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Everything posted by poplar

  1. Loki - "The will to fly, is in your eyes" - words from First Steps by Elbow, the Olympic theme. This is what I hear in my mind when I realise you are striving on beyond the odds -
  2. Loki, if you are reading this, you are doing a great job. Well done and keep going. You ARE onto something. Every fan of Microsoft Flight / Flight Simulator loves and feeds off this genuine, honest and most importantly - human - approach. Sharing your difficulties, as you do, only adds to the sense that you're trying, and trying hard which I, and I'm sure many other appreciate greatly.
  3. I think Loki's approach is spot on. Yes they've stopped development, but they needed to ditch Joshua Howard and now he's gone perhaps the shadow he was casting has shone light on the potential. Who knows, it'll all come down to cold hard cash and times are tough, Vancouver game studios are feeling it and I'm sure there are a complex set of issues, but there is still a flicker of light here and that might say something about Microsoft not ditching the whole product.
  4. I think my feelings are based on both a disbelief that it's over, and a post Olympic British triumphant hope that they could pull off a resurgence.
  5. https://news.microsoftflight.com/blogs/news/archive/2012/08/15/getting-to-know-well-me.aspx Development has stopped, but this new refreshingly honest and frequent communication stream has begun. Microsoft have built a fantastic foundation in Flight to 'fire up' or re-open development in the future. I can't help linger on an ebb of excitement here and am still glued, if not more so to the blog updates. Please please Microsoft keep going. We are right behind you.
  6. Please god make it a Jet, and an SDK - then we will be happy forevermore.
  7. Flights cockpits look truly magnificent compared to this, but I agree the world is quite well done.
  8. Ah - sorry, switched from my rubbish work computer to my Mac and can see the tents now thank you - great find!
  9. I hope MS are gearing up to add missions into Alaska because the exciting trailer they have created feels somewhat disconnected from the reality of what The Alaskan experience feels like to me just now.
  10. Aerocaches are coming very soon. Posted on the beta discussions.
  11. Microsoft posted on their Facebook page saying the Alaska content on their website is a pre-release testing bug :-(
  12. I am so excited about the release of Alaska. Does anyone know if people who have still have access to the Microsoft Flight Beta discussions forum are allowed to post things that are discussed over there here in the Avsim Flight forums?
  13. Well dropping it into Google Images didn't work! :Straight Face:
  14. Mountains look AMAZING as well as the clouds!
  15. Thrilled. Twin Otter is a no brainer.
  16. Long term flight simmer here. I absolutely loved the Beta and can't wait for 29th Feb.
  17. Best most truthful review so far.....http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2397774,00.asp
  18. No more free world feeling. If you download free Hawaii and buy the UK expansion pack do you simply teleport to London once you hit the free Hawaii scenery boundary? Yuck. Bit like being denied to explore in COD or being automatically killed in Battlefield 2 when you try to go exploring.Weird, feel like its lost a whole lot of freedom.
  19. Also, forgive me if I'm wrong but when we talk about no true overcast, this to me looks like it is; I realise its 'fog / haze' and not true 3D volumetric clouds, but it'll at least give the same feel descending into think fog onto the runway right albeit at a very low altitude?
  20. Never mind screenshots - please post lots of videos...............
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