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Everything posted by briansommers

  1. I want to know how real world Alaska bush flying works in the winter. Does it pretty much stop? What about passengers to cabins, do they continue or stop? any help would be good, thanks.
  2. Yes and no. I found someone else that was having a similar problem. I tried several things but still no go. The most frustrating part was that it seemed intermittent. Once I got it to work, then the next time not, and finally I have a very short tolerance for fuss.. it's better to just fly without it.
  3. anyone know how long this sale will last?
  4. yes FSCaptain does, but that program is way to much fuss.
  5. I would sure be interested i this.. file isn't there.
  6. I can't find this gauge file: Gauge_EFIS_EADIVCV4.xml I have the PC12 v2 for p3d v4.1 Is this the gague for the S550 maybe instead?
  7. I'm using v4.1 I'm looking for an addon that would reduce your breaking when there is snow/rain on the runways, etc? Anything like that? Also, any program that adds ground icing/de-icing to your plane etc? I know FSCaptain does but it's a fuss to use, I'm looking for a standalone product.
  8. I love red and cream. I'll get that one when it's ready.
  9. currently I'm doing a complete and total re-install of everything. so this is p3d v4.1 out of the box and I turned on default AI traffic. and saw two planes coming into land and their strobes blinked at the exact same time. I assumed this does this on the ground as well, but I did not verify that. I am planning on installing F1 Ultimate Traffic Live v1.0.0.3 and see what that does. I'll get your program anyways.
  10. P3d V4.1 with default AI traffic. the strobes on all aircraft all blink at the same time. It looks crazy. anyway to fix this? Does Ultimate Traffic LIve fix this?
  11. I was thinking/looking into trying to come up with a VA that would be bush flying and that's it. Nothing but bush flying. I may just do it as my own little thing. I "assign" my own flights. I don't pick them. I have a method that simulates a passenger choosing where to go based on the airports that we service, etc. Or that's the idea. This is all done manually through dice rolls, bringing in a little tabletop role-playing gaming. No dragons here, LOL.
  12. There used to be tons of them back in the FS9 and early FS10 days and now that we have better/realistic scenery we have very few. You would think that there would be plenty to choose from. Do you think it’s because of all the high fidelity jets/dash8 we have now? any other comments?
  13. I'm going to load up my 747 II and turn off shadows. I think I kept the aircraft ones on. turn down my Autogen, etc. and see if I can get it to be descent.
  14. This makes me want to play a pencil and paper sci-fi RPG like traveler.
  15. The iFly 737 I have considered... will have to look into that some more. Seems to be the Dash 8 is the answer. Thanks all and I'm sorry I offended some of you with this thread. I hope you can get over it and move on in your lives. Thanks for your kindness.
  16. P3d v4.1 I'm not to concerned about depth I'm more concerned in performance. Which of the three is best on the frame rates? I have an old computer I7-930 o/c to 3.8 6 Gigs of ram on board GTX 960 w/4G memory sooo.... I have the PMDG 747 QOTSII and in v3.4 it was to much and I had to take it off. Everyone says performance is better in 4.1 but I haven't noticed anything to stunning, maybe overall smoother. What say you all. or should I forget it until I get a better/faster pooter. oh , lets not stop here: other planes like the Majestic Dash 8 pro, TFDI B717, Aerosoft CRJ I have some nice large airports that do well on my system but would like some sort of larger plane/jet etc that would be more realistic at these big airports.
  17. Is there a list of multi-player groups that use JoinFS to fly with? I know 2, any others?
  18. so then the C208B grand caravan and the super cargomaster IS NOT compatible yet with v4.1? that would explain the screwey textures I'm getting. Man I could sure use that aircraft.
  19. A question about the pricing so if I have my old pilot edition and upgrade to the pilot 64bit edition that's 14.95 eur but then what is the price to go from the pilot 64bit to the pro 64bit?
  20. I installed the new 208 fsx/p3d into v4.1 and the vc textures don't load, the gauges are there but i can see through the plane.. anyone? Thanks.
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