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Angelo Cosma

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Everything posted by Angelo Cosma

  1. Sorry I think it is less realistic to do this with a mouse... So if I understand you right, you do not have a usb throttle of some kind or spare button to assign on a flight control device? If that's the case you will not be able to control both engines with the mouse for reverse thrust operation. If you do have a spare button or buttons / levers / axises whatever you want to call it you can assign a reverse thrust function, as well as reverse idle or idle. You seem to be purposely avoiding the question from people trying to help you. If you do have flight controls please tell us what they are. If you don't, tell us and we can see what other way would work.
  2. Tell us what you use as flight controls specifically. Then we can help you.
  3. The Atlantic Ramp I do know is more South towards the threshold of 31L/R. It would be nice to see them add the buildings however. Seeing the amount of time it took them to get a P3D V3 installer ready though, I wouldn't hold my breath.
  4. Disregard being unable to hit EXEC. Go to DEP ARR page and you should be able to select STARS and APPs for your selected airport.
  5. What joysticks / yoke hardware do you have? We can assign them to a button on your flight controls.
  6. Woah woah here. This is absolutely false. I have an ultrawide 21:9 34'' LG and there is no distortion whatsoever, I think you may be confusing running 3 monitors and having to adjust the zoom in which case yes some stretching will occur. I will take an ultrawide over 4K again and again, what the OP posted is exactly, way more screen real estate. You can see way more of the flight deck, taxing, turning base, being able to see almost clear over to the FO side on smaller jets is a huge immersion feeling.
  7. It is just a generic airport so the CDU has basic info to give you a VREF. If you watch his YouTube videos you will see the correct process for programming the CDU. If you are just flying a 8-10nm ILS then you really don't need the CDU as it is optional. If you set yourself up on a STAR then once the aircraft is placed and trimmed up, you can pause and input all the data into CDU and go on your way. Of course then you would omit LFMN and change it to your actual destination.
  8. Basically through the CDU and hit PMDG Setup as Kyle said.
  9. You are essentially doubling your resolution, so yes there will be a drop. Are you running FSX or P3D, P3D will be able to handle the change better then FSX will. The 970 will run both displays, but both sims are very CPU bound, running the PMDG 777 at a payware airport and you are getting 20fps on a single screen. Going double will pull that even lower. I consider 20fps unplayable but you may not, it really is up to what you want to live with.
  10. I use TeamSpeak all the time. I am curious what the benefits of Discord are? Okay read above, neat I will have to try it out.
  11. It wouldn't read zero, correct it should be set to the local pressure but it would read the Actual Field Elevation in MSL.
  12. If you motherboard is the one in your sig, Maximus VIII Hero, thats the one I have you certainyl can turn HT on or off. It is under CPU Configuration, You will see speedstep, turbo boost, Hyper Threading. Simply select enabled or disabled. Go to your AI Tweaker page or whatever it is called. Make sure to not be in EZ mode, go to advanced.
  13. Following this thread. What is Dxtory? NVI replacement I would guess?
  14. Yeah I spoke to them on several occasions and they say the USB firmware on the USB cards in each the yoke and rudders needs to be re flashed if it'll take or spend $220 for two new boards shipped. Either way I am not a happy camper.
  15. HT Off, AM in my cfg I believe is NOT present, if it is its the simple 14 code if I am not mistaken. I will take a look when I get home for sure. What is you CPU Voltage set to? Manual mode and what v?
  16. So did you downgrade to those drivers or are those the most current ones?
  17. Hey guys, I am hoping someone from the community can help me out as I am quite down in the dumps about this and have been struggling for a couple of weeks to get this resolved. I have a Floor Column Yoke and rudder that are both USB and have been working great so far. They are from Precision Flight Controls and are each one USB to the computer. I have had Windows 10 since last September and am still on 10 now. My flight controls worked in 10 with a few struggles here and there to get them to stay connected but they worked. I have since changed rooms and moved my whole setup and now they refuse to connect to the PC and Windows cant load the controls. (Code 43) device cannot start etc. I have called PFC and they told me their USB boards don't support 10 and I would need to buy 2 with the latest firmware to support 10. Well if you caught my last few sentences, my controls have been working fine in 10 since September to end of June. That clearly negates what they have been saying but they are adamant the boards need changing to support 10. I am a little peeved off by this, as each board is $110 plus shipping. So we are talking nearly $250 just to get something that used to work fine in 10 to operate again. I can't fly, I just down to a simple joystick and keyboard now, and I refuse to cave and fork over that large amount of money for basically nothing. Is there a way to emulate Win7 USB ports to these flight controls? Or have the computer wipe memory of ever seeing these controls as if it were the first time being connected? I have already tried new USB cables, getting a powered USB hub, and trying every port on my PC. I was successful in getting Windows to see only the Yoke, but when I rebooted the machine, on the next boot the problem reappeared. I want to win this battle I am having with these things, because I cannot justify $250 just to use them again. If anyone can provide any help, hints or ideas no matter how small please let me know. I want to enjoy my sim again and right now I am literally stuck.
  18. It's all about the aspect ratio, 21:9 vs 16:10 or even 16:9. That is exactly why the FOV is so much better on the 34'' vs the 4k 55''.
  19. Is the ILS freq and CRS in the CDU being entered automatically by selecting the APP in the CDU? Or are you inputting the information by hand? If it is auto inserted then do they match with what exists in your airport scenery? Some instances, newer airport sceneries will correct the freqs to match the real world charts, when your NAV database may be out of date or too new.
  20. Hey guys, so I have been having USB problems in another thread I created, upon further research with ASUS they determined it was a motherboard hardware issue. They are starting the advanced RMA process to ship me another mobo. It will be the same model, the ROG VIII Hero. My question is, about licenses on the pc right now. Windows 10 activation, P3D activation, FSDT etc. I got Win 10 off my Windows 7 key and am really not sure whats going to happen when the PC sees the new hardware ID. Any advice?
  21. You will hear, "Descend via the RIIVR2 arrival" or "Comply with restrictions" you will rarely hear "Descend and Maintain" on a Lateral / Vertical RNAV SID / STAR. Even IFR clearances are read, Climb via Sid, expect maintain FLxxx.
  22. Anyone? Precision Flight controls are saying it needs a newer firmware usb board to talk with Win10 but that seems rubbish to me as it has been working since last October on Win10. They want 99 a piece and I think thats highway robbery, any advice.
  23. Hey guys, I have been pulling my hair out for the last several days. I can't get my yoke and rudders to connect to the PC via USB. As soon as I connect them and they did work previously, I moved rooms and had to move the PC along with all else and this is when the problem started. They are finicky, and what I mean by that is once they do connect, you better leave em as is because it will put up a fight to connect again after that. The USB rudders and Yoke come up with windows 10 error usb sound and show "Device Descriptor Request Failed" Code 43 in device mgmt. I have tried routing them to a USB hub, another POWERED USB hub, different physical USB slots on the PC and nothing. This is nothing new and they do work but it is such a pain in the rear to reconnect em. What can I do to get them to start talking again. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled my Asmedia USB drivers from ASUS and tried other versions. Other USB gear works fine but this is no surprise as these controls always put up a fight.
  24. Okay got it, so client and content, but NOT scenery?
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