Meh - it’s a step in the right direction, but it has a long way to go, still.
Performance is better, weather conditions look much more accurate, which is good to see, jaggies are much less prominent.
Cockpits still dark - in the middle of the day, the cockpit looks like you’re at dusk/twilight. Lights needed to see what you’re doing 😂.
Texture shimmering on textures around you/near distance.
Pixelated/Scattering like crazy around the aircraft when flying through clouds. Weird lighting on the aircraft too as it transitions from cloud to clear.
Lighting/shadows around/on mountains still flashing
Cockpit screens appear blurry. Upping the sharpening causes an over-sharpened feel across the board. Running at 8X Aliasing seems to help.
Scrolling in and out on the external view while looking at the aircraft loads in or removes objects in the distance. You can go from basically no objects, to lots, just by zooming in on your wing/engine.
I don’t understand how through all this time, they still cannot get the visuals right.
I really really wish they would stop adding gimmicky things like tail strike sparks and just focus on solving the visual issues.