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Everything posted by B747400F

  1. Going through the menu breaks a lot of things like ultimate traffic, synching with some weather programs, etc.
  2. I did get a quick response once but no solutionIt's too bad as downtown SJ is a nice little area, and perfect being right under the approach path to the 30's
  3. Any tips for removing the famous growl of the PMDG sounds after changing views even with your engines off?
  4. I'm having 2 problems with ImagineSim's nice rendition of KSJC v2 for FSX w AccelMy downtown San Jose office buildings all disappeared, and the default ground textures bleed through and flash when I'm landing.I have show ground shadows and aircraft causes shadows checked in fsx. IS this what's causing the ground texture issue? Not sure about why my buildings disappeared. I still get the group of buildings to the south west of the airport.
  5. There are no joystick issues when you turn the sensitivity down in the ifly program and create a little larger null zone on your joysticks after calibrating them correctly.
  6. I think it's the Aerosim model, great repaint and panel
  7. You don't want it above everything. If you have addon scenery in the area it should go on top. Like the great CYYJ available in the library.
  8. A few other things to tryget rid of 4x supersampling if you are using nvidia settingsput your framerate lock to unlimitedthen rebuild your fsx.cfg file by moving the old one to your desktopAlso I'd recommend disabling UAC since you installed fsx to your program files group
  9. Saying it just doesn't work right is making an excuse on the part of developers. You can buy the 747-800 addon that doesn't have an -800 virtual cockpit or all the performance. It's just for show. So what's wrong with making wxr that might not be 100% accurate?
  10. They may say that, but does anybody really get that great performance at PDX with their city rework scenery? I still get bad frames
  11. It's too bad as there was a mod to the pmdg 737 for fs9 that allowed you weather radar displayed on the nd in the 2d and vc
  12. The Queen has 3 FMC's in all the -400 types I believeNot sure about others
  13. Would be data entry wrong on the swa dispatchers part I believe. Flightaware and others just take the data feed given to them by the filed plan from dispatchers.
  14. It all depends on your system and setup, sliders, etc. IMO. You might find it works good for you with it on. I believe turning it off though takes better advantage of an oc and makes it generate less heat
  15. I don't get why ORbx didn't release SEA or PDX along with a medium sized airport that would have pleased a lot of heavy and medium iron fans. The default airports are so bland even with sprucing up
  16. Orbx mixes too much with the default textures and I guess it doesn't make orbx or gex look right when both are used together. Sort of disappointing when I like flying 3-4+ hr flights
  17. The second or even 3rd, some airlines have 3 management computers, would automatically update once you execute your changes
  18. I like Ultimate Terrain more because I fly heavy iron, only rarely small props that would make me appreciate the Orbx sceneryI'm sure it's great and eventually I will buy
  19. That completely makes sense, Gold has been rising a lot the past few years.
  20. His email is in the packages, have you tried emailing him?
  21. I just want the airport scenery as NA Blue does a good job of the terrain. Is there an easy way to just get all the airports and fix the transparent textures?
  22. And if you remove the code, the atc will assign you another random gate? Are you sure it's looking at the code?
  23. But those codes are only for assigning AI parkings spots, nothing to do with your airplane
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