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Everything posted by Barnstormer1

  1. Seems if I recall, MS had stated that it was a function of the driver being made to support SLI for Flight.
  2. All those items were expressed hundreds of times during beta testing.
  3. They do almost or truly fly better with an Xbox controller or mouse. Least that was my experience in the past. I never could get the planes to trim correctly using a yoke a trim button. too course of settings.
  4. I too appreciate their work but it is annoyng after installing the livery then looking all over for it and correcting the cfg file. Most the time its renaming the ui variation or manufacture from like Boeing PSS to just Boeing or Wilco/Feelthere to Airbus.. Also if the VC textures are not included, it would be nice to state they will have to manually added. When I was a rookie it would drive me NUTS!
  5. I uninstalled it 2 weeks ago and am not planning on installing it again! certainly wasn't my "cup of coffee" :) It was kinda fun for a couple weeks then... nouthing.
  6. Trying to recall the file name. i have fixed it but it was yrs ago! I opened it with DXtbmp and edited the Alpha channel for transparency. Might try this file in your texture folders.clsd10_wd.bmpI also fixed that horrible pink night lighting by editing the vc light effects file
  7. With FS. the critical altitude doesnt seem to make much of a difference. You can try 21000. I wasnt aware they had pressurized cabins and able to cruise at those kind of altitudes,Service ceiling: 18,500 ft. I have tried many many combinations. No need editing the AIR file. You Will see the difference. Give it a try!! After increasing the throttle you will see, hear and feel the turbo spool up. Most MP pressure gauges only go to 30 psi so it will peg. I have yet to find a gauge with increased MP.
  8. http://www.itworld.com/hardware/253970/intel-confirms-ivy-bridge-processor-delay
  9. [piston_engine]turbocharged= 1 //Is it turbocharged? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUEmax_design_mp= 38.0 //Max design manifold pressure, (inHg)min_design_mp= 1.0 //Min design manifold pressure, (inHg)critical_altitude= 10000.0 //Altitude to which the turbocharger will provide max design manifold pressure (feet)max_rated_hp= 325.0Aircraft.cfg file. No need changing anything in the FDE. All my piston engine props have had turbos added for high altitude mountain flying.
  10. I was very impressed with its abilities using the Wilco Airbuses. Other addons are so so. Not complaining but for some reason it really shines with it. Maybe The Wilco Airbus's simplicity or lack of effects out of the box .
  11. Yepper. using Parameters 0 and 1 on the same switch. The CH product has an up/down switch I use the up for toggle Mode C and stndby. Down for Ident. :)
  12. You could program the button Xpndr On Mode C (SB4) parameter 0 ... this will turn it on. Same button Xpnder off Stndby (SB4) parameter 1 ... off . This allows same button for on/off.No problem. This works well. I have SB4 on a remote computer using WideFS and also have A Yoke PTT button assigned. Again FSUIPC/WideFS= greatness :)
  13. If you have registered version FSUIPC. Buttons & Switches, Select for FS control, Control sent when button pressed,, Xpndr On/Mode C (SB4).
  14. Whatever! Your correct. I just plug them into the switch, set up the network and it works. No router needed! Routers have more features than at least I require. No debate. Your the hardware expert.
  15. Not much unless you frequently fly on something like Vatsim that tries to emulate RW procedures and routes. When flying using the FMC and navdata it doesnt relay on the FS navdata. Only when tuning to airport ILS's. Be careful to use FS ILS freq and not what the FMC says or at least crosscheck them. They will differ due to update airport data.
  16. OOPS didnt relize that was a USB HUB. This is the one I use to use. Sell it cheap! Networking is very easy and all the info in the world can be found by Googling.http://www.newegg.co...N82E16833122128http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Windows-7-Understanding-Network-Administration-Configuration.html
  17. Network Hub. i use my DSL Modem's hub capabilities for two computers and a printer. Ex.http://www.newegg.co...N82E16817111131
  18. Made a few flights using the PMDG MD-11 and Overland 777. Now problems but the only effect I have found were some brake noise. I didnt notice tire squeal or air noise trying different A2A settings. Perhaps I just landed too soft. You would think -200 would give tire squeal. I had the MD-11 close to stall and had no buffeting effects.I tested on a couple default aircraft and effects are very profound.
  19. Its working fine with no errors with the PMDG MD-11 for me also. Very cool.
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