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About bigpfd

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  1. Dam those workers, we expect them to just about afford to feed themselves and be chained to the production line for 16 hours a day! How I miss the old days! Jokes aside, as a non-US person - looking in, the salaries do seem a bit insane. Certainly in my field (Tech) - US based salaries are ludicrous (like someone my level and job type is $600K a year total comp). In my country, it’s approx $250K total comp (my peers at the same company, at the same level & team in the US are paid significantly more than me). However, the cost of living is way, way higher than it was. Times aren’t the same as they were 3 decades ago. Competition for great talent is higher, certainly in Tech anyway. Companies do need to provide workers with decent packages and benefits. It’s a 2 way street. I know that you US folks have to pay through the nose for basic human needs like healthcare (ouch) - so I guess continual rises in those/similar areas pull salary growth with it.
  2. Real cool photos! But, almighty wept! The author couldn't have picked a more annoying soundtrack!
  3. They mentioned in their discord that they’re investigating FPS issues post SU15 re aircraft. I have found airports like KJFK, EGLL & KDTW quite heavy. Usually a case of adjusting settings slightly, and not expecting to get buttery smooth experience with every setting in MSFs maxed out.
  4. Looks like a good all-round improvement, and hopefully will bring some higher standards to Paid XP aircraft in general (aka the all round package). The wings/flaps textures look low quality compared with the rest of the aircraft, but overall - looks neat. I think calling this raising the bar / best aircraft in the Flightsim community is a biiiiig stretch here, based on the initial video. Looks no where near the complexity of Hotstart Chally or Fenix A320 - at all. But definitely new standards for XP & hopefully will force other XP developers to quit with the narrative of “Oh we don’t care about X because we’re all about Y”. All rounder’ness is much better to hold developers to account on! Once it’s out of beta and there’s more in-depth videos, may be a purchase - we’ll see.
  5. LOL ridiculous pricing. 29$ a month????? Crazy,
  6. Meh - it’s a step in the right direction, but it has a long way to go, still. Performance is better, weather conditions look much more accurate, which is good to see, jaggies are much less prominent. But….. Cockpits still dark - in the middle of the day, the cockpit looks like you’re at dusk/twilight. Lights needed to see what you’re doing 😂. Texture shimmering on textures around you/near distance. Pixelated/Scattering like crazy around the aircraft when flying through clouds. Weird lighting on the aircraft too as it transitions from cloud to clear. Lighting/shadows around/on mountains still flashing Cockpit screens appear blurry. Upping the sharpening causes an over-sharpened feel across the board. Running at 8X Aliasing seems to help. Scrolling in and out on the external view while looking at the aircraft loads in or removes objects in the distance. You can go from basically no objects, to lots, just by zooming in on your wing/engine. I don’t understand how through all this time, they still cannot get the visuals right. I really really wish they would stop adding gimmicky things like tail strike sparks and just focus on solving the visual issues.
  7. Yeah, avoiding this like the plague.
  8. Think I’ll pass here. I really don’t want to go back to the days of a myriad of external programs running. The UI of this active sky looks exactly the same as it did many many years ago.
  9. Lame. Why haven’t you created a post called big knobs?
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