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Matthew Kane

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Everything posted by Matthew Kane

  1. Royals are permitted to visit Canada for up to 6 months but as they were not on an official state visit the Canadian Government had no obligation to provide security, it wasn't that they refused they were not obligated and were acting on the best interest of the tax payer. In no way was it a refusal. And yes their only option to remain in Canada was to apply for residency like everyone else
  2. A consideration is that they were wanting to reside in Canada as initially that is where they went (also that is where she was living when the met), but that couldn't happen because under Canadian Law, the Royal Family is the head of state from afar, they can never reside in Canada. Therefore in order for Harry to settle in Canada he must give up his title and apply for permanent residence just like any other immigrant. That rule makes sense it gives Canada sovereignty from its offshore head of state and family etc Quotes like you said are after the fact, they ended up settling in California because the other option wasn't going to work by law
  3. Great shots thanks for sharing, and what a send off into a beautiful sunset
  4. All good, as I am an Employer in New Zealand I am waiting to see if we will do a paid day off here, which is likely as we already have been doing a paid day off for her Birthday (Queens Birthday Weekend), so more then likely we will have a one off national day off for this too.
  5. I am a Dual Citizen and she was the Queen of both my Commonwealth Nationalities, so not only have our friends across the pond lost their Queen, countries across the Commonwealth have also lost their Queen today as she was our official head of state as well in many nations. She has been an inspiration throughout my life and strength for many across the Commonwealth, this is the end of a golden era
  6. Matthew Kane

    Sad Day

    Very sorry to hear about this Noel, I did lose my brother about 6 years ago and that has been very hard. I think about him all the time. I don't think I can say so much anymore, this is his Facebook Memorial he was a larger then life individual, too good for this world: https://www.facebook.com/millerethan May my brother Ethan and your son Eric be at peace and with all hope we will all be together in the after life, live every minute on this earth in the moment and be at Peace 👍
  7. Living your best life my friend. I preferred the scenery designs back in the earlier years of this hobby their is a good chance I used your scenery back in those FS5.1 to 2004 years, the community was more community back then, now it is more commercial.
  8. I am a bit late on the game here but I will say this, when I signed up for Flight School we had two choices for training, the grand ole C150 of the Katana, without hesitation I chose the C150 even though the Katana was the better aircraft, reason for that was because my shoulders fit better into a C150 and it also had a yoke. Same thing with the Airbus vs Boeing debate, my opinion is overall Airbus is the better aircraft but as for the pilot point of view I would prefer Boeing as well because Yoke over side stick.
  9. The Apple IIe is the future... Oh wait a minute I forgot what decade this is 🤣
  10. Yes I thought it was about the car too, but true story when I was a kid my grandparents lived in Reseda, and grandma took us (my brothers and cousins) to Universal Studios in my grandfathers 1973 Ford Econoline Van, there we were all piled in driving down Ventura Boulevard and low and behold a black convertible Stingray pulled up next to us at the traffic light and driving it was Roy Orbison. We tapped on the windows and got his attention, light turned green and he gave us the nod and a wave and pulled out of there. Seeing a guy like Roy Orbison you will never forget that he was such a legend, here was the car he was driving that day:
  11. I don't have one but I am surprised to see it even has a cooling fan on it, here is a picture on one with the cover off:
  12. This is why I live in a temperate zone, if it's cold you put something on, if it's hot you could take everything off, it doesn't matter you are still hot.
  13. The original cause was due to First Energy cutting back on maintenance and was not trimming the trees around the power lines, It was a hot day which causes the lines to expand in the heat which meant they 'Drooped' with gravity causing spikes on the lines in numerous areas on the grid, then yes the technicians made mistakes trying to figure out what was happening and failed to restart the monitoring software, and this became a domino effect from there taking out pretty much all of the North East USA and Canada. This does compare to aviation accidents were a simple cause (a tree branch) creates a domino effect leading to a major disaster, also the reason I still find this event so fascinating. Saddest thing of that event was a guy named Lewis Wheelan, he was a former employee of a Power Company and survived a 7,200 volt electrocution which caused the loss of both his legs and his right arm, and due to his burns required a ventilator. Following the accident he received a settlement and with that money moved to a Condominium Tower in Toronto, and all the equipment required to allow him a quality of life. When the blackout happened his ventilator stopped, the elevators were not working in his building and he couldn't get out of his apartment and his family was unable to reach him in time, unfortunately he died alone in his apartment. Very sad story as his first accident with a power company almost killed him, only for another power company to cause him to lose his life, and only 2 years from the first accident. He was only 22 years old when he died. I always think about this story looking back on the events of those days, it is a good reminder of what Noel has been saying about reliance on the grid, unfortunately for Mr Wheelan his life depended on it.
  14. I would do fine if this was to happen, already have my hoard of cash, rainwater harvesting system, cache of food and supplies, you name it. But this is because I live directly on top of one of the largest fault lines. I always figured if you can be prepared for a big earthquake you pretty much have most other things covered, the only thing that I am not prepared for would be a bush fire taking out the entire neighbourhood.
  15. Although I am not a big fan of Government Funded Airlines, SAS will be around for years to come because Denmark and Sweden will bail it out using tax money. Problem with these Northern countries is they need an airline to service remote regions, therefore Sweden has more to lose then anyone. As long as the tax payers get a return on that investment then all good, They won't sell it off or privatize to ensure it continues to services those remote regions
  16. Where these people come from the proper quote would be: It Doesn't Take Rocket Appliances To Figure It Out 🤣
  17. I did some reading on that it's pretty cool to be honest, never underestimate any living thing
  18. One of my clients said recently imagine if the trees could network? I first I rolled my eyes thinking 'tree hugger' but he went on to say how trees roots do join each other, and if there was a forest fire miles away could they send a message through the root network, or if you build a road through a forest you disconnect that network when you cut those trees down, they can no longer network with the trees on the other side Anyhow, I didn't buy into this theory but it does make you think, if organic life could communicate through their roots that would make one massive organic internet network
  19. With every earthquake the southern point of New Zealand is moving slightly closer to Australia, this is probably the largest movement on earth at the moment with about 30 cm (or 12 inches) during a big event. The Alpine Fault gets a lot of activity
  20. I too use Navigraph for updates to the FMC database and the ease of accessing charts, can't live without it
  21. If we can develop a space craft that can continue to accelerate at 1G,, and if the faster you travel the slower the rate of time becomes, then that makes it a game changer. Half the journey you are in acceleration phase, and the other half of the journey you are in deceleration phase, and you can maintain constant gravity this way Anyone who used to have the old Microsoft Space Simulator would have experimented with this theory as it did a great job of allowing you to travel around the universe like this. It would be awesome if Microsoft could do another version of Space Sim that was a lot of fun
  22. Yes this depends if it is worth it to physically come here or not, I think their are numerous 'Class-M' type planets out there and you couldn't get to them all, and some more valuable then others therefore if it is worth it to go to one over another you would. This one may or may not be worth it due to our size or the habitants (being us) or our useless technology has no value etc, we just may not be worth it to them (Sorry I use the term Class-M that is just the Trekkie in me) 😎
  23. It is more likely that developed civilizations around the universe would send probes for space exploration then manned missions, this is true with us too, the large majority of our space exploration has been unmanned
  24. Wow I guess Mama Cat let them out into the world on their own. They still look a bit young for that but I think that usually happens around 8 weeks. He is having fun with his new clan that's what counts
  25. They also have the Apple version out there too, I spend years on that version when I was early teens, but can't look at it now. We are too spoiled with 40 years of development it has become everything I imagined back then, so for me no going back
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