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Everything posted by Dave_YVR

  1. The Steam version and the MS version for PC are still the same version though. Xbox users definitely need their own sub forum.
  2. Of course it works in Windows 10, but what sim are you trying to get it to work in? I would think that even in P3d v4 or v5 it would work, it's not like it uses 64bit anything. Even the default aircraft from FSX work just fine in P3d V4 and 5 and it's not like Carenado aircraft are anything really different than default aircraft.
  3. It would depend on how the clearance is issued as well. Climb via the sid to 15000 is A LOT different than Climb to 15000.
  4. EVGA rarely are top for performance, but it's so miniscule that you wouldn't notice a difference. Paying top dollar for the extra 20-100mhz of speed that you can easily do yourself is kind of silly. Sure I've done it many times over the years and I'll do it again I'm sure. Just get one from the brand you prefer and you'll be a happy camper.
  5. Very cool. I'll be watching that later!
  6. Enabling G-SYNC Compatible will only do him any good if his monitor is actually listed as G-SYNC Compatible and also if his system can maintain at least the minimum HZ that is supported by your monitor. G-SYNC Compatible monitors are good for FPS and higher frame rate games, where it's easy to maintain 60fps. For P3d where we can regularly see much lower fps than what your monitor supports, any G-Sync Compatibility becomes useless.
  7. Fastest drive for the OS is always ideal. In this case, I think the difference is marginal and it won't make any difference that you would notice. Even P3d on an NVMe drive will load slightly faster than on a good Sata SSD, but thats really about it.
  8. Also could also depend on what AI you are using. TG for instance adds 1900+ half arsed ades into your sim that will conflict with any addon scenery. As mentioned above though, check with the ORBX configuration option. I went with Digital Design GCTS for it's incredible sloping runway and taxiways, it's awesome.
  9. Unchecking scenery won't fix or solve that, that's snake oil more than anything. When you updated to HF1, did you follow LM's instructions and delete the Generated Files? If not, be sure to have a backup of your scenery.cfg before doing so. https://www.prepar3d.com/news/announcements/2021/06/120807/
  10. Meaning that the better quality models are payware? I own all of the payware AI models as well and don't think they are any better quality than the free models. But even the free models from AIG's AI Manager are much better than what TG delivers.
  11. Do yourself a huge favour and don't, just don't. Unless you really don't care about what you see AI wise in your sim. I figure you've put some time and money in setting it up to look good, don't take a few giant leaps backwards with this. AIG's freeware traffic is so much better in every way aside for taking longer to install, but it's so worth it.
  12. The HTAI Cessna Singles pack was awesome in its day and the models have been converted over legally in the freeware FTX AI traffic packages for P3d v4 which also work in V5 of course. Use he updated models in with the original HTAI pack and you have Cessna piston singles all over the globe. Same can be said with the freeware Ultimate GA packs for the various Cessna Twins, Global Express, Gulfstreams, Challengers, Lears etc. There's tons of amazing packages out there.
  13. I suspect more than anything that its your monitor is either an older gen G-sync or only G-sync compatible and not capable of the ultra low refresh rates that current gen G-sync monitors.
  14. You should be requesting decent, ATC (at least in the real world) doesn't know where your tod is.
  15. They are the exact same models. Some of the liveries are updated in V2. Use the liveries from V2 in v1.
  16. UTL V2 is still an early beta (it will probably never come out of where it is now) and the default Daedalus aircraft were left enabled to properly test the program.
  17. What are your current AA and Anio settings as it is? The image showing from the threshold towards the terminal looks like it's all set to very low quality.
  18. I never bought it for P3d, but at that price for MSFS, it was an instant buy. No complaints so far!
  19. Why stop at 2? 😉 6 ssd's and 2 NVME drives here. Just be sure to install Windows on the fastest drive that you have. It blows me away that people put their Sim on the fastest drive but windows on one much slower.
  20. Just reading the recommendations in this thread alone on how to update the sim is no wonder people are having issues and then blaming the sim. Partial updates results in hybrid versions which will have negative side effects. Simple and effective. https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/192424-installing-a-p3d-v5-hotfix-or-update-correctly/
  21. When you reinstalled, did you delete your shaders and p3d.cfg?
  22. More bizarre is that you filed FL420. Westbound alts should be FL400 or FL430, if you wanted 42,000 you could ask for a block of 410-430. As for the airway restrictions, if I was cleared to FL360 along that route with the FL305 restriction, I would assume that ATC had completed any needed coordination to do so. I definitely wouldn't stop at FL305, as you are then infringing on protected airspace for both FL300 and FL310.
  23. 1-60 would mean that it's most likely true G-Sync and you don't even think about 30hz, just let G-sync do its thing. Absolutely correct. The problem is many people unknowingly buy a G-Sync "compatible" monitor that has the variable refresh rate that starts at 48hz or so which does you no favors in P3d or MSFS as it's common to run well below that.
  24. Try a custom ADE file for it. Better AI coding and overall vastly improved. https://jcai.dk/2020/04/orbx-ybcs-cairns-airport-ade-v3-0/
  25. That's with the full YBCS and not the FTX AU version? Have you looked at the ADE? Mine had taxiway lighting, both centerline and edges (not sure what they actually have there) as well as Rwy edge, but no centerline. Easy enough to adjust with ADE though.
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