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Everything posted by jwenham

  1. I recently switched by Pre-render setting on my VC from the default of 3 to 1 and I am getting nice results. There were some areas that I fly such as Honduras - Toncontin that I would get big FPS surges/swings. Locking the FPS did help some but did not eliminate them. Pre-render 1 darn near removes all the surges even with frames set to unlimited. Anybody else having good results with this setting? If you have the surges I am describing, give it a try and see if it helps. This setting is in the Nvidia CP or if using Nhancer can be changed there also.Jim
  2. Sean, you took the words right out of my mouth on this one. I just bought PNW last weekend mainly due to the sale they were having and I wanted to see what all the hub-bub was about with it. While I do find it do be a better rendition of the area I am turned off by its performance especially at KSEA. I dont feel so bad as I only paid 24 smacks for it but after having it now you a week I dont think it is a area I will be visiting regularly. As for GEX Africa I thought.... what the ho, I'll go ahead and get it anyways just to avoid running the "switcher" but after more thought about it I too will be passing on it as after all the years I have spent simming I have never ever done ANY flying there. Dont get me wrong as I am sure there are lots of people out there super excited to have the new GEX release and that great for them, but for me and how I use the sim.... nah.... I frankly am not going to get anything new for a while and enjoy the add-ons I currently have but even that will be smacked down when PMDG day comes.Jim
  3. crash-o-la here as well...FYI I changed my computers date and selected May 3 and the UI boots. So if you need to get in to it change your computers date, make your change and then reset your computers date again.Jim
  4. If you press the three buttons on the overhead under FLT CTL you will have more conrtoll over the Airbus. By doing so you will also get back the use of you trim.Jim
  5. Alot of you may find this hard to believe but I am just now getting Orbx PNW. I usually fly the commercial flights but for only 24 bucks on sale I simply could not pass it up. So as I am downloading the last 500 megs I thought I would see what you PNW bush pilots like to do for flights. Do you recommend a specific flight/route ect, or do you just simply explore around? I ran the demo and didnt have any issues with it do I decided to get the whole sha-bang.Jim
  6. Thanks for the link! Im going to give it a whirl and see how it goes since Open Clouds went from FREE-ware to PAY-ware. I would actually pay for Open Clouds except I dont like the fact it is a subscription.... but all that has already been addressed in another thread.Jim
  7. Although Im not happy about the change, I cant blame them for charging but not happy with the way they are going about the transition. I have a neutral feeling about it, neither good nor bad.Jim
  8. Also try to re-install your VC driver. How clean is your system? If you have alot od dust build up it can cause things to overheat. Maybe PSU?
  9. Chris, a few things I would look at if it were me would be to first rebuild a new .CFG. If that does not help I would do a re-install of your video card driver as well as run a de-frag of you HD. Also maybe a windows update did something so if you can maybe roll back to a date when you knew all was well.Jim
  10. Maybe its just me but I dont see any difference between any of the shots. Like Word Not Allowed said I dont know why you would want to increase the autogen but if you want to try you could add this in your CFG:[TERRAIN]TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_TREES_PER_CELL=6000TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_BUILDINGS_PER_CELL=6000Jim
  11. One thing that we all also need to remember is that it is 100% Free to use VATSIM. So for the price we cant beat the value! How is VATSIM staffing done? I mean are the controllers assigned certain times/airports/centers to work or is it random? If it is random, perhaps assigned schedules/airports/centers ect may help with the coverage issue. Jim
  12. Your comment clearly explains why FSX is so great. We can all use it in the way we see fit and use it to simulate various situations. Very well said Jean-Jacques! :( Jim
  13. Thats strange as a setting of 7 would most likely induse more stutters. I fly with a setting of 1 and use the Affinity mask 14 with a bufferpool=0 in my config. The thing with tweeks is that just because it works on one system doesnt mean it will on another with the same result. The setting of 1 in the Pre-Render as I understand will make the frames your CPU produce be more in line with what your video card is drawing but is one of those YMMV tweeks.Jim
  14. I have flown several times on VATSIM. The thing (IMHO) with vatsim is what everybody has already stated.... limited coverage. On the flip side with VATSIM is that when it has an event it is great! One of my best experiences with VATSIM was the London Heathrow Fly in. That was a great time with lots of aircraft comming and going. With that being said I can take it or leave it mainly due to limited coverage but I still do a VATSIM flight from time to time.Jim
  15. LOL!!! My son always tells me I am "FAKE FLYING" LOL!!!! Jim
  16. It would be more effective to bring a magnifing glass with you. How did you ever gets you sim pilots license with that kind of vision? LOL!! :( Jim
  17. I have seen this as well and found that if I turn on the flood lights and then turn them back off it would go away. The electrical/gauge issue can drive you nuts at times but I have taught myself to live with it. I wish they could get the light/black gauge issue fixed but I doubt they will. Other than that I like to fly her from time to time. Cant wait for the PMDG 737 to hit!Jim
  18. Just to throw out another option... MD80 Pro by CoolSky is nice and FPS friendly as well. Jim
  19. On a serious note... I dont fly routes longer than 1-2 hrs but while in route I will study my approach, look over my aircraft manual and study up on a particular system, check out AVSIM. That being said I would "LIKE" to do an around the world trip but I just cant convince myself on the time commitment. Heck, I even fell asleep one time and was awoke with my son standing and looking at me saying "OMG - he is sleeping"!!! LOL Jim
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