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Everything posted by teopereira

  1. As Froogle pointed out in one of his recent videos, the thing about Oculus is that it needs at least 60 fps on each eye, or you will feel sick... P3d and FSX don't give you this performance even with the most expensive hardware...
  2. Don't know whether this was already posted, but I think these videos are very informative: More at: http://www.jetstreamtv.net/
  3. PMDG once stated that the windows geometry were an option to fit the HUD, but they are reconsidering resizing it... I think a post comparing PMDG and real world pictures would be nice...
  4. Displayed (white-blinking) EEC senses conditions that may lead to hot start or stall during ground starting. Current versions of EEC software (7.B.Q and later) will automatically cut fuel for an impending hot start or stall during ground starting. FCOM 7.11.8 These protection features do not function during inflight starts. FCOM 7.20.11 But I wonder whether all NGs have 7.B.Q and later EEC software...
  5. How to make a good quality aircraft for P3d? What tools can I use to make the model, the instruments, the systems, .air file etc? Thanks!
  6. I'd do many "circle to land" in SBRJ (Santos Dumont Airport, Rio), like in real world.
  7. Thank you all for the advices, I'm inserting the winds now in the descent page and choosing the lowest and slowest for the legs, plus lowering flaps earlier, so things are getting better... Btw, your posts were very interesting, being pilots of different aircrafts and reporting your impressions about them! Thanks!
  8. My questions are: 1) How to choose which altitudes to put in the "forecast winds" of the descend page? 2) Where do I obtain these forecast winds for those altitudes? Should I use the winds above the arrival location? I use Active Sky Next, but it tells me nothing of these data for my route... 3) How can I put the forecast winds for each of my legs in the FMC? 4) What's the use of the "Average winds" given by Active Sky Next? Thanks!
  9. Mainly Rio-Sao Paulo air bridge routes. I found an interesting topic on this subject: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/340294-realistic-drag-during-flight/ When I fly the Rio-Sao Paulo air bridge in a real 737-800 (as a passenger) I don't see the extensive use of speedbrakes.
  10. I almost always arrive too high for the final approach... I follow the descent path, but almost always have to use speed brakes, sometimes even lower the gears well before my destiny in order to slow down and descend faster. I'm using NavDataPro database. Thanks, Teo Halfen
  11. Are you talking about importing Google's 3d photogrammetric models into FSX?
  12. This happens sometimes... I think it's a bug. It got better when I changed it's "processe priority" to HIGH in "VoxAtc Advanced Settings"...
  13. Voxatc clears me for specific STARS, but my question is: can it clear me for specific approaches, like for example "NBD B approach" etc? Thanks
  14. Or from Aerosoft NavDataPro: http://en.shop.aerosoft.com/eshop.php?action=article_detail&s_supplier_aid=11686&s_design=default&shopfilter_category=flight%20simulation&s_language=english Which is supplied by Lufthansa Systems and is used in real world aviation by more than 180 airlines throughout the world.
  15. I was thinking today while going to my job: I wouldn't care if I had to pay for big updates, like the SP2, which will bring many improvements and new features to the product.... I think it's fair... PMDG didn't say anything about paying for the SP2, but I think it would be fair anyway...
  16. My opinion: * Radar weather; * Hot start, wet start and other malfunctions related to engine start; * Better struts animation (if not an FSX/P3D limitation)...
  17. Just the NGX Version 2 is OK by now... For Prepar 3D...
  18. J I didn't know whether it was a bug or something that for some reason worked that way in the real thing. So it seems to be a bug. Thanks
  19. Just do the normal procedure to engine start: APU bleed on, packs off etc... When N2 reaches 23% or whatever close the APU bleed... The N2 will remain where it is, it won't slow down and stop.
  20. How it that possible? No APU bleed, no fuel, but N2 keeps speed?
  21. We always notice when the packs are turned off for engine start... that's the normal thing. But this last time the air conditioning was pumping cool air while the engines were being started...
  22. Some days ago, I flew in a brand new 737-800... I noticed that, during the pushback, the engines were started while the air conditioning was on. How is that possible?
  23. I'm playing aWorld War 2 sim named "War Thunder", and I get very high frame rates, and the scenery and aircrafts are very nice. In FSX or P3d I doubt I'd get more than 20-25 fps with that scenery, but I get 55-65 fps with War Thunder... I feel the flight model very realistic too... So, we see we need a completely new platform for future flight simulators. Another sim to watch out is Aerofly FS, which is at the beginning but looks promissing in the future.
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