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Everything posted by Gaiiden

  1. mapped: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1KUg5jwyT_9k2A9n5IZ99UChlhfVUfO5S&ll=40.609753266167885%2C-50.609856049999976&z=3
  2. Nah it's base game. That's Orbx Orcas airport just an example I had quick on hand but I already tried it with an empty Community folder and got the same results at a stock airport. Also it affects all aprons & runways - you can see the lines on the runway in the image above as well
  3. Nah it's base game. That's Orbx Orcas airport just an example I had quick on hand but I already tried it with an empty Community folder and got the same results at a stock airport
  4. I've seen threads about this on the MSFS forums but no indication that Asobo recognizes it as an issue and those who've also experienced it haven't yet offered a fix that works for me. One guy said he got them to go away but changing my driver settings to default didn't work for me. It's even worse in the snow
  5. I forget how to report errors in that map. I did it once last year at some point but the interface has changed since then... but if you send either the mod author or site admins a message about it it should get fixed pretty quick I do not mark anything that is marked on other maps linked to at the top of the thread. Besides the one example you already specified was from flightsim.to, if any of the other airports have files hosted someplace independently then please tell me where
  6. I'm still completely stumped here. What is Croft Farm and how did you even notice this?! I did not add a Croft Farm anything to the map. So if it's just a mistake on the map then that's Google's problem not mine
  7. I'm not sure what you're referring to, I just checked and I don't have a pin for that airport or anywhere near it. Also google map doesn't recognize that coord format
  8. Please everyone look at the MSFS forum link, I've already listed all the sites that have their own maps and the sites that I have mapped. If you know of a site not on either of those lists, please tell me I might consolidate other maps into mine, depends on how annoyed I am looking through multiple maps over the next few months
  9. and I asked for ppl to give me information on more. What are you trying to say?
  10. I got their Cincinnati lakeside airport scenery and they couldn’t even bother to change the slope lighting to the proper configuration, properly place wind socks or make the taxi signs accurate. I ended up using a freeware version from FlightSim.to for these fixes and more but kept their buildings since they did look modeled a bit nicer. But compared to other devs of larger airports for the same price? Not on par
  11. Get the full lay of the land when deciding where you want to fly in MSFS and what interesting things are available to be seen along the way. You currently need to look across 8 different maps to see where everything is - learn the details over at my MSFS forum thread. If anyone knows of any additional maps and any additional independent developer/download sites (I discovered SimAddons thanks to a forum post here, I'm sure there are more out there) please let me know!
  12. it's a great feature for immersion IMO and has never been a problem for me for seeing things internally but I agree there's no reason it shouldn't be able to be disabled. I mean I'm sure some people like motion blur but I'm so glad I can turn that nonsense off!
  13. Flew the TBM this week and with in-game axis assignments all is working well
  14. worth noting the default lighting is actually more realistic. The enhanced lighting is more what you would expect to see in touched-up photos and is what most people would expect to see at night in the real world, but not actually see it like that. I had this effect happen to me on a fall foliage road trip this year. Staring out at the landscape I was kinda disappointed at the lack of color - then I went and used the iPhone tools to increase saturation and stuff and then it looked like how I had expected to see things.
  15. You mean like this? https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/ground-grid-lines-since-wu6/474301 You need to post screenshots
  16. Y'all welcome. Still, I wish I could have foregone the time working on this and just found and downloaded the original freeware from Vertical Sim that seems to have gone MIA
  17. I had the 337 in FSX and really enjoyed it, don't recall any major gripes, been years since I've flown FSX, but I'm sure I had some annoyances. Here in the MSFS version there's a lot of small things, but nothing major. Biggest annoyance was the default camera view - when up in the air you can trigger the dynamic eye adjustment because so much of the cockpit is in your view the outside gets washed out. Moving the view up fixed that. The aircraft seems to override the MSFS pilot avatars and if you remove weight from the copilot seat the copilot still needs to be disabled with the EFB. Haven't figured a way to feather the props without using the mouse cursor to move past the detent (there are button assignments to toggle feathering but they don't work). Still, got it started, took off, cruised, landed and shut down pretty much by the procedures and it handled and sounded great. Look forward to logging more hours in it
  18. Surprised how long it took anyone to mention the upcoming Honda Jet. Since that was going to be my contribution I'll just say that there was a Phenom made for FSX and I hope that aircraft finds it way to MSFS at some point too
  19. I use BandiCam, haven't noticed any performance impact with it. The capture quality is great I usually just record a flight a take screenshots later from the video footage - I can't see any difference in quality from direct game captures
  20. I don't know what the reverse throttle bug was, worked fine for me in the TBM prior to the latest patch. Still works. Maybe because I am using Throttle 1 axis instead of the general throttle axis?
  21. the ground handling on the frozen ice def needs work, tho not sure if it is an aircraft config issue or a base sim issue - maybe a bit of both. I've only done it on the Savage Gravel with the huge wheels and while landing and take off were bumpy it was possible without too much trouble
  22. It's good that it is on Marketplace, because my friend with an XBox can also fly it with me now too. It's bad that it's not also sold separately in a more direct manner for PC users because of how long the Marketplace takes to update
  23. the one from Bijan is addressing the ground texture color, but overall I agree - the reason the Asobo implementation is taking so long is that they are putting a lot of thought into how to get it done on a large scale that covers multiple aspects of seasonal change around the world. I doubt even they will get it all done on the first pass
  24. Here is another forum thread to vote on - https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/ground-grid-lines-since-wu6/474301. As I stated in the thread (GaiideNinja) this is hard to see unless you have snow, but it is always there at certain heights above ground and at certain view angles
  25. Okay I saw the tweet from MSFS Support earlier today and hopped on with my friend. We had to use custom weather to add snow so we couldn't group up, and choosing All Players we couldn't see each other initially. So I went back to the main menu and tried again, still nothing, then he went back and loaded in again and after that we could see each other! But then while we were both in Orbx Edgely Opticas for some reason his was acting all weird and not flying well while mine was performing okay. So he quit the game, came back in an Icon A7 and I couldn't see him anymore, but he could see me. So we flew for over an hour with him following me and at no point did I ever see him, but at one point late in the flight he saw me disappear and then reappear a few minutes later. So that still can happen I'm afraid. Tried to exit back to menu and re-load back into flight after landing but still couldn't see him, although he could still see me 😞 And yes we are both locked to the same server, and I can see his position on the World Map every time I exited back to the main menu. I turned on traffic labels and every time I did over the course of the 2hrs we spent in the sim together (we only spent about 3/4 that actually flying after all the troubleshooting) I always saw the user Longwanker (😛) off in the distance, but never my friend. Go figure. Also the sky was not crowded, we were over Yellowstone, so hitting the player limit couldn't have been a thing We will try again next time with Cubs, as we generally have good success with those. But a shame they may have made it better to not see people disappear but we can't even see each other to begin with!! 😕
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