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Everything posted by pablo636

  1. for who of you that did not have low level clouds, it seems, on my part, that rex 4 is the problem. Reinstalling the content again will bring back the clouds in sim. I suppose the default ones.
  2. Anyone of you guys have lost his mid/low level clouds after updating client and contents? It seems that this is happened to me, shader folder deleted, rex 4 theme installed again, I've checked files in weather folder in main p3d v3 and cloudartfiles.fx is there...any ideas? thanks Paolo
  3. I've also installed in p3d 3.1 without problem, and they works great! I'm also hope in, at least, a cockpit graphic upgrade to today standards as the systems are working great and the external model is awesome.
  4. You're welcome! Anyway the bridges are outside the airport, so, I think also that is not a big deal! :smile:
  5. You can try to convert the bridges.lib in scenery folder with modelconverterx in p3dv2 model. I've tried and on my p3d 2.5 installation it works, have not tried on 3.1 yet.
  6. Hi Bob, have you followed the instructions found in the p3d v2 update file? The update that I mean is in the main page of katl.
  7. marshaller and ramp agent...and all ramp crew ready here!
  8. a new rendition of KATL will be out soon if you check their facebook page.
  9. From what I understand, bmp files are already ignored. If I look in KATL by is, I can see a lot of bmps, and I used texture optimizer on that scenery.
  10. So, do we have to convert bmp files in dds or we had to leave them alone?
  11. Great Brian! Thanks for this! Paolo
  12. Hi Brian, thanks, this is the answer that I was expecting, I've tried the tool, but I don't know if I have selected the right options in the interface, could you please tell me wich options I need to have selected and wich not? I asking this because I've seen a great performance decrease after resizing and mipmap textures of a payware addon, and I don't know why if this procedures should increase performance. Fortunally it backup textures automatically. Paolo
  13. Thanks for your advise Toby, I've read with interest your article and would be great if you can tell me(or us) how to optimizing textures like what kind of software you have used! Paolo
  14. I have them also every time I approaching KDCA, you have to lower the special effect slider in the options ( or the special effect distance option)
  15. ...it seems that you getting better and better!! Thanks!
  16. Just had a short hop from dfw yesterday in to your kama scenery, love it, I would say almost pay quality! I'll wait for the V2, I have to admit that the texture blending is a must! Thanks for this little masterpiece cheers Paolo
  17. It works well, no missing buildings and no missing lights cheers
  18. Hi Shez, I've tried your beautiful scenery, and here is what I've seen: I've done a simple circuit with ASN and NGX, I use global/vector, fsglobal for the mesh and only your scenery was active in the area, no AI traffic. The frame rate was very poor, 11fps on takeoff, 18 on landing, not really smooth, during landing I've noticed that the ground flickering a lot, mostly the runways and the ground just before the rwy25, it seems that a transparency layer want to come over the other layer. Indeed is a very very beautiful scenery, a great job!! thanks!
  19. Hi, under the bufferpools section if you want to use poolsize=1, then you have to delete all the other entries below that entry, if you have a wide screen monitor set your wideviewaspect to true(under the display section), and also, I think that this could be your frame eater, try to lower your water setting, you have it at 6, try to put lowX2 in the water setting
  20. Hi, if you use the latest carenado with glass cockpit, yes you'll have a big impact with fps, but aren't the dx10, is that glass cockpit that eats frames! If you try in dx9 you'll see a similar impact on performances when you turn on the avionics!
  21. Hi Enrico! for the shimmering, you have to set the Supersampling according with the setting you have in the fixer. So, if 4x is used you have to set 4xsgss in nvidia inspector. The only way to get rid of the shimmering is the supersampling in inspector! You can take a look on the various setting done by the users here on the forum! Paolo
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