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Everything posted by CFIJose

  1. You don't need a tutorial or a POH to fly this beauty. Just watch a few YT videos and enjoy. For me, the update is fine. But, so was the initial release.
  2. Got it my brother. I just cheer for airports that are unlikely to be made by other devs and are substantially better than the default. Speaking of freeware. What do you think of this one? https://flightsim.to/file/25692/fp-kszt-sandpoint-airport
  3. To appreciate what WT has done for MSFS, the G3000 mod improvements allow for chart integration. This makes aircraft that use the G3000/5000 more like the real thing. State-of-the-art simulation. I'm a fan of the WT team from day one. THANK YOU!
  4. I have lost my AG Trees in parts of Italy. I deleted WU9 after I decided it was not worth the SSD space. Trees were there in some of the areas that I tested after I deleted the download. An internal update was issued by ASOBO that reduced the number of trees. I am wondering if others have been affected. From north east and down to north of Bari coastline is missing the vegetation. you can start at Ancona. Anyone else? Can this be fixed? I have a feeling I need to wait until SU10, but I figured I'd check. Thanks. Jose
  5. YES! I have options: #1 I don't have to buy it. #2 I can criticize, condemn, and complain about how bad the textures look on sites like AVSIM until it goes on sale for 1/2 the price. #3 I can say nothing since I have nothing good to say. Any other options can be added right bellow here.
  6. Fixed. Even though it really doesn't matter to the point I was trying to make. To the customer that wants failures: At FL400 dump your oxygen, shut down the gen, shut down your avionics, and let us know how you cope. 😀
  7. It's sad how some have been spoiled by Flightbeam & FlyTampa. 😀
  8. For $25 US you get: Electrical system that reacts appropriately to different load scenarios Fuel system that reacts automatically to fuel imbalances and switches the source tanks in correct sequences Custom coded HVAC logic Automated hydraulic system Custom built, automated anti-ice system with visual icing Fully automated pressurization system Functioning fire panel with audio warnings and CAS messages Unique displays and autopilot functionality: Custom G3000 touch screen controller that allows you to control the lighting, checklist, v-speeds, static elements, loading, cargo and more. Coupled VNAV Custom PFD/MFD/Engine display Custom PFD crew alert system CSC system Fully automated external lighting system Controllable and dimmable internal lighting You can run some tests. You can dump the oxygen and the masks are released. If you have damage on, you can over stress the aircraft and cause a crash and a need to reload the flight. For $25 is a very good value IMO.
  9. Did you see this: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4484586651932-What-is-the-message-Another-transaction-is-still-pending-Please-wait-a-few-moments-or-contact-support-if-the-issue-persists- Just wait a little longer. It's worth it!
  10. Check out 14:55 I use the trim buttons located on the yoke's left handle. I hardly ever need to touch it.
  11. I'm flying to bad weather destinations. I'm doing the unthinkable. I'm using default ATC as the Co-Pilot and flying approaches to minimums. I had no idea this could be so much fun! Jose
  12. This airplane has had the same effect on me as the Citation Mustang did in P3D v4.5. This one is even better because MSFS terrain visuals, airports, water, and even weather are light years away from what I experienced in FSX/P3D/XP11. I hope that the Citation Mustang that is being developed for MSFS is as good as this one. If not, the HJet is already on my top 5 of go to fleet.
  13. I just checked their forum and I'm not the only one: "starting OPS center gives blank screen and bottom left corner OC2 <-> server ping." Same message I see on my OC.
  14. Yes. I had no problems updating the OC & successfully downloaded liveries. I'm downloading the full installer, but I'm not sure if this is the latest version. Since there's no way to contact them for support, I have to hope or wait until the latest version is available for download. I was excited about the 777, but now I'll reconsider.
  15. I am unable to download the update. I had to wait a day for the initial installer and now I get an error while trying to download. I hope that I can download the full installer.
  16. They are more prevalent when stutters are present. The only stutters I've had since I upgraded my CPU/RAM/Board were using some freeware mesh in Switzerland. I deleted that and my pauses/stutters were gone. But, occasionally I do hear the sound distortion.
  17. You are referring to Steve Dra. I don't know if he even has the HJet yet.
  18. I get those scratches and pops every now an then. I thought it was my creative sound drivers. I'm glad that it's not.
  19. I did not notice that it took longer to load the sim after installing Top Gun add-on. You can check your content manager to see if it's installed. If it is that's where you can delete it to see if it helps with loading times. More than likely it's an add-on in the community folder that causes the halt.
  20. You can layer charts if you have a Navigraph subscription. It's why I said that it's a must for the H-Jet. This afternoon I flew to Key West during the tropical storm. The HJet took me all the down to minimums while shooting the RNAV to runway niner. The plane was bouncing through the entire approach. It remained on track beautifully. What a wonderful add-on!
  21. There was plenty of T & L flying through this today: Did I make it? Yes!
  22. I don't think that they are hating on simple traffic. It's just that it's taking ASOBO forever to fix the AI in MSFS. AIG has better models and is more realistic. If AIG develops an easier way to install all the liveries and don't force TC updates, more users would be using it. I gave up on AIG, but will soon revisit the add-on if ASOBO doesn't improve AI traffic. I hate seeing low flying airliners or 747s parked at small GA airfields.
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