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Everything posted by HBelz4

  1. Wild night tail texture...old meets new....
  2. Thought we were going to see some AF action :france-flag: :LMAO:
  3. Google maps helps :-) https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&ie=UTF-8&q=philadelphia+airport&fb=1&gl=us&hq=philadelphia+airport&hnear=philadelphia+airport&cid=0,0,14531651355273053216&ei=XG0_UOyzLI_G9gT17ICADg&ved=0CIgBEPwSMAA
  4. JAC is a blast to fly in and out of. Normally fly there on a 752 and the spool up is amazing and then they release the brakes and rocket down the runway....always a blast! Great shots too!
  5. Nice! #5 where is that? Strange mix of airlines...
  6. Those not only make me home sick they make me want to through FS9 in the trash right now...
  7. Now Darthy, we KNOW you are not that young! TW last 747 revenue flight was 2/98!
  8. Miss this livery very much! Flew this old gal a few times during her glory days.
  9. Reminds me of Poltergeist! http://idiotflashback.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/poltergeist_thumb.jpg that freaky lookin' thing...
  10. Nice set. Looking at that 737 it is great static for sure! Just the font is a tad too high and big...but who the heck stares at the static planes :unsure:
  11. Head up to SE Asia. Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia...
  12. Start her early! My little girl loves to taxi around...her take-offs are a bit on the hairy side, but eh, she'll learn. Oh and welcome to the best club on the face of the Earth! The parent club!
  13. That must be north of it near the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi. Looks really close to our duck club...
  14. LOVE the Easter egg, being the TW 763 @ LAX! Nice!!! :Applause:
  15. Did a few trips to hike and fish in the Wind River Mountain Range. Great country. Hiked for a week without seeing a soul and caught the crud out of the golden and cuthroats from the glacier lakes...
  16. I have been in Vegas when it was SNOWING!
  17. Awesome work! I really enjoy fictional paints on planes!
  18. HA!!! 10K Ed! NICE! I think I'll be dead by the time I reach that! Anywho....great shots and thanks for more Tri-Star paints! :Peace:
  19. How are the FPS? Compared to their 757?
  20. Fantastic detail especially on the tail! :Applause:
  21. #3 is cool, the others are a tad dark, so can't make out too much :-)
  22. Oh and the story behind the KLM Asia pic....I did a long haul flight from HKG-SFO using FS Passengers. Somewhere over Nor Cal, I had the dreaded "fixed failure" of my landing gear....The mains came down but not the nose. Off course it was a costly fix...
  23. these make me want FSX BAD! But something just keeps me with 9 :Straight Face:
  24. NOOOOOOICE!!! Oh and who is that creeper in number 2 standing by the other bird? He looks like he really shouldn't be at the airport :Thinking:
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