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Ben Cap

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Everything posted by Ben Cap

  1. You will see quite a large jump in performance in those GPU limited scenarios that you described. Your FPS will probably be somewhere in the low 20s rather than 10-14.
  2. If I am not mistaken, Haswell is supposed to offer more SATA III ports.... (Correct me if I am wrong!)
  3. I have the same problem... LOL!!!! I just got a Kingston 240GB SSD for my Win7 install. I have an ADATA 120GB SSD for FSX and I also have a Corsair 60GB SSD for my games... :lol:
  4. Easily one of the most exciting announcements that I have heard in quite some time. The price tag just seems a bit steep for me.... :unsure:
  5. Honestly, I will pay to be on the beta. I am in dire need of a fix.... :lol:
  6. Not sure what you mean here... Is there another way I can manually convert the textures in Paint.NET? I really am sick of the blank night textures....
  7. Hi, I installed the demo version of Addon Converter and I installed the FSX SDK. I ran the installer for it and go it installed into FSX. My main problem is that my night textures at my airports are still blank. Could someone assist me?
  8. Sure hope these are good overclockers as well! If so, I'll likely be upgrading.
  9. Get the Aerosoft Airbus X Extended.... One of the top airliners around... Also, FSDT and Flightbeam are AWESOME.
  10. Glad that the 660 is working well for you! Merry Christmas! :smile:
  11. Oh goodness not this again... :lol: Why in the world would Nvidia intentionally "blockade" FSX with their drivers? Makes no sense honestly....
  12. Such a sad story.... Truly despicable acts carried out by an evil man. No amount of money, gun control, laws or law enforcement could ever repair the damage done to the families and the community.
  13. I personally LOVE it. The sounds are great. FMGC is quite realistic. Almost all of the overhead is fully functional. The handling is very unique. (FBW) And yes, it comes with many manuals to get started on this bird.
  14. I don't recall saying CS is realistic... I warned people to stay away from the T7... lol I consider myself hardcore mainly because of the way I follow procedures etc. I tend to execute my flight in the most realistic fashion possible.
  15. After completing a few test flights, I can confidently say that this is one of the top simulations around... I am a very hardcore user and I still find this to be quite complex. I am very pleased with the FMGC simulation and the integration with systems. Overall, 10/10 product.
  16. I am talking about the MCDU itself... It is still in KG regardless of the state of the fuel manager.
  17. Could someone please tell me how to switch to imperial weights in the FMGC?
  18. Thanks for the link! Looks like I'll be getting this one next week... Anyways, I am very eager to try this one out and push those CFMs to max power!! :Big Grin:
  19. Unbelievable quality on the shot of the BWM. Very nice camera! :smile:
  20. Don't even get me started.... Chemtrails are the tip of the iceberg.
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