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Everything posted by Anthony25368

  1. Wondering if anyone here can help me. I am having problems with my tiller control. I can't calibrate it. I have updated to the v2 and after that my control binding for the tiller is turned a little to the left and won't center when my control is centered. I am using the saitek x65 throttle controller with the turning knob as my tiller. Thanks for the advise and help. Anthony
  2. At least 160 million a month for fees to use msfs 2020 to microsoft, time to get servers and program running top notch, that is a bunch of dough that can be invested.
  3. I put my settings on, not complaining just comparing. Some companies do better with my setup others do, always a little bit of a gamble.. No big deal only 30$. Hopefully the sim will get better with time.
  4. Yes I think I will have to shut it off and use default again, I'm disappointed by this I watched videos on youtube and most the guys said it was great, but who knows. Loss of 30$
  5. Thank you have shut off everything and made the textures normal not hd, I will work on it but I think its a problem when all the other airports work just fine. I wanted to pull trigger on buying because its my home airport for my VA.
  6. I have tried to lower all settings but my fps is terrible with this software? I wish I would have waited to see more reviews. I have a low end video card 1080 gsx but Flytampa and Fsdreamteam scenery works great for me. I hope this can be optimized for better performance. Anyone else having bad stutters and lagging? I fly vr most of the time so I expect a little but I even get terrible frames in 2d. Any tips will be appreciated. Thank you Anthony
  7. Do I have to uninstall all the aig liveries I installed for this to work or just move its folders out of my community folder? Thank for the help Anthony
  8. Also I was wondering do you lose everything I have loaded into msfs when you delete the .dat files. Wil it restore itself next load if you leave the community folder alone. Just curious how this worked for you.
  9. Where is the Simulator.dat file located? I know where the other is. Thanks for the help
  10. How long does it take you guys to get through Collect Simobjects when starting the AI manager? It taking me like 20 minutes!!
  11. I have been going to settings after I load into a flight, unplugging my saitek yoke system, listen for sound telling me its unplugged(windows sound), plug back in. Centers everything so I can fly straight. I have to do this every time I load into msfs. My calibration won't save after the dec. update.
  12. I have been going to settings after I load into a flight, unplugging my saitek yoke system, listen for sound telling me its unplugged(windows sound), plug back in. Centers everything so I can fly straight. I have to do this every time I load into msfs. My calibration won't save after the dec. update.
  13. Thank you Steve for the info. I'll keep working on the oom problem, I just wanted to eliminate everything. Anthony
  14. Hi I was wondering what this means, I got a non standard scenery\world\texture\detail1.bmp error in the diagnostics test. I have been having oom problems the last few days ever since loading orbx southern California, I was wondering if this could be a problem because of this file? Thank you for any insight into this. Anthony Marquis I figured it out, for some reason rex4 loaded this file and it is corrupt, I have restored my old textures so I will see if that is the cause of my ooms.
  15. Thanks for the fast reply, No I will look into this and let you know. I might just have something set wrong. I just wanted to be sure my install would be ok. Thank you
  16. Hi, Today I updated my fixer to 2.8, but I erased all my previous fixers before that. Will this be ok? I didn't check that the update procedure had been changed since the last time I updated. I am only asking because I seemed to have lost my shadow effects in the pmdg 737 aircraft. Thank You Anthony
  17. Does anyone know how to change the altimeter setting from qnh in the pfd to inches? Thanks for the help.
  18. Great program at the time, loved how you could fly the different routes.
  19. I have the same PC as you and turned ht in with an af=255, works great.
  20. I don't see an option for adaptive vsynce for my nividia controller. Any idea why it isn't there?
  21. Eastern airlines is a good one, they have lots of hubs, use acars for flight reporting and give you routes to fly usually four in a row. I have been with them for awhile now and live it.
  22. I only no the man might have connected it to a the wrong connection.
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