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Everything posted by GaryGB

  1. It is so good to see the occasional post by Phil Taylor which shares his uniquely comprehensive insights ...in his rather captivating personal style ! Many thanks again, Phil ! :im Not Worthy: FYI: http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/dovetail-fsx-flight-steam-valve-distribution.430714/#post-677081 GaryGB
  2. Hello: Have you considered taking up this issue in the "official" support forum for Instant Scenery and Airport Studio ? http://www.simforums.com/Forums/scenery-and-mission-making-tools_forum31.html Certainly some may learn how to successfully edit and save the MSFS DLL.XML and EXE.XML files via text editors such as Windows NotePad; however IMHO it is "safer" for most purposes to instead perform inspection and/or editing of those files via: ModuleToolX 0.4 by Alexander Brand moduletoolx_0.4.zip http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=moduletoolx_0.4.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search Note that in addition to entries made in the above *,XML files, entries are also made in the [Trusted] section of the FSX.Cfg file. Furthermore, entries are made in various locations of the Windows Registry, and Windows "User profile" folder chain. So IMHO, it is important to utilize any installers / un-installers provided by a FS add-on product ...rather than attempting to install / un-install or configure such products via manual methods. BTW: If necessary, to more completely remove prior installations of FS add-ons, Revo UnInstaller (either the freeware or payware version) does an additional in-depth search for residual program components and entries, and the "Pro" (payare) version can "log" all functions of most installers during installation: http://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html Hope this info helps ! :smile: GaryGB
  3. Reportedly, the cutting of terrain down to mean sea level (MSL) is due to: [FSX install path]\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGPB\scenery\cvx_ORBX_EGPB_Flatten_MSL.BGL FYI: When the above file is opened in: [Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK install path]\SDK\Environment Kit\Terrain SDK\TmfViewer.exe ...and the colored area surrounding the land is right-clicked, one can see the GUID for the vector type used in the object, which in this case is reportedly a "flat" non-triangulated flatten (as distinguished from a triangulated and "sloped" flatten with varying elevations assigned to the vertex data points or 'vertices'), and apparently is intended to impart a specific shape to the shoreline, while also flattening water levels to sea level at a single elevation of 0 MSL / 0 AGL by cutting off the edge of land near OrbX FTX Sumburgh airport. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc707102.aspx#TheShp2VecTool "Airport Boundaries Although this area is titled Airport Boundaries, these are used for a number of purposes, including flattening a surface and excluding certain types of data, in addition to defining airport boundaries. {47d48287-3ade-4fc5-8bec-b6b36901e612} Flatten" BTW: "Vector" objects in vector-type BGLs can modify terrain mesh (when created as either legacy format LWM BGLs or newer CVX BGLs) ...without themselves being compiled via FS SDK Resample as a standard terrain mesh BGL. NOTE: A "flat" non-triangulated flatten usually has a single elevation value assigned to its vertex data points aka 'vertices (...even though TMFViewer does not allow one to see the actual elevation values associated with vector flatten objects). A "sloped" triangulated flatten usually has varying elevations assigned to the vertex data points aka 'vertices' as described above. TMFViewer will, however, allow one to see the values assigned to the terrain mesh grid elevation data points in legacy format and newer FSX CVX format terrain mesh BGLs. TIP: Try opening the various CVX BGLs in the [FSX install path]\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGPB\scenery folder in TMFViewer to see what they do ...based on any (FSX default) GUID IDs which may be referenced in SDK documents. :wink: Hope this helps a bit more ! :smile: GaryGB
  4. Corrections / clarifications after AVSIM's (ridiculous) edit time-out...
  5. Hi Again: Whereas the OrbX FTX Scotland region scenery package reportedly recommends NOT using greater than 10 Meter resolution on the FSX scenery menu Terrain mesh slider, the OrbX FTX Sumburgh scenery package reportedly recommends using a 5 Meter resolution on the FSX scenery menu Terrain mesh slider. Regarding the OrbX FTX Sumburgh Lighthouse Terrain Elevation Anomaly: You may wish to first store a back up copy within a *.ZIP or *.RAR file, then disable display of this specific file: [FSX install path]\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGPB\scenery\cvx_ORBX_EGPB_Flatten_Sur.BGL Although your described FS add-on milieu may give rise to numerous variables arising from other installed scenery add-ons (which when all set "active", might contribute to terrain anomalies rendered by the FS terrain engine to deal at run time), the above procedure reportedly may remove the unusual flatten from underneath the OrbX FTX Sumburgh Lighthouse. Although the OrbX FTX Sumburgh developers reportedly appear to have utilized triangulated "sloped" flattens with individual assigned elevations at vertex points in the above scenery, a "flat" flatten is apparently is rendered by the FS terrain engine at run time when cvx_ORBX_EGPB_Flatten_Sur.BGL is allowed to load. One might wonder why the above scenario occurs if the scenery was substantially Beta-tested and vetted by experienced scenery developers prior to release. :wink: Some may have raised questions in the past as to why certain add-on packages may prove "feature-limited" upon installation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crippleware (aka "Crip-Ware") However, there are so many variables that may exist on a FS end users system which might impact the resulting display in FS at run-time, it might be better for the benefit of the doubt to be given to both developers and end users alike. Finding terrain anomalies should IMHO, compel courteous reporting of such anomalies at the official support forum for FS add-on packages, as well as in 'other' forums (such as this one), so that both developers and end users can undertake meticulous testing to identify causes and solutions to FS scenery anomalies ...for the good of the FS Community as a whole. BTW: The scenery library object(s) for the Sumburgh Lighthouse reportedly did not include an extension of the bottom base(s) into the ground of the hillside, nor a "terrain skirt", so upon very close "on-ground" inspection, one might see beneath the flat bottom of the objects. But AFAIK, the above apparently may eliminate most grossly visible objections at that specific location in this scenery when flying nearby. Hope this helps ! :smile: GaryGB
  6. Hi Christopher: [EDITED] Are you using the (latest ?) version of "Scotflight - Scotflight for FSX: Vol 1 - Highlands & Islands" ...as described here? :Thinking: http://www.flightsimstore.com/product_info.php?products_id=472 BTW: Product descriptions / announcements on developer's webpage... " Welcome to Scotflight Scenery Since 2003, Scotflight has been the leading supplier of high-quality Flight Simulator add-on scenery for Scotland NOW AVAILABLE - Scotflight for FSX V3.0 http://www.scotflightscenery.com/EGPB.htm http://www.scotflightscenery.com/ImageCall2.php?Code=EGPB-001 http://www.scotflightscenery.com/ImageCall2.php?Code=EGPB-002 http://www.scotflightscenery.com/ImageCall2.php?Code=EGPB-005 STANDARD licence (no photoscenery) adds or enhances 63 airports PHOTO licence (works with ANY combination of photoscenery volumes) adds or enhances 78 airports Patch A for Scotflight for FSX V3.0 (Standard or Photo) is now available ALSO AVAILABLE - Scotflight for ORBX V1.0 Enhances 18 airfields in FTX Orbx Europe Scotland " http://www.scotflightscenery.com/ Do you also have add-on vector scenery such as Ultimate Terrain Europe, OrbX FTX Vector, Pilots FS Global Vector, Taburet - FSX Vector Europe loaded, and/or do you have any higher resolution add-on terrain mesh installed, which geographically covers the Sumburgh airport area ? NOTE: IIRC, the OrbX FTX England and/or Scotland scenery region packages use 10-Meter resolution (aka "LOD-12" or "QMID-14") terrain mesh. The Horizon / Playsims Scotland terrain mesh terrain mesh which accompanies their photoreal scenery is based on a 5-Meter resolution Level of Detail (aka "LOD-13" or "QMID-15"). The OrbX FTX Sumburgh terrain mesh reportedly is based on a maximum of 0.3-Meter resolution Level of Detail (aka "LOD-17" or "QMID-19"). All the above terrain mesh BGLs when set active will be read and internally given a display priority by the FSX terrain rendering engine... according to their internal resolution AND according to how your FSX GUI Terrain mesh Complexity and Terrain mesh Complexity sliders are set. IMHO, to enable the display of OrbX FTX Sumburgh the way the scenery is capable of being displayed (based on internal resolution of the BGL files), the FSX menu GUI terrain mesh complexity and resolution sliders must appear to be maxed out to the right and your FSX.Cfg file would need to be manually edited ...to enable that extreme terrain mesh resolution: [TERRAIN] MESH_COMPLEXITY=100 MESH_RESOLUTION=27 15-Centimer (aka 0.15 Meter) photoreal terrain textures for FTX Sumburg may not display on top of other add-on (ex: Horizon / Playsims Scotland) custom photoreal or default terrain textures ...unless the FSX GUI Terrain Texture Resolution slider is maxed out to the right and /or your FSX.Cfg file is edited to enable that terrain texture resolution: [TERRAIN] TEXTURE_RESOLUTION=29 However, reportedly other textures for airport surfaces at FTX Sumburgh utilize a setting of 7-Centimeters (aka 0.075 Meters) to enable display at full resolution; this is achieved by having the FSX GUI Terrain Texture Resolution slider maxed out to the right and /or your FSX.Cfg file edited as stated immediately above ...to enable that terrain texture resolution. FYI: OrbX FTX Sumburgh scenery objects have apparently been modeled and/or placed to fit the "shape" of the ground surface provided via special terrain mesh BGLs supplied by that specific FTX airport scenery package, and would not normally be expected to show the anomalies you reported (regardless of whether either the OrbX FTX Scotland scenery region package or the Horizon / Playsims terrain mesh are loaded) ..."IF" display of the high resolution terrain mesh is fully enabled in FSX during flights at / near Sumburgh. :Idea: [END_EDIT] GaryGB
  7. Hello: When you "check more carefully again later" and read the initial threads listed above in detail, IIRC, you may eventually discern that the ChaseDistance Camera variable reportedly can not successfully be utilized after being "stored" in the Camera section of an Aircraft.Cfg, even though the FSX SDK docs 'almost suggests' that it can be defined and later 'used' for individual Aircraft Camera parameters. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc526984.aspx#CameraConfigurationFileFormat AFAIK, it is also reported that ChaseDistance cannot be be utilized after being "stored" in a saved flight (*.FLT) file, and thus the need to change this FS run time internal variable in memory via the default mapped keyboard commands [CTRL-] or [CTRL+] and/or through a add-on gauge or Module. But it would certainly be a welcome convenience for the FS Community to be able to save pre-set values for what the ChaseDistance "jumps" or cycles through when activated by key commands or a GUI pop-up. Perhaps you might be able to code such a utility function for manipulating this variable via SimConnect directly (requires sophisticated programming) or via FSUIPC using a custom client application and/or LUA scripting. http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html http://forum.simflight.com/forum/30-fsuipc-support-pete-dowson-modules/ Hope this helps ! :smile: GaryGB
  8. Hello: These links might be of particular interest to this topic: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/400615-spot-view-distance/ http://forum.avsim.net/topic/67457-spot-plane-view-point-distance/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc526984.aspx http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showwiki.php?title=Fsx-global-cameras http://www.fstipsandaddons.com/tutorials/understanding-fsx-cameras.html FYI: WheelCam 2.4 (FSX-only) by Gunnar Daehling offers many functions beyond that of the (FS9-only) "F1View Utility for FS2004" module, and includes a feature for: "Spot view: - increasing or reducing the distance to the airplane" :Idea: http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fsxutil&DLID=106141 http://library.avsim.net/search.php?CatID=root&SearchTerm=gunnar+daehling&Sort=Added&ScanMode=1&Go=Change+View Some additional links for this topic: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=FSX+Chase+Distance Hope this helps ! :smile: GaryGB
  9. Hello: One can find the "active" FSX.Cfg file in Windows 7 at: C:\Users\[user profile name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX After editing FSX.Cfg file in Windows NotePad: 1.) NotePad Menu > File > Save As (Save As dialog opens) 2.) In 'Save As' dialog: * 'File Name' = FSX.Cfg * 'Save As Type' = *.* (All Files) <-- allows ".Cfg" instead of default ".Txt" file extension CAVEAT: FSX will not read and implement changes made if file is saved as FSX.TXT; edited copy of FSX.Cfg must be saved as "Cfg" as file extension type ! :excl: 3.) Browse as needed to target folder of origin before clicking "Save" button: C:\Users\[user profile name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX Hope this greater detail helps with the learning process; Happy Flying ! :smile: GaryGB
  10. Hello: IIIUC, Possibly you may be concerned about the OrbX FTX "Flow" / animation modules persisting in memory after FSX exits, and / or fragmenting memory to reduce available "contiguous" address space ? :Confused: AFAIK, that type of *.DLL module in its current form (as with most modules and gauges for FS) is coded to run within the Windows User Virtual Address Space (aka "USERVA") allocated to the FSX task session as a "Child Process" of FSX itself; as such, it is intended to exit memory entirely when FSX itself exits memory. And Windows by default (eventually) removes unused *.DLLs which may still be left in memory when not immediately cleared out by the "Garbage Collector" functions of a program Task Session which has exited (except when such *.DLLs are specifically coded to remain in memory... and most FS add-on modules and gauges are NOT coded to stay memory resident after FSX exits). :wink: BTW: Most Orbx FTX utility applets (which are intended to be directly run by end users) are accessible via the FTX Central GUI, so if you wish to disable the OrbX FTX "Flow" / animation modules for a particular airport, you can do so from the "Control Panel" for the payware airport within FTX Central. However, I believe you are correct that the "Control Panel" applets for FTX "payware airports" within FTX Central do not presently allow one to disable the OrbX FTX "Flow" / animation modules which may be in use controlling such objects if / when they may be "placed" at various locations with the scenery area of Orbx FXT "Region" packs... but outside the area covered by payware airports. So, again, if you want to disable (some or all) OrbX FTX "Flow" / animation modules, the easiest way (IMHO) to do so is via the GUI in "Module Tool X" ...as described above. :Idea: NOTE: The current mechanism used for playing environmental sounds in your OrbX FTX scenery should not be affected by turning off OrbX FTX "Flow" / animation modules (unless certain sounds are "attached" to the OrbX FTX "Flow" / animation objects themselves inside the 3D MDL file during creation). FYI: As far as any impact on performance from having OrbX FTX "Flow" / animation modules running, whereas the earlier releases of those *.DLL files cost about 5-7 FPS, recent versions seem to be more FPS efficient. IIRC, the actual MDL code for the animations is packaged inside standard format FSX SimObject 3D scenery object library BGL files. The OrbX FTX "Flow" / animation modules simply perform scheduled 'control' of when the objects / effects within the above BGL files are actually allowed to display (via FSX SimConnect), based on instructions inside accompanying *.XML files... so the impact on FPS is not excessive on most modern computers being used for running FSX. Hope this helps put a few things into perspective for those curious about this. :smile: GaryGB
  11. Hello: You may wish to simply manage your default and 3rd party add-on modules (*.DLL) and *.EXE files via this FS utility: ModuleToolX 0.4 http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=moduletoolx_0.4.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search Set both 'Disabled' and 'Manual Load' to "True" to prevent loading / prompting to run Set 'Disabled' to "False" and 'Manual Load' to "True" to allow loading / prompting to run at FS startup NOTE: At FS startup module prompt, say "No" to allow running only this session CAVEAT: At FS startup module prompt, if "Yes" is chosen, FS internally sets 'Manual Load' to "True" for that particular module, and you will no longer be prompted regarding permission to load that module at FS startup. FYI: You can still use ModuleTool X to manually edit your choice made at the FS startup module prompt later if you wish. Hope this helps ! :smile: GaryGB
  12. Hello: FS Area / Layer entries must be physically removed from the "ACTIVE" scenery.Cfg file in order for the scenery file content within- and mapped to- files in that folder chain to be removed from processing by the indexing and content checking engine ...which is run every time FS starts (or re-loads a flight after clicking "OK" in the FS Scenery Library GUI). :wink: Simply un-checking Area / Layer entries to make them "in-active" does not remove their burden on the FS indexing and content checking engine; they are still detected and processed by FS during start-up / re-loads . A 3rd party utility which removes Area / Layer entries from Scenery.Cfg (and which hopefully also allows saving Area entries and their re-insertion to thereby re-activate such layers) ...will work to remove the burden of temporarily un-needed scenery on the FS indexing and content checking engine, usually allowing faster starts / re-loads of FS. CAVEAT: Caution would be advisable when "testing" the above procedures if one is using more complex add-on scenery (ex: Orbx FTX airports / region packs), which makes changes to Terrain.Cfg and files in the Autogen sub-folder and/or which uses content / files / file-names in other FS "system" sub-folders (ex: Orbx FTX Global); these scenery add-ons may not behave as intended if users disable / remove any of FS' own default folders which may be mapped via files located in default and/or 3rd party Area / Layer entries in one's "ACTIVE" Scenery.Cfg. :excl: Hope this helps! :smile: GaryGB
  13. Hi Jim: Thanks for your reply to this post: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/434896-photoscenery/#entry2927969 I believe what you are referring to above is "ZOOM" (...rather than "Resolution"). FYI: An interesting previous AVSIM discussion on this related sub-topic: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/346340-what-zoom-level-in-the-vc/ This is of course to be distinguished from "CHASE DISTANCE": http://forum.avsim.net/topic/247042-external-view-in-fsx/ BTW: One may need to RESET both the "ZOOM" and "CHASE DISTANCE" of custom camera views before adjusting one's view as discussed in the first linked thread above. And of course, users of wide-format displays / monitors may find different settings are required in their views if they have set "WideViewAspect=True" in FSX.Cfg or P3D.Cfg as discussed (and illustrated) in these interesting threads: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/292172-changing-fov-field-of-view/ http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?251798-Screenshots-and-Affects-of-Changing-Wide-View-Aspect Thanks again for pointing out this related info which merits consideration when configuring ones views in FSX / P3D to maximize performance when displaying either photo-realistic or "standard-type" land class scenery ...with higher autogen object annotation densities. GaryGB
  14. Hi Jim: Would you please be so kind as to explain this more clearly ? :Shocked: I believe some folks here may not quite understand what "40" (as a measure of units) refers to in relation to "resolution" in P3D ...or FSX for that matter. :blush: Thanks in advance for your further clarification on this, and also for your ongoing efforts to share ideas for improvement of the flight simulation experience by end users. :smile: GaryGB
  15. Hello: After major portions of the file library were reportedly lost as a result of the "AVSIM hack" a few years ago, the size of AVSIM's file download availability was significantly reduced, and resulted in many authors apparently not re-uploading their originally contributed content to the AVSIM domain. A particularly valuable resource for the MSFS scenery development community by Christian Stock has yet to re-appear at AVSIM since the AVSIM hack occurred. However, Terrain Model File (aka "TMF") information that was initially described in the "FS2000 / CFS2 Terrain Model File Documentation" by Christian Stock in "tmfdoc.zip" (still) available at: http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?do=copyright&fid=42974 Hope this helps ! :smile: GaryGB
  16. Nice find; thanks for sharing the info on this fun enhancement option ! :smile: FYI: Doug Dawson's "XML" sound gauges ...are here: FSX: http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fsxgau&DLID=175157 FS9: http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fs2004gau&DLID=95460 Happy flying ! B) GaryGB
  17. Bill Dick: Departed... But Not Forgotten A reknowned contributor to the MS Flight Simulator Community, Richard William (Bill) Dick aged 78, of North Saanich B.C. passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his family, on August 26 2013. Bill was born in Melita Manitoba , graduated college in Winnipeg Manitoba, worked for many years in the auto body repair industry, and eventually established his own business, Bill's Motorcycle in Sidney B.C. Known affectionately to some as "Willybee", Bill learned to fly GA "low and slow" prop aircraft at an early age on a small airfield near the US - Canadian border, and later in life, became an avid MS Flight Simulator enthusiast. Bill was as adept with repainting aircraft as he was with repainting automobiles and motorcycles, and was also known to create custom liveries and the occasional instrument panel for aircraft which he shared with his friends during multi-player flghts online in MS Flight Simulator. Bill traveled extensively in Canada and the USA, but was particularly fond of the Pacific Northwest, where he made his home in the wooded coastal area a few miles Northwest of Victoria International Airport in British Colombia, Canada. During Bill's many travels in his early life, then with his beloved wife Martha, and soon after as a family with their several children, he acquired a great appreciation for the scenery in different places he had visited. Bill's appreciation for- and recollection of- the unique features and ambiance that different environments have, was an asset which he generously shared with the FS Community when he began creating freeware add-on scenery for MS Flight Simulator. Bill became legendary for his amazing speed, and innovative use of default and custom scenery objects when creating numerous immersive sceneries of airfields and seaplane bases for GA flying, and was particularly noted for his work in the Pacific Northwest (aka "PNW") which provided an immersive, rustic 'look and feel' for virtual "Bush" pilots to enjoy in multiple versions of MS Flight Simulator. Bill was revered for having created custom scenery for the many airfield waypoints visited during cross-country flights which he shared with his many friends during multi-player flghts online in MS Flight Simulator. Bill's most recent custom scenery for cross-country airfield waypoints was for a multi-player "Emma Field to Plum Island Flight" conducted in stages over several sequential weekends a few years ago, and coordinated his efforts with those of Ed Wells (aka "falcon409") who also created a number of waypoint airfields for the scenery used during that flight. Bill contributed numerous scenery packages (sometimes as part of a development 'team') for the Misty Fiords and Tongass Fiords area of the PNW in MS FS2004 (aka "FS9"), which are available via the "Misty Moorings" web site at: http://www.mistymoorings.com/office/index.php One such scenery add-on package created by Bill and several other noted FS developers (aka "The Amigos"), became very popular with PNW "bush flyers" for its innovative and immersive setting in the challenging and rugged areas of glaciers in southwest Alaska. Stikene Icefield Research Project (aka "S.I.R.P.") is also available via the "Misty Moorings" web site at: http://www.mistymoorings.com/tongass/ Information helpful for new and existing users of the S.I.R.P." scenery package is available at: http://edtruthan.com/sirp/sirpmanual.htm http://www.edtruthan.com/sirpfixes/ Other add-on scenery packages for multiple versions of MS Flight Simulator contributed by Bill Dick are available at AVSIM: http://library.avsim.net/search.php?CatID=root&SearchTerm=bill+dick&Sort=Added&ScanMode=1&Go=Change+View Bill also appreciated the work of other MS Flight Simulator developers, and was involved in beta-testing of various add-on products. Bill had an especially great appreciation for the LAGO Emma Field add-on scenery package that became a best-seller for its innovative features, storyline, and appeal to PNW bush flyers in the early days of FS2002 and FS2004. Emma Field (aka "KEWL") eventually spawned a FS forum community for the thousands who acquired that scenery package, and inspired a legendary legacy of adventure, mischief, and creative add-on contributions which, IMHO, was- and will continue to be- an asset to the FS Community. Bill enjoyed an active participation in the MS Flight Simulator online forum community, and his many forum posts on a mix of topics with helpful insights (some featuring his penchant for 'down-to-earth' humor) are still to be found at various FS web sites. Many of Bill's simFlight forums posts (including those in the Emma Field Flying Club forum aka "EFFC") are found at: http://forum.simflight.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&section=search&do=search&fromsearch=1 Bill (often with Phil Cayton aka "Snowman") made a number of custom add-on scenery packages for Lago's Emma Field FS2002 and FS2004 in the immediate and extended aerodrome area. Some of the features of those add-on scenery packages reflected Bill's lively sense of humor as he mischievously 'flew in the face' of fictional NOTAMS issued by the founding fathers of Emma Field, by expanding the "KEWL" experience through release of add-ons that provided night lights, runways for large aircraft and hangars in violation of the long-term design concept envisioned for the future of the aerodrome. Several of Bill's original freeware add-on scenery packages for Emma Field which were no longer available for download (due to a FS web site going off-line) may again be made freely available for download by interested individuals in the near future via a public secure web server. These "classic" freeware add-on scenery packages for Emma Field by Bill Dick et al may include (as a minimum): 'Night' Lights for KEWL RWYs and Taxiways Private Hangars East of the KEWL grass RWY East-West RWY and 'Private' Aerodrome extension East of the KEWL grass RWY The 'infamous' utility corridor Jet-compatible RWY Northwest of KEWL RWY 36/18 Bill also teamed up with Phil Cayton and Chris Brisland (aka "Eagleskinner" aka "CBris") to produce the FSX-compatible add-on scenery package "Bushflight Northwest", featuring landclass texture and other airport enhancements for the Olympic Peninsula and which preceded release of the (incompatible) OrbX FTX NA Blue "PNW" demo and full region payware add-on scenery package. Bill's personable style of communication, his humor, his attention to detail, and his many generous freeware contributions to the MS Flight Simulator Community will always be remembered and appreciated by those who had the good fortune of making his acquaintance. I believe many of us here may prefer to think of Bill as still with us in Spirit, ...flying the friendly skies above. An E-Mail message sent by his wife of 56 years, Martha, to those who knew Bill more closely, said: "In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Victoria Hospice." http://www.victoriahospice.org/ With sincere condolences to Bill's family and friends, GaryGB
  18. Bill Dick: Departed... But Not Forgotten A reknowned contributor to the MS Flight Simulator Community, Richard William (Bill) Dick aged 78, of North Saanich B.C. passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his family, on August 26 2013. Bill was born in Melita Manitoba , graduated college in Winnipeg Manitoba, worked for many years in the auto body repair industry, and eventually established his own business, Bill's Motorcycle in Sidney B.C. Known affectionately to some as "Willybee", Bill learned to fly GA "low and slow" prop aircraft at an early age on a small airfield near the US - Canadian border, and later in life, became an avid MS Flight Simulator enthusiast. Bill was as adept with repainting aircraft as he was with repainting automobiles and motorcycles, and was also known to create custom liveries and the occasional instrument panel for aircraft which he shared with his friends during multi-player flghts online in MS Flight Simulator. Bill traveled extensively in Canada and the USA, but was particularly fond of the Pacific Northwest, where he made his home in the wooded coastal area a few miles Northwest of Victoria International Airport in British Colombia, Canada. During Bill's many travels in his early life, then with his beloved wife Martha, and soon after as a family with their several children, he acquired a great appreciation for the scenery in different places he had visited. Bill's appreciation for- and recollection of- the unique features and ambiance that different environments have, was an asset which he generously shared with the FS Community when he began creating freeware add-on scenery for MS Flight Simulator. Bill became legendary for his amazing speed, and innovative use of default and custom scenery objects when creating numerous immersive sceneries of airfields and seaplane bases for GA flying, and was particularly noted for his work in the Pacific Northwest (aka "PNW") which provided an immersive, rustic 'look and feel' for virtual "Bush" pilots to enjoy in multiple versions of MS Flight Simulator. Bill was revered for having created custom scenery for the many airfield waypoints visited during cross-country flights which he shared with his many friends during multi-player flghts online in MS Flight Simulator. Bill's most recent custom scenery for cross-country airfield waypoints was for a multi-player "Emma Field to Plum Island Flight" conducted in stages over several sequential weekends a few years ago, and coordinated his efforts with those of Ed Wells (aka "falcon409") who also created a number of waypoint airfields for the scenery used during that flight. Bill contributed numerous scenery packages (sometimes as part of a development 'team') for the Misty Fiords and Tongass Fiords area of the PNW in MS FS2004 (aka "FS9"), which are available via the "Misty Moorings" web site at: http://www.mistymoorings.com/office/index.php One such scenery add-on package created by Bill and several other noted FS developers (aka "The Amigos"), became very popular with PNW "bush flyers" for its innovative and immersive setting in the challenging and rugged areas of glaciers in southwest Alaska. Stikene Icefield Research Project (aka "S.I.R.P.") is also available via the "Misty Moorings" web site at: http://www.mistymoorings.com/tongass/ Information helpful for new and existing users of the S.I.R.P." scenery package is available at: http://edtruthan.com/sirp/sirpmanual.htm http://www.edtruthan.com/sirpfixes/ Other add-on scenery packages for multiple versions of MS Flight Simulator contributed by Bill Dick are available at AVSIM: http://library.avsim.net/search.php?CatID=root&SearchTerm=bill+dick&Sort=Added&ScanMode=1&Go=Change+View Bill also appreciated the work of other MS Flight Simulator developers, and was involved in beta-testing of various add-on products. Bill had an especially great appreciation for the LAGO Emma Field add-on scenery package that became a best-seller for its innovative features, storyline, and appeal to PNW bush flyers in the early days of FS2002 and FS2004. Emma Field (aka "KEWL") eventually spawned a FS forum community for the thousands who acquired that scenery package, and inspired a legendary legacy of adventure, mischief, and creative add-on contributions which, IMHO, was- and will continue to be- an asset to the FS Community. Bill enjoyed an active participation in the MS Flight Simulator online forum community, and his many forum posts on a mix of topics with helpful insights (some featuring his penchant for 'down-to-earth' humor) are still to be found at various FS web sites. Many of Bill's simFlight forums posts (including those in the Emma Field Flying Club forum aka "EFFC") are found at: http://forum.simflight.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&section=search&do=search&fromsearch=1 Bill (often with Phil Cayton aka "Snowman") made a number of custom add-on scenery packages for Lago's Emma Field FS2002 and FS2004 in the immediate and extended aerodrome area. Some of the features of those add-on scenery packages reflected Bill's lively sense of humor as he mischievously 'flew in the face' of fictional NOTAMS issued by the founding fathers of Emma Field, by expanding the "KEWL" experience through release of add-ons that provided night lights, runways for large aircraft and hangars in violation of the long-term design concept envisioned for the future of the aerodrome. Several of Bill's original freeware add-on scenery packages for Emma Field which were no longer available for download (due to a FS web site going off-line) may again be made freely available for download by interested individuals in the near future via a public secure web server. These "classic" freeware add-on scenery packages for Emma Field by Bill Dick et al may include (as a minimum): 'Night' Lights for KEWL RWYs and Taxiways Private Hangars East of the KEWL grass RWY East-West RWY and 'Private' Aerodrome extension East of the KEWL grass RWY The 'infamous' utility corridor Jet-compatible RWY Northwest of KEWL RWY 36/18 Bill also teamed up with Phil Cayton and Chris Brisland (aka "Eagleskinner" aka "CBris") to produce the FSX-compatible add-on scenery package "Bushflight Northwest", featuring landclass texture and other airport enhancements for the Olympic Peninsula and which preceded release of the (incompatible) OrbX FTX NA Blue "PNW" demo and full region payware add-on scenery package. Bill's personable style of communication, his humor, his attention to detail, and his many generous freeware contributions to the MS Flight Simulator Community will always be remembered and appreciated by those who had the good fortune of making his acquaintance. I believe many of us here may prefer to think of Bill as still with us in Spirit, ...flying the friendly skies above. An E-Mail message sent by his wife of 56 years, Martha, to those who knew Bill more closely, said: "In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Victoria Hospice." http://www.victoriahospice.org/ With sincere condolences to Bill's family and friends, GaryGB This post has been promoted to an article
  19. Hello: If you do not receive a reply here which satisfactorily answers your question and/or resolves the issue, you may wish to inquire at the 'officia'l Airport Design Editor (aka "ADE9X") support forum: http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=95 Hope this helps ! :smile: GaryGB
  20. Hello: I just discovered this un-answered thread today (July 3rd). 1.) Download Rhumbaflappy's LightPoint FS Scenery object library pre-packaged in a BGL: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=f3950c5bbd2bcfa1&id=F3950C5BBD2BCFA1!565#cid=F3950C5BBD2BCFA1&id=F3950C5BBD2BCFA1!393 2.) This object library can be used by SBuilder for FS9 or SBuilder for FSX (aka "SBuilderX"), ADE9X, Instant Scenery version 2, Whisplacer etc. In SbuilderX, for example info on adding FS scenery library object BGLs to enable placing the objects within them: SBuilder Menu > Help > Search Tab > Search String: "object" > click 'List Topics' > Select "Object Library Manager" > click 'Display' Hope this helps ! :smile: GaryGB
  21. Hello: Although Instant Scenery certainly can preview FSX default vegetation objects on screen, you may also wish explore the thumbnail gallery of FSX default vegetation at: http://lc0277.gratisim.fr/sceneobjects/vegetation/index.html Happy scenery building !
  22. Hello: Even though AFX does use a proprietary "AFXAutogenExcl" MDL code based method of implementing Excludes for autogen objects, can ADE import and convert such excludes, to then create a version of the AFX "exclude object" footprint as a standard BGLComp(FS9) or SHP2VEC(FSX) object ...that can be displayed via the existing methods ADE uses for "standard" FS excludes in the ADE 2D workspace ? Thanks in advance for letting us know whether ADE is / will be be able to fully import and convert AFX airport files. GaryGB
  23. Hi Mike: Thanks for the kind words; I hope that info may help FS users better manage their FSX configurations in the future. BTW: It's good to see you back in the FS forums, and I have also greatly appreciated your efforts to assist others with their FS configurations through your own posts here and elsewhere on FS web forums over the years. Welcome back... and Happy Flying ! B) GaryGB
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