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About ClearedtoLand

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    Neither here nor there

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    Getting away with it, all messed up

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  1. Definitely try AVSIM, I think. They look good.
  2. I'm just wondering whether, when the pilot input the coordinates, he was relying on the computer to inform him if he had made a mistake. Put another way, did the pilot interpret the absence of any obvious warning of error to be a confirmation that his entry was correct? That goes beyond mere CRM and would point towards areas of improvement in crew and computer interaction. I don't have any experience in Airbus automated flight systems, but I once made a similar mistake when setting up the FMC on the 737NGX and the FMC returned a message to alert me to the discrepancy between where I told the plane it was and where its onboard GPS system indicated it really was. I quickly rectified the error. I would be surprised if the Airbus systems don't have a similar function. If it does, then it would be worth looking at the way in which it alerts the crew of an input error. If it doesn't have a similar warning system in place, well ... I would go beyond that and suggest that when it comes to designing aircraft flight computers, it would be worth drawing on the experience of cognitive scientists. It has only been over the last forty years that psychology has started to piece together how badly even a fully functional brain operates, and the obvious risks that this poses for our behaviour. And to put that into perspective, the 747 has been flying for longer than we have understood the way in which our minds find creative ways to malfunction in the name of evolutionary expedience. I would say that with SOP's and experience comes certainty, and with certainty comes a reluctance to question our actions, this is a scientifically proven fact. And though obviously, most pilots get this right most of the time, a recognition of the limitations of the human mind, and the accompanying penchant, for making seemingly incomprehensible mistakes, would help us to design systems that take into consideration very real human limitations like seeing what we want to see, even when what we claim to have seen is not what was actually there, such as one number in a long sequence being out of place. There is no amount of training in procedures or experience in flying which can counteract the mind's tendency for taking short cuts with devastating consequences, but a recognition of this fact about the mind and incorporating it into how flight computers interact with pilots can help us design systems which provide a check on mental inefficiency.
  3. Search the file library here on AVSIM using the search phrase, Alf's UK airfrields. It should return 4 pages of what you are looking for. I only use one of his airfields as it is the one outside the town I live in, and you can certainly get a Cherokee and a Cessna in there. I hope it helps.
  4. Or the occasional premium economy passenger who skips dinner, has four Gin and Tonics and then, while asleep (passed out?) proceeds to punch the fellow next to him twice ... I'm not buying the 747 v3 without a cast iron guarantee from PMDG that this scenario has been modelled. That was not the sort of mile high club I was hoping to join, no matter how exclusive it may be.
  5. As usual, Major, you are spot on. Diego Garcia is on a rolling lease (If I remember correctly) from the UK. The island does have a bit of a controversial history and makes the news here in the UK from time to time, but that is not a subject to be discussed here. I think that if you are going to be based anywhere on US Armed Forces deployment, Diego Garcia has to be one of the most scenic bases. And I think you more than most here knows its strategic value to the US Airforce, as such, one can't just rock up there on a pleasure flight and ask to go sight seeing. For the flight that I did I imagined I was flying some high ranking military officials back to the USA. The scenery I used for my flight had the B 52s parked outside, but it's been a while since I installed it so I don't remember all the details about it. Now I am tempted to go and look for it again. I enjoyed reading your bit of insider history on the island, it's always good to get a glimpse of just how professional and skilled our men and women in uniform are.
  6. For anyone interested in non commercial routes on the 737, you can consider getting a nice scenery file for the US base at Diego Garcia, and use that as a refuelling stop from anywhere in Asia to back to the USA. My longest leg was a BBJ from Diego Garcia to somewhere in West Africa, I can't remember the exact route, but it came in at over 11 hours. Full fuel, pilots, four passengers, and not much in terms of luggage.
  7. That beached plane looks like the end result of one of my landings.
  8. Precisely. That's one of the reasons that I never thought much of the issue myself. There doesn't appear to be an obvious pattern to the cause, it is very infrequent, it doesn't affect anything else in the performance of the aircraft and given the absence of other users reporting a similar issue on here, I don't even think it's a problem caused by PMDG add-ons. Maybe third party liveries.
  9. It happens with either installation method. Off the top of my head, I recall seeing this issue after manually installing quite an old Shenzhen Airlines livery manually, but the Pegasus Airlines and SAA livery were installed through the Operations Center. It is worth pointing out though that I have manually installed a Rwandair livery which did not present this problem. Like Jack, I had large number of liveries installed when I was still using MS FSX, but I have not yet installed them all in FSX SE, and I have not yet experienced this issue in FSX SE. I apologise if I am giving you a bunch of random and unrelated info here, but I am hoping that if I can provide you with enough info, it would help you to eliminate anything that isn't a contributing factor.
  10. I have infrequently experienced this before as well, but I didn't look into it in as much depth as you have, I would load an aircraft, say Pegasus 737 800, call sign Sunturk and reg TC- AAL, do a flight, exit the sim and on the next occasion, this could be half an hour to a few days later, load a different aircraft, say South African Airways call sign Springbok and reg ZS-SJV. When I go to select the SAA aircraft, it would have Sunturk listed as call sign and show TC-AAL as its reg. It happened with other variants as well. At that point I would simply correct those in the UI before proceeding with the flight. I don't recall ever seeing the call sign and reg number listed incorrectly in the aircraft.cfg files, so what causes the confusion, I am not sure, but because it was such an easy work around, I never actually bothered to even look it up (when something doesn't quite work the way it says its going to work, I assume a mistake on my part, in this instance, being careless when installing the livery). Occasionally this would happen after installing a new livery, but as it is not always the case, I'm not sure whether that is related, or whether it would be related to installing a livery that is maybe older, or contains some other error. Kyle asked about add-ons, so I will list a few, but I am not really sure whether any of these would be a contributing factor since I have experienced this before adding some of these to the sim. PMDG 737 NGX (600/700/800/900) PMDG 777 200LR/300ER ** A2A Cessna 172 ** A2A Cessna 182 ** A2A Piper Cherokee ** ASN ** Editvoicepack ** MyTraffic 6 ** Aerosoft Airbus Bundle ** FSUIPC ** The ** after the add-on indicates that I had already experienced this problem prior to installing that particular add-on. And about 90 scenery add-ons ... I'm hoping I don't have to list all of those.
  11. Ron, for some reason I can't quote your post, but that last post of yours just cracked me up. I wish more people had your sense of humour.
  12. I bought Narita a few months ago (no discount for me sadly), and I have no complaints about it, either in terms of visual representation or performance while using primarily the PMDG 777. The other aircraft I use with it is the PMDG 737, and no complaints there either.
  13. Well, aren't you just in luck :smile:. I have spent a few hours tonight downloading and organising liveries for the NGX after moving to FSX SE recently, so I came across the ones you requested, I sent you the links. I hope they are the right ones, as I am currently also working my way through a bottle of red wine, there might be a chance that I sent you links to some pizza place ... in which case I sincerely apologise.
  14. Thanks for sharing, I always look at your scenery with envy. I guess I could get scenery like this, but the best my system would afford me with such detail is to ride around on a bicycle that has no VAS footprint whatsoever.
  15. Awesome bird, what was your cruising altitude and speed?
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