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Seattle Simmer

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Everything posted by Seattle Simmer

  1. Nurokeypro — Today at 7:40 AM FR24 is not sharing positional data right now, which prevents the usage of FSLTL injecting those datas to the sim From Discord
  2. I am not able to engage the Longitude Hold Mode. I have the Flight Directors engaged and have entered all of the pre-flight data, weights etc, set an appropriate altitude and entered v speeds. I have tried with the autothrottle on and off when advancing the throttle and I have tried with VNAV on and off as well but I never see Hold. As soon as I lift off I get red messages that say HOLD FAIL and AT HOLD FAIL. I am new to the Longitude but not to MSFS. Any help will be appreciated. Steve D.
  3. I'm not sure if this is your issue but I have had FSX minmize, continue to run apparently normally, but not go back to full screen or windowed mode. A fix for me was to turn off my second monitor. Then FSX behaved normally. When I turned the second monitor back on all was well. Could not begin to guess why that worked but it did.
  4. I appreciate your frustration but I also think I see the source. To generate a list of everything that is NOT in the simulation is, I'm sure, quite a task. My thought is that PMDG has described everything that is in the simulation and that, if they haven't described a function, then it's probably not there. Asking about a specific issue, such as engine out VNAV, seems a good topic starter. Believe me I am not trying to be condescending here, just sharing my perspective.
  5. A co-worker just asked me if I have tried the new Starbucks 'clear coffee'. I fell for it and then had a good laugh. For one I admire the PMDG April Fools style.
  6. I'm seeing the same thing recently. I don't recall the 'brakes' indicator showing during the operation of the autobrake before, perhaps I just missed it. If I tap my brake pedals the 'brakes' light goes out.
  7. Weighing in here to say this is a perfect example of problem solving on Avsim. I had this issue, read the posts this morning but there was no resolution, re-loaded the page this evening, problem solved :-)
  8. i welcome any effort to let a little air out of the T7 balloon.
  9. I think it is great PMDG has such loyal customers who are committed to their products and very interested in new ones. PMDG is fortunate in this regard and has also worked hard to earn this respect. That said I don't think it really helps for Robert to do many updates. Any snippet of information he provides almost always leads to more questions and more requests for even more information. He knows how interested his customers are but, like any good pilot, he will do things right and won't be rushed. For my part I am happy knowing PMDG is busy with two new products and one upgrade all of which I know will be great, trying to figure out how best to manage the whole P3D issue and working on who knows what else.
  10. Like most of us I would love to have a modern alternative to FSX but, unless you are in management at Lockheed, no one knows if that's P3D. PMDG may have several things it wants to accomplish in all of this but I take Robert at his word when he says he is looking after PMDG customers. Unless and until P3D is an actual commercial product, that we will have guaranteed access to going forward, I don't think we will see any supported PMDG products on that platform.
  11. If you manually retract the spoilers before running the replay they will be down in the replay.
  12. Since I began flying the NGX in its various versions I have occasionally gone back to the other sims I own and the only one I really like at this point is the Aerosoft Twin Otter.
  13. That is the now standard "landing" sound you will hear every time you touch down and now when a plane is loading. Before SP1 the sound while loading was the trim wheel turning.
  14. Re: pushback I remember that at the original release PMDG said they were going to address this.
  15. This is basically my approach. LNAV at 400 agl and then hand fly based on the FD prompts to 10K feet, VNAV when flaps are up. For me it makes take off and departure more challenging and enjoyable.
  16. I won't comment on whether of not some people on this forum are too entitled or not entitled enough, but I do want to say we sometimes lose sight of the PMDG value proposition. In my opinion this product offers a lot for the money including support and updates. I sympathize with those who cannot get this baby running, but as has been pointed out elsewhere in the world of PCs there are one thousand and one different varieties of rigs to interact with. I will add on more thing. Recently I had an email from a vendor saying version 4.5 had been released for its 757. I hadn't looked at this since I developed my NGX addiction so I installed the update and loaded the sim. The difference between the ambiance of the 757 cockpit and the NGX, not to mention the functionality, was stunning. I am not saying the 757 is bad, I am saying the NGX is so much better it's in a class by itself. So, in addition to being completely spoiled by the NGX, I am inclined to give PMDG high marks for degree of difficulty and execution. I look forward to the service pack release and any of their other products whenever they are released.
  17. This is almost certainly an issue with FSX or Fly Tampa not NGX. I have had multiple issues with Fly Tampa St Maarten. I would take this to their forum.
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