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  1. That is up to Bryan. I know a few people have asked for it but if it is on the table, I don't know.
  2. I´m afraid the sound-sets are embedded into the program code, and therefore cant´t be accessed or modified.
  3. It sounds like your packs are not turned off. Please confirm you Air condition panel looks like this prior to engine start. Please also note that you should get a Duct pressure of about 7-8 PSI on both left and right channel! When starting an engine this should rise to almost 40 PSI on both channels.
  4. Take a look in the panel.cfg file (C:\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-800NGX\panel.cfg) And verify at the very bottom of it, you should have "Window 21" to "Window 26" listed with gauges directing to FS2Crew.
  5. If flying IFR, by default ATC will give you vectors to Visual, or ILS approach, if available. When ATC gives you this. you have 3 selections. 1. Confirm clearance 2. Say again 3. Select another approach With option 3, if you have a STAR you can request, VOR, NDB, RNAV, or any other type of approaches and you just select what transition you want. ATC will then let you follow your STAR and just give you altitude vectors. You can also request a new approach after you confirmed the default approach.
  6. Let me do it for you First picture takes me to Wrangell, Alaska, USA. Nearest airport Wrangell, WRG Second picture: Petersburgh, Alaska, USA. Nearest airport Petersburg, PSG. Is in the picture.
  7. I am no expert, but I would say that that is in the ground textures, so you have to change them. But that is a little more work.
  8. Early human factors research in aircraft and other domains indicated that female voices were more authoritative to male pilots and crew members and were more likely to get their attention. Much of this research was based on pilot experiences, particularly in combat situations, where the pilots were being guided by female air traffic controllers. They reported being able to most easily pick out the female voice from amid the flurry of radio chatter. More recent research, however, carried out since more females have begun working in aviation as pilots and air traffic controllers, indicates that the previous hypothesis may be unreliable. General human factors wisdom now indicates largely that, either due to current culture or changing attitudes, an automated female voice is no more or less effective than the male voice. Source: Wikipedia
  9. If you just want to get rid of the message you can go into your FSX folder, PMDG/NAVDATA/fmc_ident. Change the line OpProgram= to todays, day, month and year. Think that works if you want to cheat. But if you want do upgrade the NAV data, you have to get an update or do it your self.
  10. I would recommend the QW's 757. You got all the variations with it, even if it is not 100% but it is better than CS, I only had problem with their 757 and did not like the model either. QW is newer and a bit fresher as well.
  11. Looking at some charts it looks like J159 from Lahore to Quetta, what airway it turns north into, I don't know, At a close look, its is from Lahore LA VOR to Dera Ismali Khan VOR via Airway A466.
  12. I would say that on use True and the other magnetic, since you say that it is always 12 degrees. The magnetic declination for Melbourn is 11.34 (Source:http://magnetic-declination.com/) So round that up and you get 12 degrees easterly variation. All winds from the ATIS is reported in in degrees magnetic so it is that value you should put in the CDU. Unless you are flying on your true heading, which is mostly done near the NP, then you have to consider the wind to respect of true north. Another little thing off topic, is that ATIS do not report exact degree, like 238, it is rounded up to nearest whole tenth of degree, 240. Also, what you put in the CDU is just to give a brief picture of what to come. Weather and specially wind changes constantly. What you get in the ATIS is an average wind on a hight of ten meters for the past ten minutes. The tower gives you the same but an average of two minutes.
  13. No, they are not modelled in the NGX and the reason is simple, the gravity drop of the gear is not supported in FSX.
  14. If the proper training and full briefing with all pilots, then it is allowed. But clearly, I do not know what the .... the guy that flew over the PHX was thinking of. Specially since both are high winged aircraft he should know that the view for the PHX pilot is limited. They are lucky, this could have ended much worse, like the props colliding or that they would not be able to break free, and land with the weight of another aircraft on top of you is not a good idea. Nice find.
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