blue sky day and a thunderstorm roles in an hour late turning the sky dark with light night but you could watch the storm approach from the ocean and the rain shafts.

Ever since one of the earlier updates that has never happened again. Sad. 

This is why we need an option to disable METAR

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2 hours ago, Keirtt said:

I think this pretty much puts to bed the answer on the weather radar for PMDG. spacer.png

Is he living in the past? The default RADAR does show where rain is in the sim

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Keirtt said:

I think this pretty much puts to bed the answer on the weather radar for PMDG. spacer.png

Experience tells me not to give too much on Mathijs Koks opinion ...

Edited by Nemo
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- Harry 

i9-13900K (HT off, 5.5 GHz, Z690) - 32 GB RAM (DDR5 6400, CAS 34), RTX 3090Windows 11 Pro (1TB M.2) - MSFS 2020 (MS Store, on separate 4TB M.2).




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