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Everything posted by Cuddly1956

  1. Sooo right - I just downloaded the Katana from Aerosoft so off to do some walkaround checks, top up the oils and cleaning before flying it. Seems that this is a new idea to have a plane that will deteriorate with use and go wrong with bad flying and landing... well, with me it WILL be bad flying LOL.I think with that and my motorbike I'll have my hands full and wallet empty lol so hold off on the release please........... All the best guys and gals on the team.John Ellison
  2. Only thing I'm concerned about George is whether the 737 will operate with AES and not cause a 'number of animations too high' error as the number is limited.I know it's progreesing and that is good enough for me as it'll have a release when it is ready and not before. Some of us are patient.... other patients lol.John Ellison
  3. Whichever one you choose will be good IMHO.747 - Easy to learn on but harder on framerates and less tutorials about to get started.MD-11 - Easy to learn, better on framerates but better tutorials included - Non standard FMC compared to Boeing ones.737ngx - Will be tremendous in all respects but, of course, you will have to have patience as it is not released yet. (A real bone of contention to some LOL)If your pc is up to the mark then go for it - you DEFO will not be disappointed. It actually got me back into flight simming for good now, don't know if that is good or bad lol.As Ryan says flyaoamedia is a really good place to start.John Ellison
  4. ROFL - Does this mean Boeing will be building Woodpidgeons now? Or even pogo sticks!!!John Ellison
  5. Great news there - just hope one of those really tiny niggles doesn't get in and hold it all up for three months while trying to find it lol. Seems a shame that most of us won't see all the extremely hard work that has gone into it as we fly it to death on our machines.All the best to all the team and I'm sure our patience will be greatly rewarded as will Boeing's pleasure at such a fine simulation.John Ellison
  6. Good job we don't know what the ******* ***** is yet then, hehe. John Ellison
  7. Jaggies - So what? Still two very good action captures taken at the right time, very well done.John Ellison
  8. I would also suggest an AVsim library search for 'fsx_pmfg_b1900_prop' by Chuck Lawson - this will get the corrected texture for the prop.bmp in fsx so that it is not an almost opaque disk. Also it adds a couple of views.Fly's absolutely wonderfully I might add as well under both platforms.John Ellison
  9. Only on the 3 DVD's but if the 'online' is the same or similar then it's well worth it.As for the MD11 training - it's excellent full stop.It might be ok for some to be able to read and follow the manuals and handle all the nuances of them but seeing how to do the flying really adds to the understanding. Chris and Nick are very helpful as well if any questions arise.Everything from taxi to charts and planning is covered.John Ellison
  10. Certainly seems a far better way than I suggested there Dave and probably 100% workaround - brilliant idea.John Ellison
  11. Just press it and shout at the top of your lungs to someone to get you a drink or something lol.@ Kimberly ...well they do get lonely up there John Ellison
  12. There is no auto rotate on take off - make sure the trim is set and pull back on the joystick - about 3' per second.John Ellison
  13. I must add I agree with both above... So far sums it up as it's hugely enjoyable.AOA's course is full of information I agree Dave and well worth the money, It has sure helped with keeping ahead on landing for me.John Ellison
  14. Bah Humbug!!! :( :( Well, had to type it lol Have a good time one and all.John Ellison
  15. A bit of a game though Bob if the driver doesn't even recognise the card lol - hence the workaround. It's a shame some companies don't test their cards for the flavour of windows being installed. Driver works fine in XP or Vista, just not W7.Hopefully the workaround will help those with this issue.John E
  16. TL is definitely Transition Level - TA would be Transition Altitude (7000' at LSZH). TL would vary with the pressure so must be assigned by ATC.I don't know about other places but the standby altimeter is set to local pressure over the Alps in case of a descent - you definitely want to know how far the ground is away in that area. (Probably the same in other mountainous/high areas too).Lot of MNM about there too - MiNiimuM atitudes.John Ellison
  17. In all the arguments I think the numbers speak for themselves on the 737 site http://www.b737.org.uk/accident_reports.htm 7 write offs for 3300+ NG's built....Only 2 structural failures for 6600+ 737's (not NG) in all and I know one of them was Aloha airlines which landed after the event.Only the future will tell if the 'former employees' are correct but I personally doubt it... A shoddy design doesn't keep going for over 40 years of service.Bumpy landing et al funny anyway.John Ellison
  18. Same reason you wouldn't pull away in 4th gear in a car - it's possible but an unnecessary strain.John Ellison
  19. Press vnav (twice?) and it'll reengage.John Ellison
  20. STOP PRESS - New Special FeaturesPaintwork fades over time...Tyres (Tires), brakes and engines wear out and have to be purchased from online shop...One has to actually buy the fuel to use it..Income for flights is only generated by flying it for 18 hours per day...If one keeps asking when it will be released Ryan will clobber one with the said pogo stick...John Ellison
  21. Be ok if I could remember my logon name... yet alone password LOL Oh well dig through my old emails might be in order. Lucky for me Daryl knows how dippy I am from another forum.
  22. Considering it was a FS2004 MD-11 being reviewed - obviously the author has no idea of limitations of the sim and pmdg did the best they could with it.As for wrong dimensions.... well, I'm sure he has a different tape measure lolJohn Ellison
  23. Well said Robert, much better to be 99.9% satisfied at the release than finding a horrible bug that requires a lot of fixing because of a premature release. I'm sure the majority of us appreciate the efforts being made and can understand the emthusiasm for others waiting for the release.As long as in the end it brings a HUGE smile to people a later release will go unnoticed.P.S. then people can moan about the Dash 8 and the 777 lol - keep on trucking guys and girls.John Ellison
  24. Of course autopilots are very good BUT they, like a pc are very stupid in some respects. It will not actually FLY the plane but only reavy to inputted information... asked to something stupid they would.One the 'simmer landing' part I'd say a simmer would stand a better chance of landing an airliner than someone with no knowlrdge but with a few IFsIF they could get into the cockpitIF they could remove the pilots from their seats.IF they knew how to operate the radio.IF they could sort out the flight problems that would probably exist at the time.ONLY IF the above were done could thay be guided to an autoland... I don't believe ATC or anyone else would want them to actually land the plane manually.I've only been on one plane that FELT like an autoland anf that was Air Transat.... enough said I think LOL.A BN Islander doesn't count as they are nearly stopped before landing lol.John Ellison
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