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Everything posted by flight1986

  1. wow xplane actually looks really good wow.
  2. these are great, if you added some shading to it it would look so real.
  3. DX9, I removed FSX completely as it crashed my PC over a week ago so now I wait for P3D 2.0 and will continue. Thanks that means alot, these are just using SweetFX and Gabriels Sky Textures I thought so as well but I didnt see it with mine and this F18 is so detailed its crazy.
  4. Thanks Thanks Thanks and yes its SweetFX, here are my 3 separate settings each slightly different test them out: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/0qwd85tnm9ds2yg,xnpkgx89n6pokfd,iyp8y88w4d72wp6/shared Thank you Appreciate it, haven't heard STELLAR in so long.
  5. CLICK TO ENLARGE Thank you for viewing
  6. 1st one is great so much detail. Great work
  7. CLICK TO ENLARGE Enjoy this collection: The amazing A10 Versatile F16 Workhorse F-15 The Hornet F/A-18 New Age F-22 Raptor
  8. This is great, wow. I need to jump on DX10, i just have tried it before and was horrible, but maybe ill try it again.
  9. Amazing. Truly. I need to know though, where do you get these clouds from this is just stunning. This cant be REX is it?
  10. Oh you hit the sweet spot with these. Mustang is my all time favorite warbird and in 1.5 place is F4U. By chance got one of those to show off? But just a beautiful set of shots you got here indeed.
  11. Really nice set. #8 I like because today I flew to Oshkosh, Wisconsin to the air museum and stood next to the 737-800 winglet 1:1 size and HOLY **** is it big.
  12. Very nice, the 3rd one when I saw it reminded me when I was in the USMC and got a ride on one.
  13. Yeah just did something different, I do it with photography alot so figured why not try it out on this. In photography its so much easier, but thats cool your taking that, that wasnt a option when I was in HS lol, i had to learn on my own. But a $2500 camera goes far so quality is at the top.
  14. I keep seeing all of these x-plane shots and makes me want to give it another shot. Just phenomenal shots, really display the high quality and realism of the shots.
  15. Wow if this is how good xplane can look then am in again lol. But i still cant get over the cloud textures, seem cartoonish to me.
  16. Oh man you made my day. I am from Bosnia and have been looking for FSX sceneries for so long and never came across this at all. Thanks a ton.
  17. I know it is but I just cant get use to the x-plane layout for the life of me.
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