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Everything posted by Dave_YVR

  1. Do you have FTX PNW or True Earth Washington? https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/105160-orbx-pnw-and-taxi2gate-ksea-airport-compatibility-guide/?tab=comments#comment-948175 Pretty straight forward, but also what do you have selected in ORBX Central as your library insertion points? It's crucial that it's correctly set to avoid repeated layering issues.
  2. Keep digging in the folders Even just type in the search bar for KLAX and those files should show up. Do you have FTX SoCal or True Earth SoCal?
  3. The link is valid, if you can't use it directly, find the Orbx compatibility forum for more detailed instructions for FSDT LAX and FTX SCA. You should do the same type of thing for ANY addon airport within any FTX region that you have. Having duplicate airport files will cause issues.
  4. Have you disabled the FTX SCA KLAX files? https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/107942-sca-compatibility-with-fsdreamteam-klax/ Any addon airports within any FTX region should get similar treatment, just having the addon scenery in a higher layer priority isn't good enough.
  5. Moses Lake, Wa KMWH is a good spot. Boeing does a lot of airwork in and out of there.
  6. The Delta, United and Alaska being by QXE and SKW. Different codes for most.
  7. I don't think that 32 or 64 bit scenery is even a thing is it? Sure some versions are compiled for V4 or V5 etc, but it doesn't make them 32 or 64 bit. With aircraft addons sure, they have DLL's and modules that are 64bit, but scenery?
  8. Add or Remove programs and select from the various FSDreamteam entries.
  9. It will work fine as it is, mesh scenery bgl's haven't changed in the past 15-20 years aside for having higher quality mesh sampling available.
  10. To each his own of course, but I've timed it 5 runs each between just UTL with zero traffic bgl's and then with almost 2100 traffic bgl's and no UTL. There's no difference (within a second either way). Same with loading from the fly now button where actually UTL doesn't complete injecting the traffic in until between 10-30 seconds after the sim has completed loading.
  11. Another good point Ray, it's also very common for users from the UK to keep Monarch and Thomas Cook in their sim.
  12. Umm, airlines that are no longer operating are actively removed from AI Manager, it's always been like that.
  13. The live traffic doesn't work very well in many places of the world due to coverage, not just in the middle of nowhere. It's also commonly stuttery or or slew like rubber banding traffic around. Ground operations are commonly not displayed as well as thousands of blocked flights etc. It's got more quirks than using bgl's in my opinion, but it's all our own choice. I work the accuracy every day, I don't need it at 100% in my sim until it's a lot better than that.
  14. Good point Ray, I know that's their plan, but I haven't looked into the actual routes that any of those AIGTC traffic flies.
  15. Interesting. I have never tried pfpx, but I know Simbrief generally gives you a good proper route.
  16. Accurate being 2-7% of the fleet out for rotating maintenance including proper timing for C and D's and also ferry flights etc? Ah you know I'm just pulling your leg 🙂 . I don't think anyone expects that, but having a decent fleet utiliztion and not the Traffic Global approach where the same aircraft operates the same flights 7 days a week regardless of how many aircraft it needs to fill out the schedule and also fictitious city pairings galore etc (not to mention that EVERY flight operates at FL350 regardless of direction and aircraft type or leg length. lol 💩). Also to keep in mind that 2020 and so far 2021 was a writeoff AI schedule wise so even now, our best AI ares still using schedules from 2018 and 2019, some are even older. Then look at a major part of accuracy in that bgl traffic all fly direct airport to airport wheras UTL does fly actual air routes (of what quality is certainly under question).
  17. I know it's off topic, but the ISLAND5 Star is for arrivals from Victoria. From SFO you should fly the GRIZZ or the PAINE. 😉 As for the 787, I've been meaning to take it up for a test flight after the 1.4 update.
  18. AIG, UT2, UTL, TG, etc just add traffic to the sim. They don't have any say in runway selection, that is all handled by the AI engine of the sim itself. As for using ZBAD over ZBAA for those airlines that use it (mostly still just some of the SkyTeam airlines that use it), AI Manager I believe will compile traffic to the correct airport if it detects that you have ZBAD.
  19. UT2 or UTL may give you better performance only because it's displaying less aircraft, A LOT less than what AIG's AI Manager adds to your sim. UT2/UTL also loads faster because it has a lot less liveries (900 with UT2/UTL vs 15,000+ with AIG), it actually has nothing to do with the number of bgl's or being injected or not. UTL also still uses the same models that are from UT2 from 10+ years ago whereas AIG's AI Manager uses a mix of native P3d V4+ and converted for V4+ models.
  20. I know I harp far too often about this, but check your ORBX Library insertion points and ensure that your FTX airports and regions is set to below your BOTTOM MOST addon scenery. Again, it's not in Lorby's, or your Scenery library, this from ORBX Central under settings and insertion point. That being said default KABQ in the sim has always been a mess. The Tropicalsim KABQ addon fixes it all up though, they did a great job on it.
  21. Nope, it's just outright missing A LOT. You'll be glad you made the switch, it really is a night and day difference. Just be sure that you have set the traffic % in the AI Manager from Minimum 1 and maximum 99 or 100%. Then you can adjust from there in your sim to suit your needs.
  22. Lol, it doesn't upset me in the slightest. It's just good for the OP and other users to know that there are other options. Every TG screenshot you put up is showing traffic that you had to add flight by flight, which really isn't representative of what TG attempts to deliver. It's RF traffic more than anything.
  23. Having to add your own flightplans just to get traffic that should already be there really defeats the purpose. All of those Carriers are available with AIG's AI Manager much more realistic schedules and it uses way nicer models and liveries to boot!
  24. Urmel has done some incredible work. Try his. https://jcai.dk/2020/04/orbx-ymml-melbourne-airport-ade-v2-0/
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