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Speedbird 11

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  1. Sorry, in post #21 I meant that I did not find it a user-friendly aircraft to use on the PC, I have no idea about its merits in real life. :rolleyes: Michael
  2. I got the Q400 for Christmas. Fantastic simulation of a dud aircraft, so uninstalled it after a few flights. I found it more of a chore than a choice. Michael
  3. None really. I recently installed FS X on to a new computer, and it was amazing how fast and well it ran by itself, all the sliders up, with "Acceleration" as the only add-on. A few add-on aircraft later, and the sliders are back down again. <_< I suppose the only add-on I go to great lengths to re-install (adjusting AI traffic, etc into the bargain) is Fly Tampa's Kai Tak airport and Hong Kong city scenery. The rest is nice to have, but I could do without it, so not indispensable. Michael
  4. PMDG 747-400 was a keeper, my all time favourite (although not as dependable, in some respects, as their FS 2004 version which I bought on the day of release in 2005). FSL Concorde was also a keeper (purchased on release day 2010). Others come and go, but these two stay. Something to do with real-life sentimental attachment to these types for me, I suppose. Unfortunately, the 777 will probably not be a keeper either, since I prefer 2D panels. No real-world attachment to the type for me, either. Michael
  5. I have, more than 5 purchases ago though, and also uninstalled now! Michael
  6. 5. Just Flight L1011 TriStar: a couple of circuits, then uninstalled. 4. Just Flight Traffic 360: won't use, because too much bother to send traffic to Kai Tak. 3. Aerosoft A320 X: a few flights, then uninstalled since far too fiddly for my tastes. 2. GS X: used a bit, a lot of fun, but had to uninstall since it kept crashing my system (even while airborne, surprisingly). 1. PMDG 737: used for a few flights, but uninstalling now, since it never really moved me much. 5 uninstalls out of 5 purchases! Michael
  7. Great comedy writing K-Man. :lol: Sorry I can't help with your fps, I only use E6850 and ATI HD 7???, I have a bit of fun though. Michael
  8. Dear Phil, FS X is a great product that you and your colleagues created. I use or think about it most days, not too many other items fall into that category! Best wishes, Michael
  9. I have found FS X to be the most reliable and best version, having started with FS 98. The occasional problem has always been traced back to add-ons, including some that receive high praise from many people. I now work on the basis that less is more, so run FS X with minimal add-ons of proven stability. Michael
  10. Nice to see a positive thread, and in that vein I will start with FSX and Acceleration. These were gifts, not purchases, but without them the rest of my list means nothing. But for actual purchases, the few that I use all the time and love the most are the ones that integrate seamlessly with FS X, and I forget that they are not part of the original program! - Fly Tampa Hong Kong - PMDG 747-400 - FSL Concorde - FS Dreamteam's Ground Services X - Just Flight's Traffic 2005 (updated for FS X), still unobtrusively enhancing every flight after all these years, with no input from me An honourable mention also goes to: - Pro Flight Emulator, mainly because it enabled me to use ProFlight 2000 in the end, an add-on for FS 2000 that passed me by at the time, since FS versions were coming and going so quickly in those years! Michael
  11. FSL Concorde, and by an enormous margin. Michael
  12. Flight Operations Centre - made flight planning a chore rather than interesting A380 from Wilco - frequent crashes, ghost external lights a few metres out from aircraft body A320 from Wilco - opaque windows B737-400 from Wilco - manual flight always stuttered badly on my system Flight Keeper - occasional big time crashes of FSX PMDG 737-NGX - only purchased to see what the fuss was about, still wondering (nice as it is) PMDG MD-11 - only purchased to see if it was as bad as many said at the time of release (in fact, it seemed ok to me, except that it messed up my PMDG 747 installation!) Michael
  13. Thanks Jim, the 'closing windows' thing never fully went away for me, suspect it is something to do with my running XP. In the grand scheme of irritating FS add-on behaviours, this one barely registers with me! :Yawn: Best wishes, Michael
  14. Pro-ATC/X assigns a provisional SD and STAR at the planning stage. Waypoints before the end of the SD and after the start of the STAR can't be edited. Apart from this restriction (which makes sense, I suppose), you can edit the en route part of the plan to your heart's content. I tend not to do this, since you can ask Pro-ATC/X to think again as much as you want, and it will keep generating a new route until it exhausts the possibilities, or you find one to you liking, whichever comes first! Secondly, fiddling about too much with the auto-route generator detracts from the amazing speed and simplicity of the planning process, which is one of the program's strong points for me. Thirdly, on my system the program's windows (except the home window) sometimes close unexpectedly, so I quickly accept the first decent route on offer in order to get on with the flying (and most of the time, the route on offer is largely ok). Hope this helps. Best wishes, Michael
  15. Hi Steve, Correct, I've never heard FSX ATC name a STAR, but some of the approaches offered are amazingly good, including the correct altitudes! Also, the number of airport names pronounced fully around the world always amazes me. I have not been tempted to try Pro ATC/X with IF, since I see that they both use the GPS and planner. I am frightened of something disasterous happening as a result, so not worth the risk! More generally for the benefit of others, the TA is not a big deal in Pro ATC/X, since it tends to give you brisk climb clearances, so you shoot through the TA very quickly. I should add that although it assigns you a SD and STAR, I think this is only the horizontal profile, I have not noticed any alignment with the real vertical profile, although I may just have been unlucky so far. PFE allows you to enforce the vertical profile to an extent, but even there with all the options this is not always fully possible. In real life, after many, many departures from Heathrow, I recall only once flying at the initial departure altitude of 6000' on the Brookmans Park and Dover SDs, so I do not fret unduly about this sort of thing in the buiilt-in and add-on ATC programs (especially since I am free to flly the published altitudes if I want!). Best wishes, Michael
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