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Everything posted by SAS443

  1. I fly both the A300/310 frequently in XP11. The A310 model inibuilds simulates, is the A310-300, the long range version. This is a mid80's airliner, with a nice blend of analog/digital, but in the sense that more focus is on the digital aspect, than for example the MD-88. The FMS/CDU interface is more akin to a Fokker 100 or an MD11, than an A320 though. I have no reasons to believe this product will sell poorly. It's a fantastic airliner in XP11! πŸ™‚
  2. good question. What really happened to it? I recall some years ago, one of their staff (Kyle?) promoted it greatly. But I haven't heard anything in a good while (I'm not a frequent reader on their boards so maybe I missed the status announcment regarding GFO)
  3. My point was your statement about sim X not doing a "particularly great job" is incorrect for me as a user of XPLANE-11 + MSFS + RW VFR pilot. I know how the terrrain is supposed to look like from above. And one sim is significanty better in depicting that than the other. PS: do you know where can find vpilot for Google Earth. Asking for a friend. πŸ˜‚
  4. I have no problems at all using MSFS first on my dry runs for x-country (especially to unfamiliar airports). Terrain, VRPs are all very easy to spot in MSFS, but alas XP11 is quite underwhelming (mostly the generic groundtextures, no Ortho. Plenty of VRPs are missing where I fly IRL). With some shader mods, MSFS is crazy close to from what I see from my Cessna, Piper or B23 from 1.500ft-9000ft. Maybe we are just lucky with the bing quality around here.
  5. Some planes are very gentle in yaw, especially into a 10 degree bank. The lithmus test are climbing turns: (max angle 20 degrees). Turn right= lots of rudder required. Turn left= not much left rudder required (sometimes even slight right rudder! Depending on horsepower/attitude)
  6. Maybe you are not pulling enough G's? That is an indicator when you stall in the vertical of a loop. For every airplane there is a sweet spot G-limit (and airspeed) associated with the loop. I flew a couple of loops in a real T6-Texan sometime ago and instructor was telling me to aim at 4Gs while shooting for roughly 170kts (185mph?) Airspeed at the top of loop can be critically low but that is fine since you should be at almost 0G and wings cannot stall if they are not generating any lift.
  7. But on the other hand, those computers have clockspeeds of less than 20hz (not mega or giga, just hertz). Extremely jurassic by todays standards. Similar CPU (Motorola 68000) that powers the Sega Genesis gaming console from late 80's.
  8. Totally depends what you are looking for. A simulator is perfectly fine for navigation-traning by using real sectionals or just dead reckoning, QDR/QDM towards navaids or pattern entries at unfamiliar airports. You can set-up an efficient workflow infront of your desk how you manage/fold the charts, how you update ETO/ATO/Fuel rem. Even how you sort the docs on your kneeboard. There are plenty of useful stuff to do in a sim (regardless MSFS/XP/P3D) that will help you in a real plane. πŸ™‚
  9. new flight model New weather model (excluding the volumetric clouds!) New turbine engine-model Because as of today 1hr in the C172S is creeping up to 180-200 EUR due to the surge in fuel prices, Where as 1hr in front of my computer is 0,05 EUR.
  10. I'm language proficiency 6/6 on my pilot radio operator certificate in both relevant languages within the FIR. I'm good. Oh, and I Still sport the "new on Vatsim please use text"-tag just to annoy VR "pilots" like you.
  11. No, because if electric driven pumps are OFF the APU fuel pump starts by itself. It's a difference between not needing a fuel pump vs not required to push an additional fuel pump button πŸ˜‰
  12. Wrong. On the A320, the APU fuel pump starts automaticly when you push "ON" on the APU master switch (unless any fuel tank pump is online)
  13. VATSIM allows it. You don't like it, take it up with them. I don't fly in VR and have no problems with fellow text-only players. Fly on pilots edge if you want to avoid text-players.
  14. Yeah, the A310 is what excites me the most airline-wise for MSFS. I'm sure it's gonna be a good one! It is actually quite a competent little product. only costs 15USD πŸ™‚
  15. Odd. The rpm should drop. On my rotax acft, on approach we need minimum 7 inches MP to keep rpm around 2.600, prop lever at fine pitch (full fwd). EDIT: real world samples I took, just for you! 😁 Base-leg Target IAS: 75 Flaps UP MP 12,9 RPM: 4440 Prop lever: cruise setting (4800rpm max) Final Approach Target IAS: 70 One notch flaps MP 15,5 RPM: 4750 Prop lever: full forward (5800rpm max)
  16. Funny that no one has actually replied to the question. Yes you can communicate via text only in vPilot and CPDLC if available. Don't forget to add that as a remark in the flightplan (also prudent to mention you are new to Vatsim). Always remember the ATC wants to know few things only. Who you are, where you are, what do you request. Controllers at Vatsim are great towards new pilots! But they also expect a baseline of aircraft knowledge of operation and airmanship in general. It is a necessary requirement to elevate the user experience for everyone.
  17. Xplane-11 (Vulkan) Ini A300 Activesky XP Enhanced Skyscape by Biologicalnanobot ROUTE: EGNX-EDDK (RNAV 32R)
  18. Will pick it up this weekend, for sure! πŸ™‚ One of the things pilots unfamiliar with this segment of planes will notice, is the crazy amount of drag created by the flaps. These planes have less inertia than say your average C172/PA28 and if you cut the power above the threshold with full flaps, you are in for a nasty surprise. Speed vanishes instantly (since you don't have much weight pushing you forward), and those short, high loaded wings will happily stop flying soon after. You will land like a brick - my own non-scientifical empirical findings. 😎. The BRM Aero I fly has 10/25 degrees flap selection, this Sting S4 uses 15/40(!) degrees. Speaking of flaps, since they are so effective, deployment is unnecessary on downwind. It's fine to extend 1st stage of flaps on base-leg (and if the runway is long, more flaps is not needed). The SOP I use basically condemns full flaps unless the rwy is short (450m or so). And if you use full flaps, it's imperative to keep the power ON until just before touchdown. These planes are not meant to be flown like a Cessna/Piper. They are way more agile, will lose altitude extremely easy. But at the same time, you have a technological marvel at your disposal in the Garmin G3X and the airliner-style autopilot. Say what you want, but these planes are the future of GA together with the electric offerings. Fuel consumption is half compared to a vintage PA28. Great to see this release for MSFS, @simbol
  19. You're welcome. This was my settings with a 6700k/1080ti combo and P3D v4. πŸ™‚
  20. I've been flying 4K for the past 5 years, currently on a 2080ti. However I began with a 980ti(!) and quickly swapped it for an Aorus 1080ti. I could now fly all complex airliners (FSLA320, MD80, PMDG boeings) with locked 30fps. Used 4xMSAA as anti-aliasing. If you are interested I can post my settings with the 1080ti. As always in P3d v5, watch out for vram starvation when using 4K.
  21. you need to push it ALT knob has three positions in the MD80. inner = increments of 100 center= increments of 1000 Outer (Pull)= Arm PRE-SELECT CAPTURE (if Auto-arm altitude is not in use)
  22. You are correct. Poor choice of words from me. But the Fenix did not impress in this scenario, nonetheless.
  23. terrible videoquality. I saw a stuttering mess. But yeah, the Fenix A320 autoland plowed the field on the upwind side. Little unexpected it was soundly "beaten" by FBW A320 autoland. The author mentions it is due to poor ProSim autoflight, not sure if that is the whole reason?
  24. Bring on the A310. Been flying their A300 alot recently in XP11 and also betatesting another A300 (analogue) . I can't be more prepared ☺️ release it already!
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