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Angelo Cosma

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Everything posted by Angelo Cosma

  1. Rich can you take a short vid or a few pics of the screen in use? Very curious to see.
  2. Check to see if any failures are active? Who is the Master? The MA light on the MCP should be on the Pilot Flying side.
  3. I have been waiting for a solid Airbus for a while, the Aerosoft didn't quite feel like what I was looking for. This will be the gap that fits me. Do I think the price is slightly too high? Yes I do. However this wont keep me from buying it. I do look forward to the P3D version ASAP.
  4. P3D you can expect around $125 maybe slightly higher... But that's what we are used to by now anyways
  5. So the ones who are updated, do we go out and get the latest Nvidia Drivers from nvidia site?
  6. Already had tool tips off and all NVI NVCP set to default/off. Turning OFF FSUIPC Autosave is what did the trick for me.
  7. I used the EMT to install UT2 back when I had P3D V3.0, I am now on V3.3 and with the latest WIN 10 update and all is well. Everything works.
  8. If I lock the FPS in P3D then the hit is too great, locked will do about 20-24 fps which is pretty apparent. I will try it again however, and try running without active sky and other programs that may poll for info. I also forgot I had FSUIPC AutoSave running. Could that be the culprit?
  9. Hey guys I have been on the fence about posting since I like to do my research first, and narrow down to the potential suspects. But I feel I have done that and there are so many threads reference variations of the issue I want to seek out the most up to date information. Quick rundown: P3D V3.3 / WIN 10 64 Bit / Single Monitor Specs are in my sig I can achieve 30FPS via unlimited in P3D and using an external limiter to 30fps such as Dxtory I run my sim from a clean boot and do not engage in any web browsing or the sort while simming. I do run ASN, REX, PMDG, FSDT, Orbx (Global Only) I am noticing now I can be in the 777 at dusk, running all my addons on the ramp at FSDT KLAX, AI traffic, and hold a solid 30 FPS. Note I am not having a low FPS stuttering issue. I am having what I perceive to be a small pause periodically for less than a second but noticeable enough to kill the immersion. Steps I have taken to mitigate the issue: 1. Delete and let P3D rebuild the CFG. 2. Clear Shaders folder and let one regenerate. 3. Disable my AV just for testing purposes. 4. My GFX drivers are the ones just prior to the current release that is out now. I run HT OFF but there is no AF=14 in my cfg, I have not added it in there as I hear it is best to run with a vanilla cfg. That's all I can think of now guys, please let me know what you think and what to try. I will report back any additional information as needed.
  10. I use Ultimate Traffic II for my AI, and when I am flying online the AI schedules are disabled but V-Pilot uses the models from UT2. So I cannot comment otherwise, but if you do happen to have UT2 I can say it looks very good!
  11. Sure it does! Vatsim will work on any sim platform so long as there is a Pilot Client. VATSIM is alive and well however Squawkbox is gone and has been replaced with the far superior V-Pilot. That is the new client, very similar to sqauwkbox in configuration, but miles different everywhere else. Very fluid smooth traffic, other aircraft taxiing by etc, look great and run smooth.
  12. Not trying to compare one addon developer to another, but I never really looked into MCE until reading this thread. Another company out there (Call it Crew...) I have used their products made for that specific aircraft. This software here however seems much more fluid and way more customizable. I am very intrigued, is there any videos of this in action to get an idea of how seamless / realistic sounding it can be.
  13. In N Out of KLAX, and no shot of the Heavy passing In N Out!!! LOL, nice shots.
  14. I fly with about a 0.70 zoom. WideView is TRUE, and I don't notice any distortion and am very happy with the display. Here are a few pics some taken with my iPhone and some print screen.
  15. Why don't you guys continue to use the fabulous Ultimate Traffic II? I know it is not P3D native, but I have had it running since P3D 3.0 using the EMT and it runs flawlessly. Didn't have to buy another lesser quality AI program either. Now the EMT is removed and I am happily on my way. This I think is still the best solution.
  16. I have always considered EVGA to be the best of the best. Yes, they are slightly higher in cost then any of the other brands, but their EVGA step-up program along with their customer service and warranty / tech support can't be beat. I have used EVGA cards exclusively since my 8800GTX which was years and years ago and have never had a bad experience with any of them. Had a 270gtx, 560Ti, 780Gtx, 980GTX, and 980Ti. All of them EVGA including my power supply. They get my vote over ASUS or BFG for sure.
  17. I grew up and spent my whole life in Southern California, I now live in Seattle. When I visited the UK I can say Nandos is amazing! I would seriously consider trading my SSD or something to get another meal there lol.
  18. F9 he means the view, F9 is the VC View key.
  19. Okay, do you use one lever for all engines? Or out of the three you have do the first two operate engine 1/2? Either way (FSUIPC is required for this) you can assign the reverse detent button for reverse. In FSUIPC under "Buttons and Switches" tab, move your desired Saitek lever into reverse. You will see the button identified by FSUIPC. The top right corner tick the box for "Show FSX Controls." Next, in the drop down list, find "Throttle 1 decr" select that, afterwards select "Control to repeat when held." In the "Command sent when button released" assign "Throttle 1 cut." With that set now when you move your Saitek lever into reverse detent the engine will go into reverse, and stay in reverse for as long as the lever is pulled back. As soon as you advance it forward out of the detent the engine will now go to idle. All you need to do is advance the lever slowly out of the detent, DO NOT APPLY Power and you will have a nice idle effect. You can repeat this process for as many spare levers as you have, Throttle 1-4 commands are present. If you desire one lever to control all engines then when assigning what Instructed above, look for "Throttle decr" and "Throttle cut." That one will control all engines. Let me know if this helps.
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