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Everything posted by Dave_YVR

  1. Then reduce your traffic percentage to something more appropriate for your system. AI companion has a working version for MSFS now, that would be a good option to try as well.
  2. That's 100% correct, without the models and liveries from AIG, PSXT wouldn't have anything to display except the default liveries or as mentioned above another source of liveries at least. This is really only an issue if you have storage problems.
  3. It's not ridiculous at all! The models and liveries used by AI Manager were created and optimized by diehard AI users themselves. The default AI we see in MSFS probably isn't optimized at all for AI or to be displayed in semi large numbers. Look at MyTraffic from a few years ago, the models were much much lower quality than what the freeware offered and performance there was the same even though the freeware looked a hundred times better.
  4. I would for sure, but right now the SDK is still too quirky and the results are less than what I think are good enough to share.
  5. It was actually 100% because of those AI models in MSFS that I actually stayed with P3d. Now that we have an option to use AIG though in MSFS, I'm pretty much all in and haven't started P3d since the beta opened. I totally recognize and accept that it's all about what floats your boat and what you want from your game but these are airline liveries on aircraft types that really don't even exist. I never knocked anyone that wants to use it, I'm just knocking the product itself. It's like paying to have the default A320 when you could have an FSL quality variant for free.
  6. Nope, not a chance. Seeing those horrible default models in the product screenshots was enough to make me laugh out loud. I'm not going to fugly up my sim with that.
  7. DSbean, yes that is the same program. ADE is made by ScruffyDuck software and has been available from FSX on through every version of P3d and has been available for MSFS for almost a year now (granted still in a beta, but it does work). I did as noticed by Bad_T and removed the holdshort nodes on the runways and traffic now takes off at KATL. I also noticed some AI doing 360's on the taxiways that have no apparent taxiline issues so I'm only assuming it's the ai engine of the sim causing the weirdness. Either way, it's a massive step forward having good traffic in the sim, I don't think I've opened P3d since the AIG beta was released.
  8. I didn't work on KATL at that point, as I was working more on OMDB and OMDW. One of the big changes in MSFS apparently is there is no longer the requirement to have a holdshort node touching the runway at EVERY taxiway like we used to have in all previous versions of P3d, and FS. After just reading Bad_T's comment about changing the holdshort nodes on the runway itself, I may just go play around at ATL and have a look. Once I check out how Dubai is looking.
  9. ADE in MSFS has been available for about a year now, but it's a lot different than what we are used to. Since the AIG beta has come out, I've been messing with various airports getting parking sizes up to par as well as adding in operating codes so that the traffic parks more where they should.
  10. No, TG uses one of 3 bgl's for all of it's traffic. Flights operate direct airport to airport and every jet and most turboprops fly at FL350 regardless of the direction or length of the route. Do yourself a favor and try AIG, most of the traffic still flies direct airport to airport but other than that it will blow you away.
  11. The default parking in MSFS while often plentiful is almost as poorly done as the default airports in P3d V5. Looking at KLAX in ADE for instance shows only a handful of spots large enough for most heavies and only 4 of them are gates at the terminal building.
  12. That's because you don't get enough traffic. It's been like this with busy AI for 15+ years. Plus the ATC in MSFS is worse than we've seen from any MS or LM sim.
  13. I never thought setting up AIG in either P3D or MSFS was an issue myself. More of the vocal minority thing that creates an illusion of difficulty. Sure it's not as simple as installing UTL but there's also a lot more to it.
  14. Just reduce your traffic level to something manageable for your PC. UTL was certainly not any better on FPS than AIG and didn't have anywhere near the variation in models and liveries that you would get from AIG.
  15. In LM's "updated" airports for v5 they really dropped the ball. From what I've seen, they essentially only updated airport footprints and did very minor updates to the rest with most airports either horribly lacking in the number of parking spots or a VERY poor job of where the spots were located.
  16. T-34C's are from the 70's and used by the USN and USMC, the T6 Texan II used by the USAF is much newer than the T-34C's.
  17. They are installed when you first install the product, but there is a common issue where the compiler gets stuck and never finishes. It's been like since early 2018, the never ending alpha test.
  18. It's in the list, sort it by Brand to make it easier to spot. The G9 is just G-Sync compatible, where the G-Sync only starts to work at 60fps and above which doesn't do anything for P3d unless you can always maintain 60+ fps.
  19. If you run P3d V4 or prior the load times go up dramatically but thats due to the number of AI Aircraft and has nothing to do with the number of traffic bgl's. In P3d v5, LM fixed the load time issues with AI aircraft now even with nearly 30,000 ai aircraft and approx 2000 traffic bgl's my sim gets to the main menu in around a minute. Just for reference, before V5 it would take 15-20 minutes to load depending on what AI aircraft I had enabled. One of the many bonuses when they released V5.
  20. The difference in price is there for sure, but it's well worth it imo. If you play other games as well it becomes even moreso. With a proper G Sync monitor, you wouldn't have to even think about the difference between 30 and 60fps as they would be equally smooth. The big thing is to ensure that it has the variable refresh rate that goes to 1mhz. G Sync compatible monitors won't even come close to that low. Just for reference. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/products/g-sync-monitors/specs/
  21. Personally I'd go with something full G-Sync, NOT just G-sync compatible. Must have a variable refresh rate that starts at 1hz. From that I'd narrow it down to 1440P and from that to the size. No smaller than 32'.
  22. You can use ADE to connect the path. I believe it was done that way for better flow with AI traffic.
  23. AIG's OCI would be the best way to go for what you are looking for.
  24. I think it also depends on what your definition of GA aircraft is. I work in a reasonably busy tower and to me, GA is anything that's not an airliner, freighter or military and regardless of what type they are, if they fly IFR, they get assigned those procedures if capable.
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