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Everything posted by shamrockflyer

  1. This is a VERY good flight planner, I use it all the time, I could never understand PFPX. You can also import flight plans into FSX! It also acts as a fuel planner. http://onlineflightplanner.no-ip.org/
  2. I have frame rates locked at 30 in NI and Unlimited in FSX, I found I had a 5-7 increase in fps since doing so. I did experiment with LOD at 6.5 but I was getting OOM's so I moved it back to 4.5.
  3. Agreed, I don't want to be paying a small fee for the exact same model, it just doesn't seem right....ok it may be brand new code and detailed differently, but for what its worth I don't see the point in charging for another series of the 320/321 - they've released two different payware versions of the A320/321 already.... :rolleyes:
  4. It doesn't make sense them doing yet another 320/321. I may get the 318/319 on release aswell as the 330, but for the 320/321 - I think I'll stick with the FSLabs 320.
  5. What ever is the cheapest, mainly Ryanair, but Aer Lingus to London Heathrow for International connecting flights such as to the US. I've flown on too many airlines My favorite airline was before they merged Continental, just all out friendly crew and a really enjoyable flying experience. I will be flying with Qatar Airways in September to Bangalore so it will be interesting to see how good they are...
  6. Sitting on a remote stand at EGCC. Purely because I reinstalled the 747 and MD-11 - CANNOT leave them alone! Still absolutely beautiful aircraft to fly!
  7. Since my last post I have been to the following - Denmark & Sweden | two of my all time favorite countries! In late August I will be off to Bangalore India stopping off in Doha Qatar.
  8. I have fixed the issue I was having. How I fixed it - I removed SweetFX using the SweetFX Configurator, I loaded FSX then reinstalled SweetFX with the SweetFX Configurator, I then closed FSX and loaded it backup again successfully with SweetFX installed and working. For anyone having such trouble where the presets fail to load and FSX closes, just follow how I fixed it and it should be fixed for you also! Thanks Adi, the colors look more natural, but the AA still needs a bit of tweaking. Regards, Ciaran.
  9. I use Avast Anti virus. So I should try disabling it when loading FSX?
  10. FSX suddenly stops working/crashes, I have the correct files installed. FSX version - DX10 with Steve's Fixer. Log File - full path: C:\MSFSX\ redirecting CreateDXGIFactory redirecting D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain removing D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED flag redirecting IDXGIFactory->CreateSwapChain initialising shader environment D3DX10CreateEffectFromFile failed C:\MSFSX\dxgi.fx(40,10): error X1507: failed to open source file: 'SweetFX_preset.txt'
  11. Here is my log file - full path: C:\MSFSX\ redirecting CreateDXGIFactory redirecting D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain removing D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED flag redirecting IDXGIFactory->CreateSwapChain initialising shader environment D3DX10CreateEffectFromFile failed C:\MSFSX\dxgi.fx(40,10): error X1507: failed to open source file: 'SweetFX_preset.txt'
  12. One slight problem, I installed everything to the book, but FSX won't load and just suddenly crashes on loading screen....?!
  13. I can confirm shooting stars exist in FSX. Last summer while doing some Norwegian night flights I saw quite a few, they are very quick - maybe 2-3 seconds, but when you catch them they are quite spectacular! Its a neat feature in FSX, to keep you satisfied on long hauls during the dead of night ^_^
  14. How does it add up in systems? I feel it looks too cartoon like....
  15. I saw this post and tried it out but unfortunately it didn't help. I will try this later and see if it works out.
  16. Could anyone help? I just installed the Metroliner and as soon as I get into the aircraft there is a PWR FAIL light that keeps on blinking. I have looked all over the cockpit hitting switches etc but cannot find a solution.....
  17. On a scenic tour of Fly Tampa's excellent Dubai Rebooted...
  18. The 780Ti is a beast in its own right. Some say when overclocked it outruns the TITAN. For me P3D runs amazingly well, I do plan on getting another 780Ti sometime in the future though, but the 3GB of Vram is more than enough!
  19. I personally don't find such videos 'realistic' - there's not really anything real about them, just over dramatic effects.
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