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    The Netherlands

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  1. Most of the times I asked something on Avsim I got a quick, fiendly and usefull reply. Therefore this forum is usefull to me. I use it to keep informed and get help sometimes. Although I have an opinion on a lot of things I mostly keep them to myself. Why? Because it is just an opinion, I'm not a politician who has to gain anything by voicing my opinion. I dont care if somebody likes 2020 over 2024, go ahead enjoy what you enjoy. Do you think it helps to flip your finger or honk your horn and try to educate somebody in traffic?
  2. I remember an F16 game that got a 3dfx patch and blew me away, The only time in 35 years of pc usage that a patch really did something. If I remember correctly I had 2 3dfx cards in my pc.
  3. I dont know. Maybe 3 seconds at the most, it all loaded very quickly.
  4. Checking for updates 2 second.
  5. I use the Xcub a lot for VFR. Only a little slower, but great outside view.
  6. As a non english native speaker I had to look up "chowder" Thanks for that! But I couldnt find if it has a neutral, possitve or negative connotation.
  7. I dont know exactly what percentage of the add ons from 2020 would work fine in 2024 but one thing that I know for shure is that I must own 95% of the add ons on theat list of not being compatible.
  8. I dont feel for them at all. They released MSFS 2024 full of falls promises. I dont 'hate' them either but if they themselfs had started up 2024 and played it for 45 minutes they could have and should have know about the problems.
  9. its around the 54 minute mark
  10. I started MSFS2024 today, started LNM and used the VR add on in the game. (form the pull down handle) I dont use VR but the add on worked fine (this one https://nl.flightsim.to/file/43086/little-navmap-vr-panel ) Now all of a sudden I get a new interface that doesnt work properly. Worked 2 days ago. Anybody any advice??
  11. I think it works. Dont know since when.
  12. You probably need to do somethin else to get the 'covers and shocks' drop down because I can only give it a 'v'' but no pull down menu.
  13. I use capframeX. It's fully customizable. size, color, what you want to see (temp, ram, FPS etc)
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