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Everything posted by Cras

  1. 767. I was tempted to vote 787, but it isn't in service yet.
  2. Cras

    B757 Patch???

    Holy crap. This kind of necro-posting can get you banned in certain forums.
  3. Well in that case, I will venture KORD to KMCO.
  4. And still does. They still have their crazy pricing scheme where everything is ala cart but at package prices.
  5. Brilliant stuff from AoAand a climb at 4500 FPM? Don't see anything uncomfrotable with that.
  6. One thought, and I guess this is to those who actually fly NGs in real life (or any aircraft with the big glass MFDs), why are you touching the screens? Are you trying to clear it of dust? What is the purpose of putting any fingers at all on the screens?
  7. Its has to do with the shutter speed and the flicker rate of the digital readouts on the MCP. If the camera shutter speed matched the MCP and was synced you would not see this. Cool video nonetheless.
  8. A rule I tend to follow is lower the gear on the second to last flap setting. Of course unless my speed is too high and the spoilers don't seem to be enough to drop the speed on their own, then I lower the gear earlier. Or you could do like the astronauts do on the Space Shuttle and wait until you are 500 feet above the ground.
  9. It may be hard to do, but it certainly would be a cool feature.
  10. Yhea, the Shuttle lands at what most planes hope to cruise at.And how about waiting until 500 feet AGSL to deploy the landing gears? SSM2007 is absolute quality and I recommend it to any and everyone, but if you want a challenge, try landing the Shuttle in Orbiter flying it by hand from Orbit. Not so easy. If anyone is looking for a challenge while they wait for the NGX release, I recommend trying to master that. You will be quite busy.
  11. You are awesome Jane. Another great post.
  12. Hah yes. Will certainly need a parachute. That sort of manuver may be easy for the Shuttle in LEO, but it is strongly suggested to avoid such a thing in the atmosphere if landing the aircraft and walking away from it is part of the objective.
  13. inverted and going the wrong way, meaning aft side pointing to the velocity vector. That would give you negative AoA.
  14. JR your posts are really a pleasure to read. The life you add to the subject only adds to the sensation, and it becomes easy to share in your excitement over the aspects of the plane you are testing.When I see a new thread started by you, I know I am in store for a great read, and this was no exception. I appreciate the info, and I really enjoyed it.Thanks,Scott
  15. Yes no kidding really. It does look that good.
  16. Man that video is long. A very in depth. Great job on the commentary indeed.
  17. For me the updates have always been fine. Sure there were times when we were sort of set up to expect a follow up update in short order and it never happened, but that is life. And the updates that have come have always been substational. That is not to say PMDG have been without fault here. There have been a few times, more than anyone would like, when it seems the pressure from this place got to them and they acted in a manner that I thought was way out of line, but I have brought that up in far more detail elsewhere, and it was responded to. But to say that PMDG should be more frequent on updates? I mean what do you want them to say? What do you want to get out of more updates?
  18. Great stuff. I very much appreciate the feedback.It just seems everyone who has TrackIR loves it, and it certainly is very close to the top of my list of FSX related purchases.
  19. This is an exciting bit right here. I am with you on this. Some have told me Track IR helps with this, but i just never got around to getting it, it is not the cheapest thing in the world. The HUD will certainly make situational awarness in FSX a bit more manageable. And if it helps me make better landings, bonus.
  20. Great video, Well done. Enjoyed it very much, both the visuals and the commentary. All great stuff.
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