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Everything posted by briansommers

  1. I'm thinking a complete uninstall and a fresh reinstall of everything
  2. I have it off. if I turn it on, p3dv4 crashes to desktop. I just don't get why its whacking out all of my vc's , although the CT210M seems fine. so sad, I love my pc12 I'll try the TBM850 and the Hawker850 and maybe the B200 or C90
  3. you are correct. I installed the C210 - all seems to be good on that one the following I installed and reinstalled twice have overlapping messed up vc textures pc12 v2 ct206h v2 C404 C207
  4. I have the version all my carenado aircraft have messed up overlapping gps in the vc... everything is screwed up any ideas? and yes I have re-installed twice and nothing. the default planes are fine.
  5. yeah, that's what I thought. but I looked at K2 Aviation and it looks like they are using the DHC3 - isn't that like a pressurized turboprop beaver(dhc2)?
  6. Good, I hope you can keep it up to date, that is much needed, so many VA registries are so out of date most of the links are dead.
  7. I want to simulate giving sightseeing tours around high mountains. I want to fly around FL220. What would a real pilot/company do? would you: 1. fly a pressurized plane or 2. fly a plane that would have better views but then install an oxygen system and let pax use nose nacelles/tube? Would this be comfortable for the passengers? I'm thinking more of #1, yes? or do they do both? Thanks.
  8. Glad to see it's not only me. I get this too when you buy "normally" but I think you are supposed to click the BIG SALE notice in the right side of the splash screen but then I get the notice above. Very frustrating indeed, I was hoping to cash in on this. btw, can you get to the forums?
  9. Very interesting read for this thread. As a flight simmer of 32 years all the way back to sublogic. I wanted to become a pilot at 17 but it hasn't and won't happen. So flightsimming is the only thing I have to scratch the itch. Very good points. I'm always trying to "make it more real" and one thing that caught my attention was the climbing and descending speeds (FPM rates) It's very easy to get into a -/+ 2000 fpm climb/descend without getting a sense of how crazy that would be in real life. In small planes like this what is realistic? 700-800 fpm?
  10. LOL, and here I thought it was a feature. I use EZDok v2 and so I figured it was a part of engine vibration... just go with that and it will feel very real then.
  11. Thank-you! That what I'm getting. Even when trying to go to the forum http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php?topic=7852.45 Connection Problems Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
  12. I hope the sale goes on for a while because your link to your sale and the forum aren't happening right now. It seems to be overloaded. When I load up KCLT in my cart with KMEM and KIAH, I'm not getting the other 50% off. What's up with that?
  13. now that we have particle snow does that mean in the future we could see snow piling up?
  14. Do I need this if I have the v2 of the pc12?
  15. I'm using Carenado's old C185F amphibian. That does get the job done but it's really aged over the years. I also have the option of the tri-pacer from Lionheart, only holds 3 pax instead of the 5 above. so what else is available to get into those tiny lakes with cabins? I'm debating Lionheart Kodiak but seems old as well. Nothing shiny and new coming down...oh wait.. Milviz new Beaver, if that ever comes out.
  16. i'll believe it when I see it released until then I stand: VAPORWARE!
  17. I just purchased the 747 v3 days less than a week and I always have service based failures running. And when I'm not using a PMDG aircraft I run FSPassengers. That really makes flightsimming fun because at first you'll be lookin' for trouble but after hours and hours of flying nothing will happen and you'll settle down into a lull and then boom out of nowhere there's trouble. Oh we've got trouble, trouble right here in the Cockpit. That's trouble with a capital T and that T rhymes with C and that C stands for cockpit. Oh we've got trouble! I don't want to have to print something like that out so I think the best solution would be an e-reader because the pdf has clickable links to the index.
  18. I did, hopefully will get some serious study time tommorrow. All I can think of right now, is "I paid HOW MUCH FOR THAT AIRPLANE?"
  19. wow! you have links to all of those? I would love to d/l them. Thanks in advance
  20. I'm in the same boat. I've been flghtsimming for 30 years and I started with the tubeliners then I've been flying GA/corporate and now I'm thinking of getting the PMDG 747. Can't quite pull the trigger.
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