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Angelo Cosma

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Everything posted by Angelo Cosma

  1. The quality and clarity of the 777 is amazing. The 737 is great, but the 777 is WOW. The sounds, the button clicks and visuals, along with systems, EICAS pages, weather data link, and a totally different flying style. The electroniinc checklist really cool. Being able to set random failures and use the ECL to diagnose and troubleshoot. The 777 takes great skill to land well. I could easily grease the 737 most of the time and do it while casually distracted. The 777 no way. It takes all my focus, the flare and thrust idling is so crucial and you have a very very small window. The 300 and 200 fly very differnt and that is fun too. It really is visually and physically a nice difference from the 737. That satisfaction of ladning perfectly in the touchdown zone, on rwy heading, and smooth is a great feeling of accomplishemnt as it takes a lot of skill and focus to do which I love since it actually takes work to fly this.
  2. I got super lucky one time post 9-11, coming back from Paris to LAX on AFR 777-300 and they FA's knew I was a Private Pilot, I asked to see the cockpit once we landed whenever it was convienent, to my suprise the purser came back and I got the stand behind the flight crew on dsecent into LAX. We were descending out of FL190 and was up there for about 10 minutes! Talk about awesome! This would never happen on a US carrier.
  3. I got to sit in the Captains set on an American 737-800 at KSNA while at the gate. Even go to do the TCAS test and Ann Lights test! Was super cool, he has a very good chance man.
  4. I recall the 737 behaving this way as well. I know these are different airplanes but the 777 is in the same family, the MD11 and 777 both had you press AT Discon twice to clear the visual warning.
  5. As far as I know for P3D and the latest version of the NGX the AT works as you described above requiring two presses. How are you disconnecting the AT? Interfaced through FSUIPC or keyboard assignment or something else?
  6. Sadly I don't have much free time any more to do many things I enjoy in the world of sims on the PC. Keith is tremendously busy, promoting and handling PR and expansion for his business. I feel I already know the answer anyways, I would rather let the community answer and let him focus on what he is doing so well on already.
  7. Your tone seems a little condescending. I am a Vatsim controller for ZLA, used PE for a while and am now in the FAA to become a controller. "Radio static" is not what I was implying. I was simply asking if they implemented it yet. Keith Smith is a friend of mine and last I heard he had plans to add it Wing. Excuse my question. But having it sound correct adds to the overall realism which in the end is what we are all after.
  8. Does it simulate VHF transmissions yet, or does it still sound like Teamspeak?
  9. Thank you Richard. Wow Dave, never knew there were other options. So this seems like a more thorough coverage, and also seems like I should be able to swap all my AAL carriers to the latest livery this way. Or at least have a mixture. Is there a tutorial or guide I am just getting to downloading it now.
  10. Hey guys, back in FSX I used Power Pack for Ultimate Traffic II to add all the missing UPS and FEDEX flights, since UT2 schedules never included cargo ops. With FSDT's KMEM on the horizon and finding out that they do not plan to offer static AI, it will be necessary to add these back into the program. My question is, does power pack work with Win 10 and P3D? I already have UT2 installed and that works fine but have yet to try this. Let me know anyone who has tried it thanks!
  11. Well I have a single EVGA 980Ti and a LG 34'' curved 3440x1440 res screen and it runs P3D smooth as glass. The 165hz refresh rate will do nothing for you in P3D. You wont achieve a frame rate that can meet your monitor. But your hardware there should get you at least 40 in SLI.
  12. We have the same setups, are those drivers you linked good for Win 10 64?
  13. Can anyone recommend a good 737NG checklist that fits on one 8.5x11 page that will fit in the checklist slot on the glareshield? I want to print one off and laminate which I can do at work. Let me know your guys' recommendations. Thanks all. Front and back would be fine so theoretically a two page checklist would be perfect. I doesn't have to be specific to PMDG but I am asking here since this is the most likely place to get one that covers everything since PMDG is essentially the real aircraft if you ask me.
  14. http://www.avsim.com/topic/486299-my-experience-with-36472-the-latest-nvidia-driver/page-1
  15. If I have REX Essential Plus, does the hotfix apply to me? I see it is for Texture direct 4 and soft clouds, I have essential plus so it is confusing. Let me know thanks.
  16. I guess I will have to try different drivers and see. I checked all my connections and they are fine. Are both BSODs related to the same issue or area? It doesn't have anything to do with my overclock does it? I can add a little more volts if need be, but CPU stress tests are fine and nothing fails.
  17. How do us Win 10 users prevent that from downloading on our systems and verifying we do not want to participate in beta.
  18. Right, I understand the severity, but my graphics card is properly seated, PSU is more than enough for the job, power connections secure, BIOS updated the latest. I am not sure what else I could check or do. Maybe try the latest nvidia drivers then? Its all I can really think of.
  19. Sfc Scan did not find any integrity violations, my Nvidia drivers are from 3/7/2016 version I have not got the latest ones yet. Are you advising I roll back to an older driver? Do both BSOD's indicate the same fault?
  20. Ran the driver update program, found 11 things that needed updating took care of that. Was flying KSFO KLAX 777 and just got a BSOD, here is the Event viewer: Fault bucket , type 0 Event Name: BlueScreen Response: Not available Cab Id: 0 Problem signature: P1: 139 P2: 3 P3: fffff801d200ab30 P4: fffff801d200aa88 P5: 0 P6: 10_0_10586 P7: 0_0 P8: 768_1 P9: P10: Attached files: C:\Windows\Minidump\040216-6671-01.dmp C:\Windows\Temp\WER-8203-0.sysdata.xml These files may be available here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\Kernel_139_2a4de59f92aa5ba902c37cc845532e4b25a6f_00000000_cab_0ec08414 Analysis symbol: Rechecking for solution: 0 Report Id: 2da06bce-a0f4-4bf5-a321-9e1f7026023e Report Status: 2048 Hashed bucket: It said something about IRQL Security or something, I missed it before I could commit it to memory.
  21. I had a BSOD in the middle of descent on a 45 minute flight, I wasn't tabbing in and out of the sim or anything at all. Just watching the aircraft descend and BAM. BSOD. Specs in Sig, PMDG Ngx, ASN, UT2, REX (textures only), FSDT and Flightbeam, EzDok. Note this is not a regular crash, I have seen the IRQL before but its random and only about 2 times or so a month, maybe 3 if I am on the sim a lot. Here is the report: Version=1 EventType=BlueScreen EventTime=131040422342433393 ReportType=4 Consent=1 ReportIdentifier=1daba90d-f885-11e5-9d08-001ee5efae6e IntegratorReportIdentifier=e64700b6-8884-4b04-9a24-7c178d1a1a30 NsAppName=BlueScreen Response.type=4 Sig[0].Name=Code Sig[0].Value=a Sig[1].Name=Parameter 1 Sig[1].Value=289 Sig[2].Name=Parameter 2 Sig[2].Value=ff Sig[3].Name=Parameter 3 Sig[3].Value=41 Sig[4].Name=Parameter 4 Sig[4].Value=fffff802d74f5459 Sig[5].Name=OS version Sig[5].Value=10_0_10586 Sig[6].Name=Service Pack Sig[6].Value=0_0 Sig[7].Name=Product Sig[7].Value=768_1 DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version DynamicSig[1].Value=10.0.10586. DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID DynamicSig[2].Value=1033 File[0].CabName=040116-6843-01.dmp File[0].Path=040116-6843-01.dmp File[0].Flags=589826 File[0].Type=2 File[0].Original.Path=C:\Windows\Minidump\040116-6843-01.dmp File[1].CabName=sysdata.xml File[1].Path=WER-8359-0.sysdata.xml File[1].Flags=589826 File[1].Type=5 File[1].Original.Path=C:\Windows\Temp\WER-8359-0.sysdata.xml File[2].CabName=Report.cab File[2].Path=Report.cab File[2].Flags=196608 File[2].Type=11 File[2].Original.Path=Report.cab Ns[0].Name=stopcode Ns[0].Value=0000000A Ns[1].Name=p1 Ns[1].Value=289 Ns[2].Name=p2 Ns[2].Value=FF Ns[3].Name=p3 Ns[3].Value=41 Ns[4].Name=p4 Ns[4].Value=D74F5459 FriendlyEventName=Shut down unexpectedly ConsentKey=BlueScreen AppName=Windows AppPath=C:\Windows\System32\WerFault.exe NsPartner=windows NsGroup=windows8 ApplicationIdentity=00000000000000000000000000000000 This is what was in the "Critical" area: Log Name: System Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power Date: 4/1/2016 8:43:47 PM Event ID: 41 Task Category: (63) Level: Critical Keywords: (70368744177664),(2) User: SYSTEM Computer: Angelo Description: The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. Event Xml: <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> <System> <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power" Guid="{331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}" /> <EventID>41</EventID> <Version>3</Version> <Level>1</Level> <Task>63</Task> <Opcode>0</Opcode> <Keywords>0x8000400000000002</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-04-02T03:43:47.400252800Z" /> <EventRecordID>16228</EventRecordID> <Correlation /> <Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="8" /> <Channel>System</Channel> <Computer>Angelo</Computer> <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" /> </System> <EventData> <Data Name="BugcheckCode">10</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter1">0x289</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter2">0xff</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter3">0x41</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter4">0xfffff802d74f5459</Data> <Data Name="SleepInProgress">0</Data> <Data Name="PowerButtonTimestamp">0</Data> <Data Name="BootAppStatus">0</Data> </EventData> </Event>
  22. I use it will all PMDG and Aerosoft aircraft. I haven't experienced any problems. I only use it for braking however. All other features are off for me.
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