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Everything posted by davenicoll

  1. Hi guys, I purchased the lLonheart creations Trinidad TBM 21 in the Black Friday sale from the microsoft store but cannot download it...it is in a constant loop. It downloads all the file, decompresses it all and then starts the process all over again ...must be on 15 occasions now I have tried... Either I am doing something wrong or the file is corrupt but have no idea what do other than abandon it..it shows as owned in my content manager..
  2. Hi guys, Just of late I have been getting a lot of BSOD and have no idea why... The error I receive is - The gaming services service terminated with the following error:- The operation returned because the time out period expired. Any ideas please as it is very frustrating...
  3. Hi Guys, Sine the recent sim update my MSFS now randomly freezes loading the screen after pressing the Fly Now button, it always stops about a 1/3 rd on the Blue bar The whirly thingy in the corner stops and all I can do is use the task manager to quit,,, .
  4. No sure that's achievable... As far as I am aware you can only separate ATC from all other noises...but that is quite realistic anyway..
  5. Just lately I just cannot get into a flight... Anything between 30 seconds and a minute I get constant BSOD for a myriad of reasons..So frustrating as I have no idea what has changed.. Today I fired up prepar3d for the first time in a while and had no issues at all so it must point to MSFS 2020... I will wait to see if Sim update 11 fixes things..
  6. Thanks Ark, but already tried that and it didn't work... I think the "in some parking spots " is very vague...need more of a clue where to park for that to work in my opinion..
  7. Following this thread as a good initial question... I prefer steam gauges though..
  8. Hi guys, stupid question alert... The battery on my Cessna 172 is flat, how do I recharge it? I am using the WB Sim modified version..
  9. Would that be why the nose of my light aircraft drops sharply for no reason at random times?
  10. I to look forward to a v6... One thing that comes to mind... I hope all of my add ons work out of the box so to speak as I cannot see developers scrambling to make their products v6 compatible...there just isn't the market anymore.
  11. Hi guys, I am really tempted by ATC as it does look an excellent program, I will use it mainly for VFR One question...I have hardware (Flight Illusion and RSG 750) units I use to tune frequencies...Will Pilot2ATC allow me to tune via these and not have to click s drop down box?
  12. I use Simstarter so only loads the region I fly in//
  13. That's interesting...shows my library size as zero even though there is an enormous amount in there... Am I doing something different?
  14. I use that method Ray, seems to make no difference..
  15. Glad I found this topic, just about to give up on Prepar3d due to horrific loading times... Sometimes it loads reasonably, others takes forever with no changes...Not sure as to why it's so inconsistent.. I use Simstarter as well so only loading what region I will be flying, makes no difference.. I will keep an eye on this thread for ideas...
  16. MMMmmmmm...few caustic comments on here... Thought we were all on the same side, It's great we can read different opinions but try and put it better...
  17. Seems the 517.40 driver released 20/09/22 is at present only the studio one..
  18. That's a good answer if your actually using it lol
  19. Hi guys, at present I use the GoFlight LGT II for my flaps/gear... I am considering buying a desktop aviator cessna flaps module to go into my home cockpit... The Go flight gives me unlimited flap notches according to aircraft type wheres the desktop aviator is only 3 based on the real plane.... I only fly up to twins (King air 350)...how many aircraft have more than 3 notches of flaps at that level and less... Dave
  20. Interesting to read the interview with Scott Gentile of A2A fame in the current print of PC Pilot which dropped through my door the other day. When asked the question " Do you think you will continue to develop for Prepar3d" his answer was "Not sure, we will have to see how good the next version is" Now one would be right to assume that Scott has industry insider knowledge as to what's happening behind the scenes and all the NDA's. Dave
  21. Hi guys, Is there a button I can assign to switch from Com 1 to Com 2 for ATC...at present I have to use the mouse to press the Com 2 tab at the top of the ATC window.
  22. Not sure if any of you guys have seen it... The Fulcrum yoke has been reviewed in the hardware section of the current PC Pilot... It comes out with a superb review, in all departments...overall a resounding 96/100... I own a winner!! Dave
  23. Is this any good with VFR?... Is it similar to VOX ATC for Prepar3d?
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